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Christophe E.

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Christophe E. last won the day on October 11 2023

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  1. Christophe E.

    ANN : TECNativeMap 5.5

    TECNativeMap is a 100% Delphi mapping component that uses neither browser nor javascript, and is available on all Delphi-supported platforms. Compatible since Delphi 7 for VCL and XE3 for Firemonkey. The main new features of this version MBTiles support with FireDAC (SQLite database for storing map tiles in a single file) 3 new Components ( SwitchTileServer, OpenWeather , Mapillary ) Beginning of support for MapLibre ( MapBox ) vector tiles ( it's still in the prototype stage, and is slow and incomplete ) You can download a trial version for Delphi 12
  2. Christophe E.

    ANN : TECNativeMap 5.3

    TECNativeMap is a 100% Delphi mapping component that uses neither browser nor javascript, and is available on all Delphi-supported platforms. Compatible since Delphi 7 for VCL and XE3 for Firemonkey. The main new features of this version HeatMap property added for markers and pois in each group, when HeatMap is displayed, elements continue to react to the mouse (Hint, Click...) even if they are not visible. Two styles are supported for the scale bar, which is integrated directly as a map property A Component property is available to hook Delphi components directly onto the map and manage their stacking, two components exploiting this new feature (zoom bar and legend) are supplied. You can download a trial version for Delphi 12
  3. Christophe E.

    IDE freezing

    there may be a package blocking, remove the third-party packages and run the test again to find the culprit.
  4. PingThread1 := TPingThread.Create(Form1, OwnIP,1,31); you also have a leak because you don't release Ping1. And I also think you're blocking the main thread, so you might as well not use a thread.
  5. Christophe E.

    ANN : TECNativeMap 5.1

    exact the file was not the right one, I updated the trial
  6. Christophe E.

    ANN : TECNativeMap 5.1

    No, I don't think I have previews of all the demos, but you should be able to see most of them on my site. I've updated the trial, and added support for WMS and WFS layers, and there's also the demo source. You can download a trial version for Delphi 11
  7. Christophe E.

    ANN : TECNativeMap 5.1

    I've updated my trial version to incorporate the beginnings of WMS support. You can download a trial version for Delphi 11 var WMS_Layer : TECNativeWMS ; WMS_Layer := map.AddWMSLayer('https://maps.dwd.de/geoserver/ows','dwd:Niederschlagsradar','DW'); WMS_Layer.Visible := true; WMS_layer.Legend := true; WMS_layer.LegendOpacity := 75; // 0..100 WMS_layer.LegendPosition := lpRightCenter; // lpTopLeft, lpTopRight, lpBottomLeft, lpBottomRight,lpTopCenter,lpBottomCenter,lpLeftCenter,lpRightCenter For the time being, the only support for the time dimension will be to manually fill in the layer's Time property. WMS_layer.Time := ' 2004-10-12T13:55:20Z '; // ISO 8601 - leave empty for Now It's likely to evolve in the future, as this is more an alpha version than a full version.
  8. Christophe E.

    ANN : TECNativeMap 5.1

    A basic way of displaying the radar image is as follows WMS : TECShapeMarker; WMS_Layer : TECNativeLayer; ... procedure TForm6.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin WMS_Layer := TECNativeLayer.Create(map,'WMS_dwd.de'); WMS := WMS_Layer.Shapes.AddMarker(0,0); WMS.WaitAnimation := false; WMS_Layer.Observer.OnMapEndMove := MapEndMove; WMS_Layer.Visible := true; end; procedure TForm6.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin WMS_Layer.Free; end; procedure TForm6.MapEndMove(Sender: TObject); begin WMS.filename := 'https://maps.dwd.de/geoserver/dwd/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=dwd%3ANiederschlagsradar&transparent=TRUE&SRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX='+doubletostr(map.SouthWestLongitude)+'%2C'+doubletostr(map.SouthWestLatitude)+'%2C'+doubletostr(map.NorthEastLongitude)+'%2C'+doubletostr(map.NorthEastLatitude)+'&width='+inttostr(round(map.width))+'&height='+inttostr(round(map.height))+'&styles=&format=image/png'; WMS.SetBounds(map.NorthEastLatitude, map.NorthEastLongitude, map.SouthWestLatitude, map.SouthWestLongitude); WMS.fitBounds := true; end; Basically, we use a marker that fills the entire map and displays the radar image we request each time we change position. The best thing would be to create a specific layer for WMS. I'll probably add this to my todo list, but the principle is the same.
  9. Christophe E.

    ANN : TECNativeMap 5.1

    It should be possible, but not as simple as your code, because my component doesn't support WFS and WMS, so I'll have to build the query urls manually. There are all the building blocks needed to create the layers, and geojson is supported, so it's easy to import the data. To display meteo images, you'll need to manually build the url and use overlay tiles. For legends, there's a procedure in my component to obtain a bitmap directly from a url, so it's easy enough to place a TImage on top of the component to display them.
  10. Christophe E.

    ANN : TECNativeMap 5.1

    yes, you need to modify TECNativeMap.GeoLocalise.NominatimServeur default value is 'https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org'
  11. Christophe E.

    ANN : TECNativeMap 5.1

    you can also fill a stream, for example, with a tile from a database. map.TileServerInfo.getTileStream := getTileStream; ... procedure TForm.getTileStream(const ThreadIndex:integer;var TileStream: TMemoryStream; const x, y, z: integer); begin // load tile XYZ into TileStream end;
  12. Christophe E.

    ANN : TECNativeMap 5.1

    TECNativeMap is a 100% Delphi mapping component using neither browser nor javascript. It is available in VCL and FMX for all platforms. Main new features of the last version Google 2DTiles API support Map and routing support from PTV Group Enhanced color filter with dark and bright theme You can download a trial version for Delphi 11
  13. TECNativeMap is a 100% Delphi mapping component using neither browser nor javascript. It is available in VCL and FMX for all platforms. Main new features of the last version ChartLayer allows you to display pie charts or stacked bars AirQuality displays the rate of air pollution in the world VCL support Direct2DCanvas for a better quality display for lines, polygons and pois You can download a trial version for Delphi 11 To celebrate the component's 10th anniversary, the perpetual license is available at the same price as the annual license. To take advantage of this offer, purchase an annual license and include a link to this message in your e-mail. Offer valid only for June 2023!
  14. Christophe E.

    Modify bitmap of FMX Image object

    canvas.FillText(r, 'hello world', False, 1, [], TTextAlign.Center, TTextAlign.Center);
  15. Christophe E.

    ANN: TECNativeMap 4.7

    TECNativeMap is a 100% Delphi mapping component using neither browser nor javascript. It is available in VCL and FMX for all platforms. Main new features of the last version Layer for OverPassApi (OpenStreetMap data import) TomTom routing engine, and layer for road incidents Support for IsoChrones Wizard to draw paths (road, bike and foot) in a few clicks You can download a trial version for Delphi 11