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Posts posted by GPRSNerd

  1. 21 minutes ago, aehimself said:

    VCL styling issue can easily be fixed:

      TStyleManager.Engine.RegisterStyleHook(TATBinHEX, TScrollingStyleHook);

    And of course:

          ATBinHex.Color := TStyleManager.ActiveStyle.GetStyleColor(scEdit);
          ATBinHex.TextColorHexBack := TStyleManager.ActiveStyle.GetStyleColor(scEdit);
          ATBinHex.Font.Color := TStyleManager.ActiveStyle.GetStyleFontColor(sfEditBoxTextNormal);
          ATBinHex.TextColorHex := TStyleManager.ActiveStyle.GetStyleFontColor(sfEditBoxTextNormal);
          ATBinHex.TextColorHex2 := TStyleManager.ActiveStyle.GetStyleFontColor(sfEditBoxTextNormal);



    Where did you put this additional code? In the component or in the program in the FormShow() or FormCreate() event?

  2. Yeah, it was reproducible.

    I added a functionality to switch the embedded styles in my app on runtime.

    When I start the app and switch styles and in this procedure once the default Windows style was set, then the app throws the exception on close.

    It is not necessarily the "Windows" style which has to be set last before closing.

  3. Hi,


    did you find a fix for your problem?

    I've exactly the same problem with one application, exception logged with madExcept:


    exception number   : 1
    exception class    : EAccessViolation
    exception message  : Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 004090BC in Modul 'NikonDecoder.exe'. Lesen von Adresse 0030FFF0.
    main thread ($4cd0):
    004090bc +04 NikonDecoder.exe System          67 +0 TObject.InheritsFrom
    00408fa6 +0e NikonDecoder.exe System          67 +0 @IsClass
    007104bf +43 NikonDecoder.exe Vcl.Styles            TStyleEngine.DoUnregisterStyleHook
    00710716 +1a NikonDecoder.exe Vcl.Styles            TStyleEngine.Notification
    00667aef +f3 NikonDecoder.exe Vcl.Themes            TCustomStyleEngine.UnRegisterStyleHook


  4. I'm using a tweaked version of ZipTV 2009.6.15, AFAIK that is from 2009.


    I've given up contacting the developers years ago, as they have gone out of business, also AFAIK.

    You should better use components that are currently developed, maintained and supported.

    AFAIR there was even a CVE on the components in the past.

  5. On 2/22/2019 at 5:09 AM, FredS said:

    From: https://andy.jgknet.de/blog/ide-tools/ide-fix-pack/



    There are 2 ways to use fastdcc.

    1. Using fastdcc directly

    1. Extract the 7z file into your $(BDS)\bin directory.
    2. Start fastdcc32.exe as if it was dcc32.exe
      Start fastdcc64.exe as if it was dcc64.exe
      Start fastdccaarm.exe as if it was dccaarm.exe

    1. Replacing dcc32.exe by fastdcc32.exe (don’t do this if you want to be able to install future RAD Studio/Delphi/C++Builder updates)

    1. Extract the 7z file into your $(BDS)\bin directory.
    2. Rename dcc32.exe, dcc32.jdbg and dcc32.de/fr/jp to dcc32compiler.exe/jdbg/de/fr/jp.
    3. Rename dcc64.exe, dcc64.jdbg and dcc64.de/fr/jp to dcc64compiler.exe/jdbg/de/fr/jp.
    4. Rename fastdcc32.exe to dcc32.exe
    5. Rename fastdcc64.exe to dcc64.exe
    6. Rename fastdcc32Hook.dll to dcc32Hook.dll
      For XE3 or newer: Rename fastdcc32Hook.dllx to dcc32Hook.dllx (“x” is necessary for Delphi’s copy protection)
    7. Rename fastdcc64Hook.dll to dcc64Hook.dll
      For XE3 or newer: Rename fastdcc64Hook.dllx to dcc64Hook.dllx
    8. Start dcc32.exe/dcc64.exe or msbuild.

    Hmmh, the current set of files for 32bit is named slighty different, as a suffix is used:






    What do I have to rename them to exactly?


  6. 2 hours ago, Sherlock said:

    So I wanted to set the layout to the way I'm used to from Tokyo and got everything right and stored it into the "Standard-Layout" via the Moon Symbol in the title bar (strange, but as long as it works...). After restarting Delphi, it gets almost everything right, except for one thing: the side panels are way to narrow. No matter how wide I store them, they end up being the seem narrowness. And the object inspector wont store the separator position (the line between property and value) either. What am I missing, where and how can I fix this?


    Same happens here as well, you have to resize it everytime the IDE is restarted.


  7. 6 minutes ago, Uwe Raabe said:

    What about filing a bug report?

    So that it is also ignored as all the other high voted bug reports, that will probably never be fixed?

    It seems to be more important to add unwanted features than to get the existing stuff working.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1

  8. I've solved it so far by using the orginal type declaration for compilers >= Rio.

    It might not be the most elegant solution, but it keeps up the spirit of the original code (I hope).

    {$IF CompilerVersion >= 33}
      {$DEFINE GenericTStringDynArray}


      TIPTCStringArray = {$IFDEF GenericTStringDynArray} Array of String {$ELSE} type Types.TStringDynArray {$ENDIF}; //using 'type' means the helper defined below will only apply to it


    <OT> How to get rid of the empty quote object? </OT>

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