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Piotr Daszewski

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  1. Piotr Daszewski

    Delphi FMX Android - blocking push notifications permissions

    It works. Excellent. Thank you very much for help. I already have a basis to solve errors in my application. Thank you again.
  2. Hello everyone. How can I check in the Delphi (FMX) application for Android whether the push notifications permission has been received by the user in the system application settings? NotificationCenter still sees the permission as granted. A simple example: procedure TMainForm.NotificationCenterPermissionRequestResult(Sender: TObject; const AIsGranted: Boolean); begin if AIsGranted then ShowMessage('IsGranted = True') else ShowMessage('IsGranted = False') end; procedure TMainForm.btnAuthorizationStatusClick(Sender: TObject); begin case NotificationCenter.AuthorizationStatus of TAuthorizationStatus.NotDetermined: ShowMessage('AuthorizationStatus = NotDetermined'); TAuthorizationStatus.Restricted: ShowMessage('AuthorizationStatus = Restricted'); TAuthorizationStatus.Denied: ShowMessage('AuthorizationStatus = Denied'); TAuthorizationStatus.Authorized: ShowMessage('AuthorizationStatus = Authorized'); end; end; For procedures "NotificationCenterPermissionRequestResul" I always get "'IsGranted = True". For the procedure "btnAuthorizationStatusClick" I always get "AuthorizationStatus = Authorized". No way to identify that the user has turned off notifications. Any suggestions? Hints? I will be very grateful.