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Everything posted by wxinix

  1. wxinix

    MMX Parsing Errors

    I have a class like below, and MMX keeps complaining about "Parsing Error" at Column 1 of Line "class function TMyFunkyDll.InitializeDll(const ASecretKey: PAnsiChar): Integer;" Can this be "hushed"? interface type TMyFunkyDll = class public class function InitializeDll(const ASecretKey: PAnsiChar): Integer; stdcall; end; implementation const MY_FUNKY_DLL = 'MyFunkyDll.dll'; class function TMyFunkyDll.InitializeDll(const ASecretKey: PAnsiChar): Integer; external MY_FUNKY_DLL name 'InitializeDll'; end.
  2. MMX sorting is useful, but sometimes, I don't want it to show sorting hints for some class because I just want to keep the order of methods as I have written them. Is there a "trick" to conditionally turn OFF sorting hint?
  3. I am looking for a Delphi subprocess library, something like Python's subprocess - is there one?
  4. wxinix

    WebUI4Delphi available at GitHub

    @salvadordf I've used some of your open-source project in my C++ development (that inter-ops with Delphi). Thank you again.
  5. wxinix

    WebUI4Delphi available at GitHub

    so this is something like Sciter for C++ GUI?
  6. wxinix

    TestInsight for Delphi 12

    Is it going to be out soon? Seems not available yet.