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Everything posted by Valter

  1. Hello everybody. I wrote a management software with Delphi 10 Seattle and recently I was asked to automate the updating of an Excel file after issuing an invoice. I access the file, find the first blank line and fill in the fields. Since this is the only operation required, I don't use any add-ons. This is part of the cleaned up code: ExcelApplication := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); ExcelWorkbook := ExcelApplication.Workbooks.Open(ExcelFileName); ExcelWorksheet := ExcelWorkbook.WorkSheets[1]; ExcelWorksheet.Select; ExcelWorksheet.Cells[i,2] := cod; ExcelWorksheet.Cells[i+1,2].Select; // Undeclared identifier 'Select' ExcelWorkbook.Save; The customer requests that the cell following the one inserted is selected when opening the Excel file. Despite the undeclared identifier error, the code compiles and the application works correctly. I specify that in typing this code I have no self-completion by the IDE. Is it possible that some units are missing? I searched the net but couldn't find any suggestions.
  2. Yes, they are Variants. Ok, thank you for the clarification. It is boring to have this error message but I can live with it 🙂 Thanks again.