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Everything posted by saeedbay

  1. i'm converted ADO Connections and AdoQuerys To FDConnection and FDQuerys in MyProject to Improving Connection Quality to MS SQL Server 2012 Database The previous Ado version worked fine in Running Query Commands But in the current FD version, the system hangs most of the time. Cursor Shows Hourglass Icon and Sql Word Below HourGlass Cursor and The program is suspended.so that the user is forced to use the َ Alt+Ctrl+Del keys maybe FireDac Not Compatile with sql 2012?
  2. saeedbay

    hourglass and freezing problem with Firedac

    hi again I have not created any thread and I am using the default string. maybe i resuse queries .but But first I close and clear them. Also, keep in mind that this structure was already working correctly with ADO, I changed the ADO Components to FD just to get a better and faster build. alse my quries rows has read and edit. Thank you for your time to solve this problem MyDataMudule is following pic.
  3. saeedbay

    hourglass and freezing problem with Firedac

    I was using ُSQL Native Client 11 until last week but But I have been using ODBC 18 recently But Result are same. i used FDPhysMSSQLDriverLink and set ODBCDriver=ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server ODBC Advanced=TrustServerCertificate=yes and set drivername of FDConnection to it. The hanging problem is almost solved But sometimes the following error occurs odbc driver 18 for sql server connection is busy with results for another command or cannot make a visible windows modal --- In addition, the Mars option in MyFDConnection is set to TRUE
  4. saeedbay

    hourglass and freezing problem with Firedac

    I was using ُSQL Native Client 11 until last week but But I have been using ODBC 18 recently But Result are same.
  5. im using delphi 11 default sdk ver is 25.2.5 and ndk is r21 Before this, I have Android api 30(R) on delphi But the program was frozen on mobile phones with Android 12 and above I decided to define platform 33 in Delphi in a separate path I changed the paths of the SDK Manager for the new Android I did not succeed for NDK 25 because the new version of 25 does not have some files, for example, the path of the ld..exe or strip.exe or gdbserver file was not in the new version. I had to leave the previous version of NDK But apparently, Delphi still defines the target version as 30 in the Android manifest file The first question is how to force Delphi to use platform 33 and the second question is how to define NDK 25. Basically, what is the need for NDK?
  6. i'm using a while loop for transfer sql server records on server to sqlite db on android device i'm using progress bar to showing progress of doing work but progress bar not update in while loop
  7. saeedbay

    ProgressBar not update in android

    thanx but I don't know much about it can u write simple sample for my code so I know how to do this
  8. saeedbay

    ProgressBar not update in android

    i have used threads before but it didnt work and i had to delete it my current code is : procedure TSettingF.UpdateStoreFromServer; var count,i,StoresCount,BPrice:integer; step:Real; BoughtPrice:Double; fieldNames1,fieldNames2,UpdFieldNames:String; begin ProgressBar1.Visible:=True; ProgressBar1.Max:=100; ProgressBar1.Value:=0; Progress:=0; lblLastUpdate.Text:='please wait...'; lblLastUpdate.Repaint; RunMSQuery('Select ID,TITLE,BOUTH_PRICE,SELL_PRICE,UNIT'+fieldNames1+' from Stor WITH(NOLOCK) ',DataM.MSStorQry); count:=DataM.MSStorQry.RecordCount; if count>0 then step:=100/count; i:=0; ExecFDQuery('DELETE FROM STOR WHERE (1=1) ',DataM.FDStorQry); while not DataM.MSStorQry.Eof do begin try DataM.FDStorQry.Close; DataM.FDStorQry.SQL.Clear; DataM.FDStorQry.SQL.Add('INSERT INTO Stor (ID, TITLE, BOUTH_PRICE, SELL_PRICE, UNIT'+fieldNames1+')VALUES ' +'('+DataM.MSStorQry.FieldByName('ID').AsString+','+QuotedStr(DataM.MSStorQry.FieldByName('TITLE').AsString)+','+FloatToStr(BoughtPrice)+','+FloatToStr(DataM.MSStorQry.FieldByName('SELL_PRICE').AsFloat)+','+QuotedStr(DataM.MSStorQry.FieldByName('UNIT').AsString)+','+FloatToStr(DataM.MSStorQry.FieldByName('STOCK00').AsFloat)+UpdFieldNames+')'); DataM.FDStorQry.ExecSQL; except on e: Exception do begin ShowMessage(e.Message); end; end; DataM.MSStorQry.Next; inc(i,1); Progress:=Round(i*step); if ProgressBar1.Value<>Progress then begin // Sleep(10); ProgressBar1.Value:=Progress; // Application.ProcessMessages; end; end; end;
  9. how can i create pdf report or picture report for android device
  10. i dolved problem with intent URI := TJnet_Uri.JavaClass.parse(StringToJString('content:///' + TPath.GetDocumentsPath + PathDelim + AFileName)); intent := TJIntent.Create; intent.setAction(TJIntent.JavaClass.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setDataAndType(URI,StringToJString('application/pdf')); SharedActivity.startActivity(intent);
  11. this command works only on windows but in android not work
  12. i used tms for creating pdf in document folder of device but how can i open and show that pdf file in pdf reader applications?
  13. saeedbay

    problem on update sdk ndk in delphi 11

    thank u very much for your time
  14. saeedbay

    problem on update sdk ndk in delphi 11

    My problem is solved I ran the program on Android 32 and it ran without errors It was interesting to me that I tested the app on a Redmi a1+ with android 12 that has a 64-bit processor, but the Android 64 compilation didn't run on it, but 32-bit ran fine.
  15. saeedbay

    problem on update sdk ndk in delphi 11

    With this situation, there is no guarantee that the program will work on the customer's phone, and no solution has been provided by Embarcadero, and this is unfortunately a big weakness. I wonder if the rest of the developers don't have the same problem that their apps should work on new platforms
  16. saeedbay

    problem on update sdk ndk in delphi 11

    hello again According to your instructions, I set the android:targetSdkVersion to the number 33 and added android:exported="true" to the Androidmanifest file. The build program builds successfully, but when deployed and installed on a phone with Android 12, which I tested, Delphi issues an error message as follows. :
  17. saeedbay

    Android API31 Rad 11.1

    how i can have an acount of https://quality.embarcadero.com written there please contact your JIRA administrators.
  18. saeedbay

    problem on update sdk ndk in delphi 11

    thank you but i dont have embarcadero login account
  19. saeedbay

    problem on update sdk ndk in delphi 11

    Thank you for your time I updated the SDK from the command line and defined the path of platform 33 in the sdkmanager of Delphi editor, but in the Androidmanifest.xml file, the "targetSdkVersion" is still on the number 30, which means the previous platform.
  20. saeedbay

    problem on update sdk ndk in delphi 11

    In fact, I have already installed Android Studio and updated platform 33 through its SDK Manager, and then the same SDK path defined for Android Studio, which now contained new platforms, on IDE Delphi (SD window Delphi Manager) I set Delphi to call the SDK from that path Actually, I did the update through Android Studio's SDK Manager and set the SDK path for Delphi and Android Studio to be the same. Previously, I tried to introduce the new platform and the SDK path to Delphi from the Delphi SDK Manager window by pressing ADD button , but Delphi was not able to recognize the API level.