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Everything posted by Kyle_Katarn

  1. ICS v8.64 can't compile on Delphi 7 Cause OverbyteIcsUtils:7230 (declaration expected but "INLINE" found) function IcsPunyIsBasic(const C: WideChar): Boolean; Inline; Inlining is only supported from Delphi 2005 onwards : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8460037/list-of-delphi-language-features-and-version-in-which-they-were-introduced-depre/8460108#8460108
  2. Kyle_Katarn

    ICS v8.64 can't compile on Delphi 7

    OK, i'll re-test when 8.65 is out
  3. I have to check wether ICS is in cause or not. I'll test and i'll get back here.
  4. Looks like i'm getting a similar bug : https://www.kcsoftwares.com/bugs/view.php?id=6135 Using ICS 8.64 and OpenSSL to 1.1.1g Any clue or material needed for investigation ?
  5. Kyle_Katarn

    ICS v8.64 can't compile on Delphi 7

    Very good news thanks !
  6. Kyle_Katarn

    ICS v8.64 can't compile on Delphi 7

    That's exactly my point :-)
  7. Kyle_Katarn

    ICS v8.64 can't compile on Delphi 7

    Yes, that's a good short term workaround on my local copy, but we'd need a long term fix in order to maintain D7 compatibility.
  8. Kyle_Katarn

    ICS v8.64 can't compile on Delphi 7

    One additional comment, in procedure TIcsFileCopy.SetMultiDirList (const Value: string) ; the following section in the var declaration I: integer ; aitems, afields: TStringList ; shall be protected by {$IFDEF COMPILER10_UP} as these variable are not used otherwise.
  9. Kyle_Katarn

    ICS v8.64 can't compile on Delphi 7

    (deleted message)
  10. Kyle_Katarn

    ICS v8.64 can't compile on Delphi 7

    Done, works fine
  11. Hello, When using 8.62 + OpenSSL 1.1.1c, some users are reporting aborted communications due to "SSL handshake failed - Failed TLS protocol negotiation: SSLv3/TLS write client hello". Seems to happen as single random events. Should I suspect client or server problems ?
  12. OK.... maybe just a transient glitch ! thanks for your help !
  13. Anything suspicious in the results ? https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=www.kcsoftwares.com
  14. Kyle_Katarn

    Broken proxy support with ICS 8.61

    Seems to work on my local proxy ... I'll see if users report some trouble around that. Thanks for your help !
  15. Kyle_Katarn

    Broken proxy support with ICS 8.61

    OK ! Now i'm forcing "BasicAuth" everytime... even if user has selected proxy host+port but leaves login+pass empty. If this wrong and should I leave AuthNone in this case ?
  16. Kyle_Katarn

    Broken proxy support with ICS 8.61

    Side effect : If you specified host and port but NO credential, should I use AuthNone or would AuthBasic work too ?
  17. Kyle_Katarn

    Broken proxy support with ICS 8.61

    I was not aware of this ! Makes everything much clearer ! Thanks !!
  18. Kyle_Katarn

    Broken proxy support with ICS 8.61

    To sum up : - Default settings + Proxy Host + Proxy Port + Proxy Credentials in 8.59 : hickups (407) then works fine - Default settings + Proxy Host + Proxy Port + Proxy Credentials in 8.62 : Do no work (407 / NTLM), in the specific context of my user - BasicAuth + Proxy Host + Proxy Port + Proxy Credentials in 8.62 : works fine
  19. Kyle_Katarn

    Broken proxy support with ICS 8.61

    When forcing "Basic", no single error407, works perfect. COMMAND Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:16] Host: www.kcsoftwares.com Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:16] User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:16] Accept-Language: fr,fr-fr;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3 Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:16] Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:16] GET https://www.kcsoftwares.com/sumo/check.php HTTP/1.1 Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:16] Proxy-Authorization: Basic QXBwSW50ZXJuZXQ6U29tbWVyMjAwNw== Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:16] Content-Length: 0 Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:16] Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:16] Host: www.kcsoftwares.com Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:16] User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:16] CONNECT www.kcsoftwares.com:443 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:17] Connection: keep-alive Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:17] Content-Length: 8 Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:17] Accept-Ranges: bytes Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:17] X-Cacheable: Cacheable Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:17] X-CDN-Pop-IP: Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:17] X-CDN-Pop: sbg Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:17] Vary: Accept-Encoding Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:17] X-Request-ID: 238979743 Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:17] Set-Cookie: SERVERID102297=24048; path=/; max-age=900 Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:17] Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:17] Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2019 06:19:16 GMT Verbose [19-08-28 08:19:17] HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  20. Kyle_Katarn

    Broken proxy support with ICS 8.61

    The application in question "read" the output of a PHP script running on my server I use the "proxy" settings (host, port, username, pass) and all other default settings. I never had any issue with ICS comms until I've implemented 8.62 (i generally take every update you make) because of the proxy issues reported above. Sorry for my partial extract from the logs... which comes from a single customer (see scenarii above) the first "block" of error 407 is common to 8.59 (which... finally work after a few attemps) and 8.62 (which systematically fail). With 8.62, when it "fails" in the end, the message was specifically pointing NTLM, which means that for some reason, even with the default value of AuthNone, it ends in branching in NTLM authentication. When "forcing" BasicAuth, everything works fine (but i'll call for logs to check in details).
  21. Kyle_Katarn

    Broken proxy support with ICS 8.61

    I forgot to mention that these errors are received in headers (in early 8.59 comms and all 8.62 if not forced to Basic) Verbose [19-08-27 18:12:11] Connection: Keep-Alive Verbose [19-08-27 18:12:11] Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive Verbose [19-08-27 18:12:11] Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Verbose [19-08-27 18:12:11] Pragma: no-cache Verbose [19-08-27 18:12:11] Cache-Control: no-cache Verbose [19-08-27 18:12:11] Proxy-Authenticate: NTLM TlRMTVNTUAACAAAACgAKADgAAAAFgoECWW+CVaJTfpoAAAAAAAAAAIIAggBCAAAABgOAJQAAAA9CAFIASwBSAFoAAgAKAEIAUgBLAFIAWgABAA4ATQBSAFoAQQBEADAANAAEABIAQgBSAEsAUgBaAC4ATABDAEwAAwAiAE0AUgBaAEEARAAwADQALgBCAFIASwBSAFoALgBMAEMATAAFABIAQgBSAEsAUgBaAC4ATABDAEwABwAIAPeN8i7yXNUBAAAAAA== Verbose [19-08-27 18:12:11] HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required
  22. { V8.62 if proxy URL is passed, parse it as proxy properties } { http://[user[:password]@]host:port } if (Length(FProxyURL) > 6) and (Pos (':', Copy(FProxyURL, 6, 9999)) > 5) then begin ParseURL(FProxyURL, Proto, User, Pass, Host, Port, Path); { pending, check https for SSL prpoxy, maybe socks for socks proxy } if Proto = 'http' then begin FProxy := Host; FProxyPort := Port; FProxyUsername := User; FProxyPassword := Pass; if (FProxyUsername <> '') and (FProxyPassword <> '') then FProxyAuth := httpAuthBasic; end; end; Wouldn't it be wiser to do FProxyAuth := httpAuthBasic; only if FProxyAuth = httpAuthNone ? Otherwise, if user has selected httpAuthNtlm (or other) then settings is lost and non-overridable Likely minor issue (and this may help me to solve my other issue by forcing basicAuth)
  23. Sorry, I thought this could be the cause of the NTLM errors reported here :
  24. Kyle_Katarn

    Broken proxy support with ICS 8.61

    8.59 and Command/Headers logging : Same traces (407....) then ... gets working after a few failed requests 8.62 with httpAuthBasic : works fine. so there's definitively something going wrong with AuthNTLM implementation... that got worse from 8.59 to 8.62. Maybe the change mentionned here :
  25. Well done, that's likely the cause ! Any possibility to fix or roll back ? Do you have a bug/change tracker somewhere ? Thanks !!