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Everything posted by JohnLM

  1. Nope. Does not work on my laptop, no "Num" key here. I also tried Ctrl+ and Ctrl- and still does not work.
  2. Hi. To bad that is not available in the Professional version.
  3. Okay, I finally figured out the code and where to insert it so that it sends a screenshot of my device (my phone) to my laptop. Now to update the Photowall mobile app to include a TLayout and copy all its controls over to it and then do a screenshot and see how that looks through the PhotoWallVLC app on my laptop.
  4. I think its because I believe the the 412x869 dimensions are not true. When I send a photo to my windows machine, the dimensions are very large. I am trying to determine the exact x,y pixels of my device, and its been truely deceptive and annoying. At this moment: * I am trying to figure out how to take a screenshot of my current display--I figure out that part: put a tlayout componet on the form and use layout1.MakeScreenshot;** * I am also trying to re-work the Photowall mobile app to send the bitmap from .MakeScreenshot via stream. But the snippet I updated/edited is not working. The image is not showing in the PhotoWallVCL app on my laptop computer (with the uppdated/edited code in the mobile app). If I REM out the code, it works. So I am in the middle of debugging that portion of code now. ** but I'm not sure how to use tlayout. I've never used it. I assume that whatever components (buttons/edits/etc) I add to it, that when I call .MakeScreenshot it will capture the whole current viewport of the device, whatever is displaying on it. But the problem is, none of the controls are sticking to the tlayout control. That is, none of the controls are bound to it, that if I click and drag the layout1 control, all the controls (buttons/edits/etc) should move with it--but they don't.
  5. The above idea did not work out as planned. I did not take into account the camera's photo dimensions. The capture-to-clipboard image was 567x1008 pixels. I believe that I have to capture the form's image instead. That may work. I will try that next, as soon as I return.
  6. Okay, I think I know what I can do. 1. I can use the 'Photowall' app, take a picture of a black background (lay the phone face-down) take a photo, and send that to the Photowall app in Windows via app-tethering. 2. update the windows photowall app to capture the bitmap to the clipboard 3. paste that into windows paint 4. edit the image somehow to remove most of the black area (or make it white) and leave a 2 to 4 pixel black edge around the whole dimension. 5. save that to png 6. open in delphi ide, device manager and update the custom view with this new image. I'll call it Galaxy S10+ 7. finish
  7. In Delphi 11.2, I found it under Tools\Options\Form Designer\Device manager and I played around in it, but under the field, [Device Background] I could not find an image to use, so it failed to complete without that field being filled in. I believe my Galaxy S10+ pixel display view is 412x869 - per this link https://yesviz.com/devices/s10+/
  8. specs: window 7 64bit, delphi 11.2, phone s10+ with android 12 I've been wanting to ask this question for some time and an opportunity came to me and I'm now asking... I would like to send text from my galaxy s10+ phone to my laptop over wifi, and back, from my laptop to Android over wifi. I want to type some text, a word, or a whole paragraph, and send it. Are there any demos or how-tos for this? I searched my sample folders but did not find anything. Also, I do not want to use a USB cable, nor do I want to join/use any outside services from other sources. I don't want to download any apps, register, and all that. I want this to be strictly private and only from my two devices. TIA
  9. update #2 on App Tethering process. . . I have not found a good resource that goes through all the steps to build an app tethering project from a beginner's point of view. All the ones I did find and tried to follow were too advanced for me. I could not follow. Instead, I had to read many different resources found through Google searches and those on Embarcadero's websites and try different things. The notes below are what I have accomplished so far. Later, I will follow up with the steps and code of how to build a working app tethering project for sending: TEXT, PARAGRAPH, and a PHOTO between devices. History so far. . . I ended up rebuilding as a new project from scratch, piece by piece, compiling in Windows, then compiling as Android, multiple times while observing that the Android version continued to work. And once I reached the point where the Android was able to receive TEXT from my laptop, I knew I had it working. By then, I was getting confused about what does what and so on, and so the project became a mess, all-be-it a working mess. Then, I wanted to be able to send TEXT back and forth between the two devices, the laptop, and the Android phone. Another day's coding mess now turned into a shameful mess of spaghetti and still trying to remember what each part of the code does. And now I need to add and update the spaghetti code to be able to send a paragraph (or memo) of TEXT between devices. But at this time, I do not know how to, but I will figure it out soon. Then, I want to figure out how to send an image photo between each device. To be able to do all three will be great.
  10. update on App Tethering process. . . After a week or so of more searching and trial/error attempts, I managed to finally get one project to work, found via google search. I can send a text to another vcl app in windows. However, when I compile the Client side project for mobile instead, I get the following error: [PAClient Error] Error: E7688 Unable to execute ..and at the bottom of the list of error messages, I see that it also says "Circular Reference..." on the last line. I am not sure what that means let alone, how to resolve it.
  11. Update on compiling the PhotoWall app under Delphi 11.2 Alexandria for mobile. . . Success!! (The reason I could not compile the mobile portion was because my phone still had the compiled version (from XE7) and I did not uninstall it) I was able to finally compile the mobile portion to my phone and app-tether a live photo from it and sent it to my computer laptop. * folder -> C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\Samples\Object Pascal\RTL\Tethering\PhotoWall * Must remember to turn on wifi on the phone and the computer/laptop in order for app-tethering to work. 2nd edit: I forgot to mention that I renamed the "MobilePhotoApp" to "MobilePhotoApp_D11_FMX_w7" and that was how I had success and no error message like the above-posted image shows.
  12. Delphi XE7 / 11.2, Windows 7, tablets(Android 4.4.) and phones (Android 11 and 12) I am searching around but have not found the answer. I am looking for obtaining the IP address of all my devices, but I want to do it through code. I would like to test different ideas around with sending plain Text and Stream data to all my devices. I have a several laptops, tablets and mobile phones (android). Is this possible? TIA.
  13. Update. . . Remy, I am getting on Android with your code, compiled in Delphi 11.2 Alexandria. Note, I compiled for both my Galaxy phones, the A01 (32bit) and S10+ (64bit), and both report on them. { creation 8-8-2023 tue purpose - to obtain the IP addresses of all devices } unit Unit1; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, FMX.Memo.Types, FMX.StdCtrls, FMX.ScrollBox, FMX.Memo, FMX.Controls.Presentation, FMX.Edit, IdGlobal, IdStack; type TForm1 = class(TForm) eb1: TEdit; m1: TMemo; btnGet: TButton; btnGetRemy: TButton; ToolBar1: TToolBar; Label1: TLabel; Memo1: TMemo; procedure btnGetRemyClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.fmx} {$R *.LgXhdpiPh.fmx ANDROID} // remy's code function GetLocalIpList2(Name: string): TStringList; var Lista: TIdStackLocalAddressList; temp: TIdStackLocalAddress; I: Integer; begin Result := TStringList.Create; try TIdStack.IncUsage; // instantiates GStack if needed... try Lista := TIdStackLocalAddressList.Create; try GStack.GetLocalAddressList(Lista); for I := 0 to Lista.Count-1 do begin temp := Lista[I]; if temp.IPVersion = Id_IPv4 then Result.add(temp.IPAddress); end; finally Lista.Free; end; finally TIdStack.DecUsage; // frees GStack if needed... end; except Result.Free; raise; end; end; procedure TForm1.btnGetRemyClick(Sender: TObject); begin m1.Lines := GetLocalIpList2(''); end; end.
  14. @ Remy - for the one that reports, that was from the XE7 Pro compile. I've also ported that to D11.2 Pro, so I will report back what it produces. Note, the only code that works for Android is yours, and that is the one that I am using for mobile.
  15. I started a new mobile app, threw a button and edit box, and compiled it to Android successfully and it ran. So it appears to be an issue with the XE7 vs D11.2 when compiling the D11.2 version of the Photowall sample app in D11.2 If anyone know's have to resolve the issue mentioned in my previous post above with the photo showing the error, please advise how I can fix and compile it in D11.2, TIA
  16. The USB cable part is a new situation. I never use to get a pop-up for it to configure it for the network. I used to plug it the cable in the laptop and phone and that was it. Due to the nature of unexplained issues way back in the XE7 days of mobile development, I decided not to allow the pop-up to auto-accept and never pop up. I wanted to make sure that I had a true connection to each device, each time I connected the cable. But, until recently, and I don't remember exactly when or why, on one day this past July/2023, when I plugged in the USB cable that it started to pop-up a network dialog box with three options to choose to setup with, (home, work, or public) and ask me which one I wanted for that session at the time of plug-in, as seen below. This started when I was debugging and reinstalling Bluetooth support on this laptop this past July.
  17. Patrick, when I attempt to compile (under Delphi 11.2) the Photowall app for mobile, it fails to complete -- see below. Do you know how I can resolve this new conflict? I think it has to do with XE7 and D11.2 is not compatible or something all the sudden. I've never had this issue before when writing mobile apps in both XE7 and D11.2 on the same day.
  18. Patrick, I was busy trying another idea using one of the Embarcadero samples (the Photowall) from the Rad Studio Delphi XE7 Pro IDE and samples folder, and it worked. I was able to take a photo from my phone and send it over to a VCL app in Windows on my laptop. Only this time, I had the wifi turned on in my phone. When I turned it off, the app did not work. Now, I want to try the same app but from the Delphi 11.2 IDE and its sample folder version (not the XE7's one).
  19. Update on this endeavor. . . Yesterday, I compiled the two code snippets (from both DelphiUdIT and Remy) into an app, and both work. Then I compiled and made several apps under Windows 7 (VCL and FMX apps) and Android, in both Delphi XE7 Pro and Delphi 11.2 Alexandria. The IP numbers I received so far are ( laptop) and ( cellphone). Now, depending on when I connect and disconnect the USB cable from my Windows laptop to my cellphone, I will get different IP numbers. So, for example, the following is what I receive in that test app: USB cable Connected * Windows app -- (192.168.nn.nnn) and ( where n is a 2-to-3 digit number, * Phone s10+ -- ( USB cable Disconnected * Windows app -- ( * Phone s10+ -- (
  20. @Patrick PREMARTIN. It depends. I was running a small test app (from a code snippet found elsewhere here on this forum in another discussion) and that app was showing me an IP most of the time. And running on my cellphone, it was showing and IP
  21. Post Deleted - I got confused and posted a reply for another similar topic. I will update this one later.
  22. Update on this endeavor. . . So far, I have not been able to get App Tethering working on my laptop and Android phone via Delphi 11.2 Alexandria. This has been a big failure! And just to note, I've been working on multiple smaller projects having similar purposes/features.
  23. Delphi 11.2, Windows 7 Home Prem 64bit To my knowledge, this was the first time this has ever happened to me. When I opened a project from a window's folder by the .dproj file, I received this pop-up message, "Please enter a valid Embarcadero serial number" I tried opening other projects in this same way and received the same message. I normally open projects through Delphi but I was searching my folders for a project and opened it this way. Is this a known bug?
  24. I'm still debugging this connection problem. I tried setting the [Allowed Adapters] to 'Bluetooth' in both apps (VCL/Mobile) but it still will not connect. In this case, I get a black screen on the cellphone. I've been watching the video (posted link in the previous post above) many times and still do not understand why it will not connect. I believe that the person in that video did not cover enough of the process for App Tethering. I also believe he left out a number of steps in the source code.