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  1. Heksie

    D11.2 + FireDAC + MySQL 64 bit not working

    Found the answer. Just copy them from C:\Program Files\MySQL\Connector C++ 8.0\lib64 and put them into the same folder as libmysql.dll, in my case copy them to C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\lib Thanks
  2. Heksie

    D11.2 + FireDAC + MySQL 64 bit not working

    I have a working 64-bit app with MySQL 8.0.32 The FDDrivers.ini file contains the entry for libmysql.dll [MySQL] DriverID=MySQL VendorLib=C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\lib\libmysql.dll But I have had to copy the LIBCRYPTO-1_1-x64.DLL and LIBSSL-1_1-x64.DLL from C:\Program Files\MySQL\Connector C++ 8.0\lib64 and put them into the app folder. Is there a way to add these dlls to the ini file (same as done for the libmysql.dll file)??? The I don't need to copy them for every app that needs them. Thanks