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Everything posted by programmerdelphi2k

  1. programmerdelphi2k

    Creating Gradient by code

    the "Bug: FMX.Types.GlobalUseGPUCanvas" was fixed on RAD 11.2! now, we have "TCameraComponent bug! before, you can just do that: in "Finalization" section (at first unit of your project, for example), just add this line: implementation uses FMX.TextLayout.GPU; // {for RAD11.1 bug} //add this line in an unit in your project .... finalization TGPUObjectsPool.Uninitialize;
  2. programmerdelphi2k

    Creating Gradient by code

    try my sample: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var MyGradient : TGradient; MyGradPoint: TCollectionItem; begin Rectangle2.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.Gradient; // MyGradient := Rectangle2.Fill.Gradient.Create; // MyGradient.Points.Clear; // MyGradPoint := MyGradient.Points.Add; TGradientPOint(MyGradPoint).Color := TColorRec.Black; TGradientPOint(MyGradPoint).Offset := 0.0; // min offset // MyGradPoint := MyGradient.Points.Add; TGradientPOint(MyGradPoint).Color := $FFF68484; TGradientPOint(MyGradPoint).Offset := 0.472049683332443200; // MyGradPoint := MyGradient.Points.Add; TGradientPOint(MyGradPoint).Color := $FF3B3BEA; TGradientPOint(MyGradPoint).Offset := 1.0; // max offset // // Rectangle2.Fill.Gradient.StartPosition.X := 0.5; // Rectangle2.Fill.Gradient.StartPosition.Y := 1.0; // Rectangle2.Fill.Gradient.StopPosition.X := 0.499999970197677600; // Rectangle2.Fill.Gradient.StopPosition.Y := 0.0; end;
  3. programmerdelphi2k

    Find, Replace and Save

    I use more simple way: No needs any "juggling"... like: it will be that I'm on beggin or end of buffer? no, no, no! no needs it! just do the sequencial read on file, and compare "read" with your "pattern"... <-- here it's the magic the "pattern" can have any size (if < file-size), of course, if "pattern>bufferRead" then jump it, else, it's ok just compare if "A in B"! to compare, you can just compare each element on array... if ar=br then... to write (in a new file, for avoid any problem in source-file), you can do it as soon as possible, or in "blocks" to avoid many writes on disk
  4. I use RAD 11.2 Alexandria, and I DONT SEE "Embarcadero Designer IDE Package (bpl) or any reference..." in my "Components -> Install Packages..." list!!!
  5. programmerdelphi2k

    i deleted radstudio delphi linux paths ?

    RAD 11.2 Alexandria $(BDSLIB)\$(Platform)\release;$(BDSUSERDIR)\Imports;$(BDS)\Imports;$(BDSCOMMONDIR)\Dcp\$(Platform);$(BDS)\include;$(BDS)\redist\$(Platform);$(BDSCOMMONDIR)\Bpl\$(Platform)
  6. programmerdelphi2k

    Find, Replace and Save

    second, use a procedure to "just changes the bytes necessary on buffer read" -- here you can try a problem: -- if the bytes dont found in "current buffer data", BUT the real value can be in next bytes ... you see? buffer "X" read: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 I need search "5, 6" then, I need read next buffer "X": 6, 7, 8, 9.... then I need know where is the "beggin", and where is the "end" -- you see? --- how to solve it? ------ just, try find the "beggin" value (byte), if found, then, try find the rest! try see my procedure if you catch whole file content, you solve this problem, BUT you have your error "out of memory!
  7. programmerdelphi2k

    Find, Replace and Save

    look, if you mix 2 codes distincts you can procedure a "distincts resulted"! using this procedure with TMemoryStream you are "catching" all file content on memory!!! using my procedure with TFileStream, the "buffer" catch just "n" bytes by time! in case, I show to you using 4096 by time in a +6GBytes files!!! what is the difference between it? -- +2GB on memory or 4K on memory?
  8. programmerdelphi2k

    Possible changes to string/char handling in Delphi 11(.2)?

    in HELP RAD 11.2 say: System.AnsiString etc.. for that Char(11200) = ? ... or exists in Default O.S. page?
  9. the RAD use 2 types of enviroment vars: O.S. vars, like "PATH" internal vars, like $(xxxxxxx) on IDE then, verify the "ordem on PATH var": who is first: RAD 11 or 2007? in your IDE, RAD "catch" the O.S. vars to assign some internal vars. Then, look in Tools->Options-Variables... who is who? now, for my experience: always create yourself directory for install your softwares (always that possible) always install the old-edition before new-editions after each installation, verify if old-edition still working... after, verify new-edition in your RAD case, just look on REGISTRY too! if any doubt. in your case, I think that is not really problem with RAD, but yeah just "orderm of the configuration" in use!
  10. my tip: HLM -> where RAD Studio create all "base" structure for your installation HCU -> where RAD Studio create all "base" structure for Windows-user-Sessions or all IDE for any user on MSWindows (if you use load your IDE with a "specific user") then, you can try this: backup the "computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero" --> these is "your installation" -- if exists other users, does not matter, the root-key is it! if dont want load any BPL (definitely.), ---> you can do it here (in IDE options, BUT IT will be like: "just mark to dont-load-for-this-session)") of course, you can re-LOAD IT when you want ! just add the line again!!! search the GetIT BPL for example, and "delete" the line HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\22.0\Known IDE Packages --> $(BDS)\Bin\GetIt280.bpl it's ready, now you can run your IDE and test it without GetIT this works for any other BPL "THAT NOT ESSENTIAL FOR IDE", of course! like Git, Mercury, Wellcome, etc... try some like this and test it! If still, then, some DCU it's corrupted in you try of updates!!!
  11. programmerdelphi2k

    TStack<T>.Peek deeper than the topmost element

    @dummzeuch this dont help you? see above
  12. programmerdelphi2k

    TEdgeBrowser - Problem on destroy

    show your code necessary to analise, else ... nothing to say!
  13. I think that the owner made some basic mistakes in his project design, at least with regard to the construction and installation of said component. The rest I reserve as a mere spectator! From my perspective, the errors are: use a system directory as a "target" for your files, whether or not to be compiled!!! -- recommendation: always create your own directory for your projects, never trust or use operating system directories - even if you are a system administrator; you are using a "logging" system that makes use of third-party tools in your project, so be aware of providing all source (or compiled) files for all platforms and operating systems necessary so that the future user can compile your projects; before uploading your projects to a public repository or not, always check that everything is as it should be -- thoroughly check your project's internal settings; test, test, test... until you can't test it anymore! I think that your case is solved with this recomendations.... in my tests, here, RAD 11.2 Alexandria patch 1, your component and installations was concluded with success.... BUT WITH THE CHANGES NECESSARY HERE SHOWED!!! HOW I did: fixed all little (but indispensable) your basic errors I installed the package I created a new project FMX with your component I uninstalled your package and change the color value as below I installed AGAIN your package I create a new project FMX with your components ALL WITHOUT NEEDS RESTART MY RAD 11.2 IDE!!! I use the folder: "D:\RMSVST3" to copy your github files... and on "OUTPUT path to DCU" I used "$(Platform)\$(Debug)" - default usage in Delphi!!! --- NO MORE "C:\program files...." FMX_AthenaVST3.7z
  14. programmerdelphi2k

    Find, Replace and Save

    @robertjohns post or ZIP your unit, your "full-code" (complete, total) used to do it! then, it will be possible see where is the error in your code, else ...
  15. Hello girls and boys, I'm try to do a little app to read, post and delete my message in a forum. In forum, i'm like a "Moderator" (but not ADMIN privilegies! then I can post, edit, delete message (mine or from others)! the forum use old tech on server: -- Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5 -- X-Powered-By: ASP.NET -- Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 -- IP: v4 The answer from Indy "GET" method is a text/html with all necessary to show a "HTML page", but I would just get some data in this page, not whole page! -- NONE API is available to help me! then, just read the page-response!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Im using Delphi 10 and "INDY" (TIdHttp class). ``` AHttp := TIdHTTP.Create(nil); try try AHTTP.ReadTimeout := 10000; AHTTP.Request.ContentType := 'application/json'; // maybe other configurations, I dont know? AHTTP.Request.CharSet := 'utf-8'; AHTTP.Request.Accept := '*/*'; AHTTP.Request.BasicAuthentication := true; AHTTP.Request.Username := 'my user name'; AHTTP.Request.Password := 'my password'; ... // method GET... Memo1.Text := Http.Get(HTTP_DEFAULTPAGE); // **GET it's OK for now!!!** ... I would like use others: POST, UPDATE and DELETE except // showmessage... end; finally AHTPP.Free; end ----------------------------------- > resulted GET: 1) for now, I can get the "response" without problem, but the resulted is a "HTML" text. 2) I would like that was in JSON to catch the "key:value", but unfortunatelly ... many tags HTML default ... 3) If was possible "JSON pair", it would help me! it's possible? 4) if not, then is there some way to better get the "message titles", at least? ------------------------------------- NOTE: in my IdHttp, I always send my "username + password" like above! I would like edit a message: ---------------------------- 1) I type the topicID 2) I get the messsage (posted) in "edit" mode 3) I change the message content 4) I post the new message content I would like "add" a message: ----------------------------- I would like delete the message: ---------------------------------------- 1) I type the topicID 2) I send a "delete" command 3) then, the message would be deleted NOTE: -- Currently, to Delete any messages, I have that: 1) Edit the message to see the "button DELETE" (there is not a button before "Edit message" 2) on source of the page I see: <input type="submit" name="del" class="button" value='....'> to delete the current message for now it's only this. thanks
  16. look, I really dont know... On Debug console, I go in "Network", and see basically /topic_edit_submit.asp .... topic_edit.asp... and some line with "xxxxxx.js" then, when I click in a line, the Debug show the info that I sended to you unfortunatelly, I not a hacker... I'm losted :_) then, at least the basic I'm doing right?
  17. programmerdelphi2k

    Possible changes to string/char handling in Delphi 11(.2)?

    Apparently, we have a critic on duty pointing the finger towards infinity? Does the answer lie in your galaxy, in a hazy light-years of poor teratian mortals? I'm get out here... help help... the aliens are coming
  18. programmerdelphi2k

    Possible changes to string/char handling in Delphi 11(.2)?

    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var MyAnsiString: AnsiString; MyText : string; begin MyAnsiString := { } '123' + { } chr(10) { appears, but not to eyes } + { } 'hello' + { } chr(0) { ... from forward will be losted!!! } + { } 'world' + { } chr(11200) + { } 'hi'; // MyText := ''; // for var C in MyAnsiString do MyText := MyText + ',"' + C + ' - Code: ' + Ord(C).ToString + '"'; // Memo1.Lines.DelimitedText := MyText.Remove(0, 1); end;
  19. programmerdelphi2k

    Possible changes to string/char handling in Delphi 11(.2)?

    "statistical timer"... your percents values is well defined!!! :)))
  20. programmerdelphi2k

    Possible changes to string/char handling in Delphi 11(.2)?

    I dont know very well about this "transliteration" occurring,... but, do you tryed use "AnsiString" instead "String" type? https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Alexandria/en/System.AnsiStrings I could see, too, that you're almost a statistical timer... 🙂
  21. programmerdelphi2k

    Find, Replace and Save

    NOTE: my procedure was compiled in 32bits, same that my MSWindows 10 is 64bits!
  22. programmerdelphi2k

    How to connect to wss:// server ?

    the error #11001 say about "timeout" on read try not? maybe if you increase this value, if there is any communication problem on your network and the internet (DNS lookup issue on your local network), / firewall, proxy, hosts file, etc... maybe, I dont know, for sure! look this about equal error in INDY: https://www.atozed.com/forums/thread-2250.html
  23. programmerdelphi2k

    Find, Replace and Save

    try use the this types: change "integer" by "int64" function MyMinValue(const A, B: int64): int64; begin result := A; // if (A > B) then result := B; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var MyFileStreamSource: TFileStream; MyFileStreamTarget: TFileStream; MyFileSourceSize : int64; MyBuffer : TBytes; // array of byte; MyBufferSize : int64; MyBlockSize : int64; // 4096 (4K... or others) begin