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Everything posted by ChrisChuah

  1. btw, do you know why is there a file permission error on the PA server? i checked on all the user:group in the PAServer and its root:wheel. any ideas?
  2. Is it easier to debug on the hardware? sometimes the debugger is quite slow when returning to the breakpoint. thats what i feel.
  3. Its a update patch that provided the new PAServer. The PAServer before this patch was working fine. I was using it to do debugging of my software. Somehow i cant understand why the Embarcardero is asking me to debug on the physical device. Its easier to debug on the simulator isnt it?
  4. ChrisChuah

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    I tested out the BLE on windows 10 and it seems that the device needs to be paired up in the Windows Bluetooth screen first by adding it to it. If not, while you tried to get services from the device, it will prompt that the device is not paired up.
  5. ChrisChuah

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    Thanks for the reference to the delphi sample. Seems that for MacOS, iOS and Android, there is an event OnEndDiscoverDevices called when there is a timeout set in the DiscoverDevices function. However, in Windows 10, this event is not called. Instead the event DiscoveredDevice is called. Hence, have to modify the codes to detect that if windows, have to add a timer for timeout to stop the discovery of devices. Would this be a good option? what would you do? please advice regards chris
  6. ChrisChuah

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    What other BLE component can be used for windows deployment if the default TBluetoothLE is not working for windows 10
  7. ChrisChuah

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    I tried that with the discover device and it does not send a end discover callback. It was stuck there.