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Talal Bader

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Everything posted by Talal Bader

  1. Talal Bader

    Using pyvista in delphi form

    Hello P4D Anyone tried or have an idea how to use pyVista inside delphform ? Managing to do this mean a new world of possibilities for data visualisation using delph and python Thanks i
  2. Talal Bader

    Window hooking

    this might be stupid question :). I tried the code but windows showed as undefined, I could not find which library to add to uses to make it recognizable could you please give some details how to git it work thanks --- follow up. found it 🙂 it is: winapi.windows.setparent .......... thanks
  3. Hello, thank you for the great work of P4D first, I have a scientific package that needs to be installed in Conda environment, I follow the steps to run Miniconda as standalone python and using environment I need, the problem I am facing is that the job is run, the log says success with few millisecond but nothing showing up if someone can list for me the steps to get it done will be great. also it was recommended to : "add Format('%s;%0:s\Library\bin;', [Version.InstallPath] to your Windows path" for Conda to work, I am not sure what it means, do i have to copy this text and add it to my windows environment variables path? or this is something to be set inside my delphi project. thank you for PSD first and thank you for the help in advance
  4. Talal Bader

    no success in loading MiniConda with recommended setup

    thanks for the extra info shared. I tried it same how you wrote it but it did not work , I tested it as below and it worked just fine var PyVersion:TPythonVersion; begin MaskFPUExceptions(true); if(PythonVersionFromPath('C:\MyApps\MConda38\envs\pg\', PyVersion)) then begin PyVersion.AssignTo(PythonEngine1); PythonEngine1.LoadDLL; end; not sure if this is caused by different versions or I am missing something. but indeed it is better way of doing it 🙂
  5. Talal Bader

    no success in loading MiniConda with recommended setup

    a HUGE thank you, following your comments, I moved all setting to form create, and did what you asked me to do, and now it works perfectly. procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin MaskFPUExceptions(true); PythonEngine1.DllName := 'python38.dll'; PythonEngine1.DllPath := 'C:\MyApps\MConda38\envs\pg\' ; PythonEngine1.SetPythonHome('C:\MyApps\MConda38\envs\pg\'); PythonEngine1.UseWindowsConsole := False; //PythonEngine1.VenvPythonExe := 'C:\MyApps\MConda38\envs\pg\python.exe'; PythonEngine1.RegVersion := '3.8'; PythonEngine1.LoadDll; end;
  6. Talal Bader

    no success in loading MiniConda with recommended setup

    this is a snapshot of my settings for reference. my MiniConda installed under c:\MyApps\MConda38\ my environment to be used under c:\MyApps\MConda3\envs\pg