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  1. I considered replacing madExept with EurekaLog but after doing some tests I have some doubts about the latter because of its CPU usage. The following screenshot from Process Explorer shows CPU usage for an executable compiled with different options and exception handling tools, the programs were left running for couple of hours. Configuration options for ME/EL are more or less default (production use - no mem or resource leaks checked etc). Screenshot lines explained: 1. madExcept x64 2. EurekaLog x64 3. EurekaLog x64, disabled: catch mem problems, fill freed mem, wipe stack on idle 4. No exception handling tool 5. madExcept x86 6. EurekaLog x86 I see that adding madExcept has virtually no overhead. And EurekaLog consumes a lot more cycles - what does it do? I tried disabling memory debugging potions, hoping that it was the issue, but turned out it was not. Isn't it supposed to do nothing when there are no exceptions?