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Everything posted by Dominik99

  1. Hi! So I made a Websocket server on my Arduino and i try to connect to that with a Delphi 11 program. I use TClientSocket to do that. I wrote a testprogram in Python and everything worked fine, so the problem isn't on hte Arduino's side. The Arduino's IP address is: I also tried the Address like these:, ws://, ws:// I try to configure the TClientSocket like that: Client := TClientSocket.Create(nil); Client.ClientType := ctNonBlocking; Client.host := 'localhost'; Client.Address := ''; Client.Port := 6667; Client.Open; This is in a btnClick event. What am I doing wrong?
  2. In Arduino thats the name of it, Ethernet server. It comes form the Ethernet.h. And yes, its a protocol i mistyped.
  3. Yes. Finally figured out, that the Delphi software wants to connect to an Ethernet server not to a Websocket server. Is there any package in Delphi to connect to a Websocket server?