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Everything posted by ivancx

  1. New Delphi 10.3 project Applicaton - Manifest - Enable Runtime Themes, DPI Awareness Per Monitor v2 (so default) procedure TForm24.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var Style : TStyleManager.TStyleServicesHandle; begin self.font := screen.iconfont; self.PixelsPerInch := screen.PixelsPerInch; style:=TStyleManager.LoadFromFile(extractfilepath(paramstr(0))+'Dark Outlet Media.vsf'); tstylemanager.SetStyle(style); end; New Delphi 10.3 project Applicaton - Manifest - Enable Runtime Themes, DPI Awareness Per Monitor v2 (so default) Project uses Vcl.Styles, Vcl.Styles.Hooks, Vcl.Styles.Utils.Forms, Vcl.Styles.Utils.StdCtrls, Vcl.Styles.Utils.ComCtrls, Vcl.Styles.Utils.ScreenTips, Vcl.Styles.Utils.SysControls, Vcl.Styles.Utils.SysStyleHook, Vcl.Styles.Utils.Shadow, Vcl.Styles.FormStyleHooks MainForm has procedure TForm24.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var Style : TStyleManager.TStyleServicesHandle; begin self.font := screen.iconfont; self.PixelsPerInch := screen.PixelsPerInch; style:=TStyleManager.LoadFromFile(extractfilepath(paramstr(0))+'Dark Outlet Media.vsf'); tstylemanager.SetStyle(style); end; First if we run this app on HIGH DPI we get: Look at the caption Look at the caption - form caption is not visible at all - font size is too big and overloads caption area. If we add following code at the FormCreate then the main app and all other captions look weard StyleDPIAwareness := TStyleDPIAwareness.Create(Self); StyleDPIAwareness.Parent := Self; New Delphi 10.3 project Applicaton - Manifest - Enable Runtime Themes, DPI Awareness Per Monitor v2 (so default) Project uses Vcl.Styles, Vcl.Styles.Hooks, Vcl.Styles.Utils.Forms, Vcl.Styles.Utils.StdCtrls, Vcl.Styles.Utils.ComCtrls, Vcl.Styles.Utils.ScreenTips, Vcl.Styles.Utils.SysControls, Vcl.Styles.Utils.SysStyleHook, Vcl.Styles.Utils.Shadow, Vcl.Styles.FormStyleHooks MainForm has procedure TForm24.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var Style : TStyleManager.TStyleServicesHandle; begin self.font := screen.iconfont; self.PixelsPerInch := screen.PixelsPerInch; style:=TStyleManager.LoadFromFile(extractfilepath(paramstr(0))+'Dark Outlet Media.vsf'); tstylemanager.SetStyle(style); end; First if we run this app on HIGH DPI we get: Look at the caption Look at the caption - form caption is not visible at all - font size is too big and overloads caption area. If we add following code at the FormCreate then the main app and all other captions look weard StyleDPIAwareness := TStyleDPIAwareness.Create(Self); StyleDPIAwareness.Parent := Self; enter image description here TitleBar on Form Caption heigth is too big, and font is fisible, but I think too big too. First question is I couldnt find a way to set window/form/caption font size, font weight and even font family name. We can set default font for Form, for all controls on form, but not form caption. Also is there a way to decrease increasing height of the form caption in high dpi - so it is not as big as it is now. This works fine in Delphi 10.2 with VCLStyles. Doesnt work with Delphi 10.3 with or without VCLStyles.