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  1. andychez

    OAUTH and Exchange POP 3

    Thanks for that. I will go digging in Active directory, I probably missed an app permission somewhere. AndyC
  2. andychez

    OAUTH and Exchange POP 3

    I Did all that. See the log below from the sample app. ---LOG--- Redirect URL: http://localhost:8080/microsoft/ POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/organizations/oauth2/v2.0/token Connected OK to: login.microsoftonline.com ( Request completed: 200 OK Got New Access Token: eyJ0eXAi-------- Which Expires: 15/11/2022 14:16:09 Got New Refresh Token: 0.AR8AUJ0t----- GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/ Connected OK to: graph.microsoft.com ( Request completed: 401 Unauthorized Saved OAuth2 Refresh Token Got New OAuth2 Bearer Token OK ! Starting SSL handshake SSL Connected OK with TLSv1.2, cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, key auth RSA, key exchange ECDH, encryption AESGCM(256), message auth AEAD < +OK The Microsoft Exchange POP3 service is ready. [TABPADQAUAAyADYANQBDAEEAMAAyADUANQAuAEcAQgBSAFAAMgA2ADUALgBQAFIATwBEAC4ATwBVAFQATABPAE8ASwAuAEMATwBNAA==] Request Done Rq=0 Error=0 LastResponse="+OK The Microsoft Exchange POP3 service is ready. [TABPAD-----]" ErrorMessage="" Connected=True Note the 401 Unauthorized. Not sure what that means as everything seems ok, Then when I do pop3.auth I get > AUTH XOAUTH2 < + > dXNlcj10ZXN0ZXJAZn------ < -ERR Authentication failure: unknown user name or bad password. Request Done Rq=16 Error=500 LastResponse="-ERR Authentication failure: unknown user name or bad password." ErrorMessage="-ERR Authentication failure: unknown user name or bad password." Connected=True AndyC++
  3. Hi, I'm struggling a little using OAUTH2 with Exchange POP3. I can get connected to the pop3 server ok. (+OK The Microsoft Exchange POP3 service is ready.) When I use pop3.Auth , I get a "-ERR Authentication failure: unknown user name or bad password" error. I have of course checked passwords and username many times. The same ones work fine with other mail apps. The problem I have is that I am not sure at which end the problem is. Exchange has POP3 and IMAP enabled for the use that I am using for testing etc. I am assuming that I am getting through the AAUTH hoops as the pop3 client seems to connect ok. Any pointers or help would be appreciated. Thanks AndyC++