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  1. Kyle_Katarn

    ICS v8.64 can't compile on Delphi 7

    OK, i'll re-test when 8.65 is out
  2. I have to check wether ICS is in cause or not. I'll test and i'll get back here.
  3. Looks like i'm getting a similar bug : https://www.kcsoftwares.com/bugs/view.php?id=6135 Using ICS 8.64 and OpenSSL to 1.1.1g Any clue or material needed for investigation ?
  4. Kyle_Katarn

    ICS v8.64 can't compile on Delphi 7

    Very good news thanks !
  5. Kyle_Katarn

    ICS v8.64 can't compile on Delphi 7

    That's exactly my point :-)
  6. Kyle_Katarn

    ICS v8.64 can't compile on Delphi 7

    Yes, that's a good short term workaround on my local copy, but we'd need a long term fix in order to maintain D7 compatibility.
  7. Kyle_Katarn

    ICS v8.64 can't compile on Delphi 7

    One additional comment, in procedure TIcsFileCopy.SetMultiDirList (const Value: string) ; the following section in the var declaration I: integer ; aitems, afields: TStringList ; shall be protected by {$IFDEF COMPILER10_UP} as these variable are not used otherwise.
  8. Kyle_Katarn

    ICS v8.64 can't compile on Delphi 7

    (deleted message)
  9. Kyle_Katarn

    ICS v8.64 can't compile on Delphi 7

    Done, works fine
  10. ICS v8.64 can't compile on Delphi 7 Cause OverbyteIcsUtils:7230 (declaration expected but "INLINE" found) function IcsPunyIsBasic(const C: WideChar): Boolean; Inline; Inlining is only supported from Delphi 2005 onwards : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8460037/list-of-delphi-language-features-and-version-in-which-they-were-introduced-depre/8460108#8460108
  11. OK.... maybe just a transient glitch ! thanks for your help !
  12. Anything suspicious in the results ? https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=www.kcsoftwares.com
  13. Hello, When using 8.62 + OpenSSL 1.1.1c, some users are reporting aborted communications due to "SSL handshake failed - Failed TLS protocol negotiation: SSLv3/TLS write client hello". Seems to happen as single random events. Should I suspect client or server problems ?
  14. Kyle_Katarn

    Broken proxy support with ICS 8.61

    Seems to work on my local proxy ... I'll see if users report some trouble around that. Thanks for your help !
  15. Kyle_Katarn

    Broken proxy support with ICS 8.61

    OK ! Now i'm forcing "BasicAuth" everytime... even if user has selected proxy host+port but leaves login+pass empty. If this wrong and should I leave AuthNone in this case ?