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I've edited the "AndroidManifest.template.xml" file and changed the value in the %targetSdkVersion% field from 11 to 31 but when I re-build it (not deploy it), it is changed back to the default of 11. I did notice that there are several copies of the "AndroidManifest.xml" file in the Android folder of the project folder, and I have made the same changes, from 11 to 31. But the value reverts back to 11. I must be updating the wrong file somewhere. Are there steps that show how to excactly make the necessary changes where and when, etc. ?
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Yes, this one. . . I get that above message and then it closes on its own, and the app (this time) does not get installed. In previous deploying to my android 12 device, it would install but I would get a message similiar to above (not exact) but with the option to allow or uninstall--if memory serves me correctly.
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Cannot get app tethering working when using usb cable from cellphone to laptop
JohnLM posted a topic in Network, Cloud and Web
I am successfully app tethering from a delphi 12.0 win10 tablet to a delphi 11.2 win10 laptop over wifi through a small portable mini wifi hotspot. (The device is a mini router hotspot with internet. However, the 'internet' service was cancelled years ago, but the wifi router portion works fine and I can connect via app tethering with this device successfully and without the worry of being hacked over internet since there is no internet on this device.) Also, I have successfully app tethered with these two (win10 tablet and laptop) in the past over the wifi when I had a working wifi/bluetooth chip in the win7 laptop. However, that chip no longer works so no wifi and no internet on the win7 laptop. But, to get around this, I have discovered that I can get internet on it if I connect my cellphone to it through usb and set my phone to 'app tether'. And this has been and still is working for me for the last 6 months. This past week or so, I decided I need to start transferring some files and other things over from the win7 laptop to my other devices via app tethering but I am failing with the software connecting to the win7 laptop. The way I have the win10 tablet and win10 laptop and win7 laptop to the mini wifi router: 1. In each device, I set the wifi to point to the mini wifi hotspot router. 2. finished And, the way I have the win10 table and win10 laptop and win7 laptop software setup is as follows: 1. D12 win10 tablet as the server -- tpro (Shared) 2. d11.2 win10 laptop as the client -- tpro (Mirror) 3. xe7 win7 laptop as the client -- tpro (Mirror) When I run all three software and begin with the win10 tablet as the server, it finds and connects with the win10 laptop, but not with the win7 laptop. And I can pass text over to the win10 laptop. I believe the issue has something to do with using the proper IP address on the cellphone and/or on the laptop or, I have to set things up so that it reads the cellphones IP addres and then the laptops IP addres in order to connect. But since I know nothing about networking, I am clueless how to get this part working for the win7 laptop over usb to cellphone for app tethering. Does anyone here know how I can configure these two software for the server part (win10 tablet), and the win7 laptop ? (I will be sending text and files from the win7 laptop, so I will have that as the server too.) -
Is it possible to add a time stamp in apps caption after Windows wake from sleep mode? [solved]
JohnLM posted a topic in VCL
Specs: Delphi XE7, VCL, Win7, sleep mode I'm not sure this is possible. I've been searching around but don't think my search queries were able to pull results. I run an app every day and at the app's launch I put a time stamp on the caption bar. The app is run from my desktop, so it's on the 😄 drive. Now, I want to leave the app running even when I shut down the computer into sleep mode. And when I wake the computer up from sleep mode, I'd like to have my app know that and put another time stamp on the caption bar. So, says "myapp (1:30pm, 7:15pm). Is there any way I can let my app know that it came out of sleep mode and at what time I activated or Windows woke up or something?- 2 replies
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Is it possible to add a time stamp in apps caption after Windows wake from sleep mode? [solved]
JohnLM replied to JohnLM's topic in VCL
success! After more searching around and reading @Brian Evans's post and links (thanks) and refining my searches further, I found the answer, thanks to Engineer Tips solution.- 2 replies
- delphi xe7
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Connecting an MS Access db to a DBListbox at design-time fails to show records
JohnLM posted a topic in Databases
Specs: Delphi XE7, vcl, win7 - Firedac, Ms Access database and DBListbox - database name, "data.mdb" I created in MS Access. To my surprise, I found that I cannot view data in real-time in a DBListbox at design-time. I can only view data in real-time at design-time when using the DBGrid. Is this true or am I missing something in my connections or setting during design-time ? I've been struggling with this since yeterday and don't know what else to do. The following is the connection setup that I am working with. At design-time It works with the DBGrid, but not the DBListbox. Connection -> Datasource -> Qry -> DBListbox- 10 replies
- delphi xe7
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Connecting an MS Access db to a DBListbox at design-time fails to show records
JohnLM replied to JohnLM's topic in Databases
I tried this in both D12 and XE7 and the same outcome. So, no bug in DBListBox. Its just a odd way of creating a picklist. I think the DBLookupBox is the better way because I can link the Date, Title or Name field in the lookupbox and in real-time/live data will show at design-time. Yes, I discovered how to successfully do it with a DBLookupBox. And that's the route I will take.- 10 replies
- delphi xe7
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Connecting an MS Access db to a DBListbox at design-time fails to show records
JohnLM replied to JohnLM's topic in Databases
Okay, I think I now understand it and how it works. The short answer: I have to manually fill in the field type data into the Items property. When the Datasource and Datafield are connected, when I move up/down in the dblistbox, the other fields will sync and move accordingly. So, if I have a Date field, and two string fields (i.e., mdate, title, name) in my data.mdb database and I want to create a picklist or selection list via a DBListBox control, I must add the dates in manually (or import them through another means--i won't go into here) and populate the Items property with those dates, run the app and the data should sync up. A DBNavigator might come in handy here. But, if I want to use the Title field instead, in the dblistbox as a picklist/selection list, I must enter manually (or via an import), the Titles into the Items property, run the app, and have the same outcome.- 10 replies
- delphi xe7
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Connecting an MS Access db to a DBListbox at design-time fails to show records
JohnLM replied to JohnLM's topic in Databases
The only answer that I can come up with is that this was a bug in the DBListBox for XE7 Update 1, and it may have never been reported/resolved and/or it was fixed in a newer version, i.e., XE8 and up and no mention of this bug. I have XE7 with the Firedac Add-on pack installed. I don't know which version they stopped the firedack add-on packs and just included it in the complete installation.- 10 replies
- delphi xe7
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Connecting an MS Access db to a DBListbox at design-time fails to show records
JohnLM replied to JohnLM's topic in Databases
In XE7, I do not see any place that shows 'fixed set of choices' or a place to enter said choices. All the controls that you see populated are using the db controls Datasource: ds and DataField: mdate but dblistbox fails to show when using the same setup. I don't know how else to explain it.- 10 replies
- delphi xe7
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Connecting an MS Access db to a DBListbox at design-time fails to show records
JohnLM replied to JohnLM's topic in Databases
You must be in a higher Delphi version because those features do not exist in my Delphi XE7 (Firedac installed) Update 1. The Items property in my version for the DBListBox is for TStrings values. It shows a blank screen when I click the [...] box.- 10 replies
- delphi xe7
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Connecting an MS Access db to a DBListbox at design-time fails to show records
JohnLM replied to JohnLM's topic in Databases
If I go to the DBLisBox's items (TStrings) and add my fields to it (mdate, title, name), then all that does is show those strings and nothing more in design-time. They do not show my actual data for those fields. Also, to note, I am not trying to show a grid of data in a DBListBox. I am trying to show one field's values, which is mdate. So it does appear that the DBListbox (and DBComboBox, DBLookupListBox) do not support real-time view at design-time, only the DBGrid supports that feature.- 10 replies
- delphi xe7
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Specs: Delphi XE7, VCL, Windows 7 - DBGrid and added a checkbox column to it I've searched around the web for ideas and howtos. Well, I came across a few resources and met with some success. I've even added/included an additional feature to allow user (that's me) to add edit checkbox via keyboard space. It works. I copy/pasted the code from the second link, then I added the code to allow checkbox column updates via the keyboard space (spacebar) from the first link, and ported to the code from the second link. I hope that made sense. <-- My first "codesnippet" contribution to the community !! However, there appears to be one small problem. The checkbox column is showing the text: True or False, whichever is set to., and you can see the outline of the column box when that field is entered into. Complete source code is included below. Just add a (dbgrid, button, tfdmemtable, and datasource) to your forum, and be sure to double-click the event(s) for each of these Procedures in order to activate them. You can click the ch field or hit the spacebar to update the checkbox field. Is there any way I can resolve this artifact? unit Unit1; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls, FireDAC.Stan.Intf, FireDAC.Stan.Option, FireDAC.Stan.Error, FireDAC.UI.Intf, FireDAC.Phys.Intf, FireDAC.Stan.Def, FireDAC.Stan.Pool, FireDAC.Stan.Async, FireDAC.Phys, FireDAC.Phys.SQLite, FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteDef, FireDAC.Stan.ExprFuncs, Data.DB, FireDAC.Comp.Client, Vcl.Grids, Vcl.DBGrids, FireDAC.Stan.Param, FireDAC.DatS, FireDAC.DApt.Intf, FireDAC.DApt, FireDAC.Comp.DataSet, FireDAC.VCLUI.Wait, FireDAC.Comp.UI; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Panel1: TPanel; Button1: TButton; eb1: TEdit; conn: TFDConnection; btnInsert: TButton; DBGrid1: TDBGrid; ds: TDataSource; mytable: TFDMemTable; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure btnInsertClick(Sender: TObject); procedure dbgrid1CellClick(Column: TColumn); procedure DBGrid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); procedure DBGrid1ColEnter(Sender: TObject); procedure DBGrid1ColExit(Sender: TObject); procedure DBGrid1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure DBGrid1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); private { Private declarations } GridOriginalOptions : TDBGridOptions; public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.btnInsertClick(Sender: TObject); begin myTable.FieldDefs.Clear; mytable.FieldDefs.Add('ch', ftBoolean, 0,false); // the checkbox 'ch' a boolean myTable.FieldDefs.Add('id', ftAutoInc, 0,False); myTable.FieldDefs.Add('name',ftString, 20,False); myTable.CreateDataSet; myTable.Append; myTable.FieldByName('name').AsString := 'delphi'; myTable.Post; mytable.Open; end; procedure TForm1.DBGrid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); const CtrlState: array[Boolean] of integer = (DFCS_BUTTONCHECK, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK or DFCS_CHECKED) ; begin if (Column.Field.DataType=ftBoolean) then begin DBGrid1.Canvas.FillRect(Rect) ; if (VarIsNull(Column.Field.Value)) then DrawFrameControl(DBGrid1.Canvas.Handle,Rect, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK or DFCS_INACTIVE) else DrawFrameControl(DBGrid1.Canvas.Handle,Rect, DFC_BUTTON, CtrlState[Column.Field.AsBoolean]); end; end; procedure TForm1.DBGrid1ColEnter(Sender: TObject); begin if Self.DBGrid1.SelectedField.DataType = ftBoolean then begin Self.GridOriginalOptions := Self.DBGrid1.Options; Self.DBGrid1.Options := Self.DBGrid1.Options - [dgEditing]; end; end; procedure TForm1.DBGrid1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if ((Self.DBGrid1.SelectedField.DataType = ftBoolean) and (key = VK_SPACE)) then begin Self.DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.Edit; Self.DBGrid1.SelectedField.Value:= not Self.DBGrid1.SelectedField.AsBoolean; Self.DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.Post; end; end; // this portion of code snippet is my contribution to the community. I did not see this code anywhere. it does work. procedure TForm1.DBGrid1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if (key = ' ') then begin self.DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.Edit; self.DBGrid1.SelectedField.Value := not self.DBGrid1.Fields[0].AsBoolean; self.DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.Post; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin GridOriginalOptions := DBGrid1.Options end; procedure TForm1.DBGrid1ColExit(Sender: TObject); begin if Self.DBGrid1.SelectedField.DataType = ftBoolean then Self.DBGrid1.Options := Self.GridOriginalOptions; end; procedure TForm1.dbgrid1CellClick(Column: TColumn); begin if (Column.Field.DataType=ftBoolean) then begin Column.Grid.DataSource.DataSet.Edit; Column.Field.Value:= not Column.Field.AsBoolean; Column.Grid.DataSource.DataSet.Post; end; end; end.
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The artifact in the boolean checkbox column is now gone. Thank you @Uwe Raabe for the help, much appreciated.
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setting DefaultDrawing property to False does help, but the second part causes additional artifacts and also does not show the cursor. I did try adding it into the section you mentioned but it gave me artifacts or missing data, etc.. procedure TForm1.DBGrid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); const CtrlState: array[Boolean] of integer = (DFCS_BUTTONCHECK, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK or DFCS_CHECKED) ; begin if (Column.Field.DataType=ftBoolean) then begin //dbgrid1.DefaultDrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State); DBGrid1.Canvas.FillRect(Rect) ; if (VarIsNull(Column.Field.Value)) then //begin DrawFrameControl(DBGrid1.Canvas.Handle,Rect, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK or DFCS_INACTIVE) //dbgrid1.DefaultDrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State); end else //begin DrawFrameControl(DBGrid1.Canvas.Handle,Rect, DFC_BUTTON, CtrlState[Column.Field.AsBoolean]); //dbgrid1.DefaultDrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State);end; end; end;
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- delphi xe7
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Specs: Delphi XE7, Windows 7 64bit laptop. There is a "rundll32.exe" that keeps running every day. Now, I know that this is used in various ways during regular Windows operations, like for instance, when you open the sound volumn applet (via taskbar icon) and select the speaker icon, the "rundll32" activates and runs services. The service is running a HDD file collection activity because my HDD light is on continuously. And after searching around the web for answers, I found many Delphi routines that end or kill a process by program name and process_id. I am using the PID to be more accurate. Then, I wrote an app to detect when this file or service runs and End or Kill its process via its PID, but the process does not end. I think I've tried all the methods that I found and still, this "rundll32.exe" file will not stop running. I am pretty sure that this is a backgroud (scheduled) task that can be turned off somewhere in "services.msc" but that method is not what I want to use in this case. This endeviour has stumped me and I want to figure it out in the route I am in now. Any advice or suggestions or code corrections on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. function KillProcessTree(const PID: Cardinal): boolean; var hProc, hSnap, hChildProc : THandle; pe : TProcessEntry32; bCont : BOOL; begin Result := true; FillChar(pe, SizeOf(pe), #0); pe.dwSize := SizeOf(pe); hSnap := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (hSnap <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then begin if (Process32First(hSnap, pe)) then begin hProc := OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE{PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS}, false, PID); if (hProc <> 0) then begin Result := Result and TerminateProcess(hProc, 1); WaitForSingleObject(hProc, INFINITE); CloseHandle(hProc); end; bCont := true; while bCont do begin if (pe.th32ParentProcessID = PID) then begin KillProcessTree(pe.th32ProcessID); hChildProc := OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE{PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS}, FALSE, pe.th32ProcessID); if (hChildProc <> 0) then begin Result := Result and TerminateProcess(hChildProc, 1); WaitForSingleObject(hChildProc, INFINITE); CloseHandle(hChildProc); end; end; bCont := Process32Next(hSnap, pe); end; end; CloseHandle(hSnap); end; end; and. . . function Killtask2(exefilename: string): integer; Const process_terminate = $0001; Var Continueloop: Bool; Fsnapshothandle: THandle; fprocessentry32: TProcessentry32; Begin Result := 0; Fsnapshothandle := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (Th32cs_snapprocess, 0); FProcessEntry32.dwsize := Sizeof(FPROCESSENTRY32); Continueloop := Process32First (Fsnapshothandle, FPROCESSENTRY32); while integer (continueloop) <> 0 do begin if (Uppercase(Extractfilename (FProcessEntry32. szexefile)) = Uppercase(Exefilename)) or (Uppercase(FProcessEntry32. Szexefile) = Uppercase(Exefilename)) then Result := Integer(TerminateProcess(OpenProcess(Process_terminate, BOOL (0), FProcessEntry32. Th32processid), 0)); Continueloop := Process32Next(Fsnapshothandle, FPROCESSENTRY32); end; CloseHandle(Fsnapshothandle); End; and this one. . . function KillTask(ExeFileName: string): Integer; const PROCESS_TERMINATE = $0001; var ContinueLoop: BOOL; FSnapshotHandle: THandle; FProcessEntry32: TProcessEntry32; begin Result := 0; FSnapshotHandle := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); FProcessEntry32.dwSize := SizeOf(FProcessEntry32); ContinueLoop := Process32First(FSnapshotHandle, FProcessEntry32); while Integer(ContinueLoop) <> 0 do begin if ((UpperCase(ExtractFileName(FProcessEntry32.szExeFile)) = UpperCase(ExeFileName)) or (UpperCase(FProcessEntry32.szExeFile) = UpperCase(ExeFileName))) then Result := Integer(TerminateProcess( OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, BOOL(0), FProcessEntry32.th32ProcessID), 0)); ContinueLoop := Process32Next(FSnapshotHandle, FProcessEntry32); end; CloseHandle(FSnapshotHandle); end;
Success!! It is working. Serv LN Time in/out PID Action ------------- -- ----------- ---- ------ rundll32.exe 45 12:00:02 AM 6460 killed Now it is time to make some enhancements and add a custom running db list of items to keep track of that come up during the day and review for potential Action.
Thanks for the responses. Okay, I believe I have found out why my app was failing at closing the "rundll32.exe" (and other running processes). I did not run the app as Admin. I know a few processes that show up in Task Manager and come back again after ending those tasks. For instance, the "HeciServer.exe - Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service Interface" will not close. I know because it has the same ProcesID (PID) but if I run the app as Admin, it closes and relaunches again but with a new PID. In my app I have it so that it shows the PID for each app listed and slated for shutting down via one of the end process funtions I listed in my first post. But I have not tested it on the rundll32.exe yet. I have to wait until it decides to start. I'll know then if the app works for this particular file and report back about it later.
Is there a way to check is the "user Idle" (no interaction)
JohnLM replied to Tommi Prami's topic in Windows API
I played around with the routine from James Campbell's (Feb 6, 2020) answer from @Lars Fosdal's posted link, and posted again, below. Note: To make testing/debugging easier, I made this change: FormStyle=fsStayOnTop in the Object Inspector area so that I could better observe the app's behavior. And, while the app does work as expected, when I minimize the app and go into another running app or use keyboard/mouse activity outside the said app, it would continue to work--that is, in the timer section it would continue. I modified the code to: detect the app's active status and check if it is minimized. procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin if (application.Active=true) and (WindowState = wsMinimized) then else if application.Active=true then begin Caption := Format('System IDLE last %d seconds', [SecondsIdle]) ; end; end; And now it seems to work as expected when it is minimized the counting in the timer event is ignored, and if the app is active in the foreground, the counting continues. -
I have this routine that lists all running processes in a listbox under Windows 7. However, it is not a complete list as I thought, because when I load up the Task Manager, it has more entries (when I select '[y] show processes from all users'). Here is a complete project listing showing two working methods to obtain the running processes into a listbox. The only limitations with these are that they show less entries than what the Task Manager shows. Question: How do I obtain that same listing in delphi that the Task Manager shows? TIA. unit Unit1; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls, Vcl.ComCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Panel1: TPanel; PageControl1: TPageControl; TabSheet1: TTabSheet; TabSheet2: TTabSheet; m1: TMemo; lb1: TListBox; btnGetProcesses1: TButton; Splitter1: TSplitter; btnPause: TButton; st1: TStaticText; btnGetProcesses2: TButton; procedure btnPauseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnGetProcesses2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure btnGetProcesses1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } procedure GetProcesses_1; procedure GetProcesses_2; end; var Form1: TForm1; ts: tstrings; n: integer=0; // out counter for the listbox of items. implementation {$R *.dfm} uses tlHelp32; procedure tform1.GetProcesses_1; // #1 var handler: THandle; data: TProcessEntry32; PID: cardinal; function GetName: string; var i:byte; begin Result := ''; i := 0; while data.szExeFile[i] <> '' do begin Result := Result + data.szExeFile[i]; //PID := data.th32ProcessID; Inc(i); end; end; begin n:=0; ts:=tstringlist.Create; Data.dwSize := SizeOf(Data); form1.DoubleBuffered:=true; lb1.DoubleBuffered := true; lb1.Items.BeginUpdate; lb1.Items.Clear; lb1.Sorted:=true; handler := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPALL, 0); if Process32First(handler, data) then begin ts.Add(GetName()); //lb1.Items.Add({inttostr(data.th32ProcessID) + ': '+}GetName()); while Process32Next(handler, data) do begin ts.Add(GetName()); inc(n); //lb1.Items.Add({inttostr(data.th32ProcessID) + ': '+}GetName()); end; end else ShowMessage('Error'); lb1.Items.EndUpdate; lb1.Items.Assign(ts); st1.Caption := inttostr(n); ts.Free; end; procedure TForm1.btnGetProcesses1Click(Sender: TObject); begin GetProcesses_1; end; procedure tform1.getprocesses_2; // method #2, from var MyHandle: THandle; Struct: TProcessEntry32; begin n:=0; try MyHandle:=CreateToolHelp32SnapShot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); Struct.dwSize:=Sizeof(TProcessEntry32); if Process32First(MyHandle, Struct) then form1.lb1.Items.Add(Struct.szExeFile); while Process32Next(MyHandle, Struct) do begin form1.lb1.Items.Add(Struct.szExeFile); inc(n); end; except on exception do ShowMessage('Error showing process list'); end end; procedure TForm1.btnGetProcesses2Click(Sender: TObject); // method #2 begin n:=0; getprocesses_2; st1.Caption := inttostr(n); end; end.
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How do I show a complete list of running processes?
JohnLM replied to JohnLM's topic in General Help
@Anders Melander and @Remy Lebeau - Thank you for the tips.- 3 replies
- delphi
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D2007: Initialise byte array in const record
JohnLM replied to Nigel Thomas's topic in Algorithms, Data Structures and Class Design
This works for me in XE7. type FileSig = record Offset: Integer; text: string; arrSig: array of byte; arrStr: array of char; end; const sig1: FileSig = ( offset:10; text:'test'; arrsig:[65,66,67]; arrStr:['a','b','c'] ); var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin memo1.Lines.Add(sig1.Offset.ToString()); memo1.Lines.Add(sig1.text); memo1.Lines.Add( inttostr(sig1.arrSig[0]) ); memo1.Lines.Add('[' + ansistring(sig1.arrSig) + ']'); memo1.Lines.Add('[' + string(sig1.arrStr) +']'); end; Output Results: 10 test 65 [ABC] [abc] -
How do I find my NNTP server name so that I can use XannaNews?
JohnLM posted a topic in General Help
Hi, I am trying to find my (NNTP) server name so that I use setup and use with XanaNews. My provider is Optimum Internet here in the States. It has been years since I used a newsreader. My last reader was with Netscape in Windows 98. It was pretty easy to use back then. When you phone Optimum they mainly have automated choices, so that is not an option. I've tried CMD and entered "hostname" but that gives me my computer name. Also tried ipconfig /all but that returns a bunch of details that I do not understand. Is there another way to obtain it through software or else the internet? TIA. -
How do I find my NNTP server name so that I can use XannaNews?
JohnLM replied to JohnLM's topic in General Help
I did not know that. I had downloaded an old Delphi project and was reading the readme.txt it came with and saw a link to the usernet newsgroup "" The topic of the post in the newgroup was from Tim Robert's, from April 17, 1997, related to an Delphi project by efg (Early F. Glynn) and I was trying to see what he wrote about. When I entered that address in Chrome, I could only scroll via "<" and ">" icons and it took me about 4 hours to get to the date range of 4/1997, but I did not find the April 17, 1997 post mentioned in the readme.txt file. And, after retiring for the day, I left the tab open there and shut down the laptop in sleep mode, and the next day, the date had gone back up to 2023. Although I was looking in the newsgroup for that particular topic, I want to continue searching other newsgroup topics, so I would like a newsreader that works. Many topics will probably be from the days of old, for stuff you can't find on the internet anymore these days because those sites closed down for instance. -
EMB has just put out a video discussing 12.1