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Everything posted by isola

  1. Hello everyone, I use internal translation manager for my project. appname_ENU.bdsproj How can I compile localization dll from the command line? msbuild? dcc? To compile the whole ProjectGroup.groupproj? Nothing works. By the way, there is one childish question. Where can I see a compilation log? Thanks.
  2. The solution has been found. dcc64.exe with a dpr-file, not a bdsproj-file However, It's still not clear how to configure the output path for lang library, it seems that option -E does not work. ...
  3. function TTVInitialsTest.CalcTestVariable({$IF CompilerVersion < 36} VarIndex : integer {$ELSE} VarIndex : NativeInt {$ENDIF}): double; begin Result:=0; if InRange(VarIndex, 1, NTestVariables) then if (VarIndex in [1 .. TV.Tracks.Count]) and (TV.SimSprocket[VarIndex]<>nil) then begin .................. .................. end; end; Hello everybody. This code compiles successfully in delphi 11. In Delphi 12 I have received an error in the line below ([dcc64 Error] E2010 Incompatible types: 'Integer' and 'Int64' ) if (VarIndex in [1 .. TV.Tracks.Count]) and (TV.SimSprocket[VarIndex]<>nil) then it's obvious that VarIndex and TV.Tracks.Count have the same type - NativeInt (TV.Tracks is descendant of TList) I don't understand. Where did I go wrong? Help, please.
  4. Thank you, FPiette! The type of error confused me. Here, apparently the point is that the set size (255) is smaller than the type size (Lenght of the TList object). The code below contains potential error even in 32-bit code despite it can be compiled. Something like "Range check error" would have been more informative error message. VarIndex in [1 .. TV.Tracks.Count] Thanks again.
  5. Delphi 11, Indy: TIdSMTP, TIdPOP3 There are two apps : mail sender and mail receiver. app sender (single attachment): for i := 0 to High(FMailInfo.MailPoint.mpAttachments) do TIdAttachmentFile.Create(IdMessage.MessageParts, FMailInfo.MailPoint.mpAttachments[i]); IdMessage.ContentType := 'multipart/mixed'; app receiver: IdMessage.MessageParts.Count is 0 raw message headers on server side: Content-Type: multipart/mixed; charset=UTF-8; boundary= ........... MIME-Version: 1.0 I see sent message in browser and can download the attachment. Can somebody explain what is wrong in the code? Why attachment is inaccessible for my receiver app? Content type? Thanks.
  6. Sorry, it is my carelessness.( I used IdPOP3.RetrieveHeader() instead IdPOP3.Retrieve() Please, close the topic
  7. I have a class that is inherited from TComponent. The class have some published fields. It is possible in runtime using the bundle below save the class to a file. MemStream.WriteComponent(self); FileStream := TFileStream.Create(FStorageName, fmCreate); ObjectBinaryToText(MemStream, FileStream); Then it's possible using below code to read saved data back into an object directly. ObjectTextToBinary(FileStream, MemStream); Everything works well for simple types(Int, string, boolean). This serialization works as well for some other types (TStringList, TCollection). What about TImage class? It seems published TImage is ignored. But TImage is also the descendant of TComponent. Does Delphi use the same approach to save TForm to dfm-files? Whether any extra effort should be made to serialize TImage?
  8. FImage := TImage.Create(Self); FImage.SetSubComponent(True); It works. Uwe Raabe, thank you very much!
  9. I develop com-server using standard delphi ways. All works fine while the option "ProjOptions->Compiling->Use debug .dcus" is disabled. If I turn this option on, my client app(both c++, delphi) gets Windows error ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT. No matter: if it was CoCreateInstance or simple LoadLibrary call. Is there a known problem? My COM server binary size is approx 80Mb. I have installed Delphi XE8 and Delphi 11.2 The results on these both systems are the same. Can anybody show me the way: how can I avoid this error? Thanks.
  10. A little deeper I ran library loading profiling: https://ten0s.github.io/blog/2022/07/01/debugging-dll-loading-errors The log is big. There is only error: 2818:37f4 @ 05671921 - LdrpProcessWork - ERROR: Unable to load DLL: "C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.19041.1110_none_a8625c1886757984\COMCTL32.dll", Parent Module: "C:\WINDOWS\System32\comdlg32.dll", Status: 0xc000007b Status: 0xc000007b = (#define STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT ((NTSTATUS)0xC000007BL)) """ C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86 """ ??? My app is 64-bit COM-server contains some side components, whose runtime packages all compiled as 64-bit code. What does the option [Use debug dcus] add to the code? Has anyone come across this? Thanks!