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Everything posted by dkprojektai
Image pointer and buffer size
dkprojektai replied to dkprojektai's topic in Algorithms, Data Structures and Class Design
That is what I wanted and it helped. Thanks Remy Lebeau -
Image pointer and buffer size
dkprojektai replied to dkprojektai's topic in Algorithms, Data Structures and Class Design
I have Bitmap and want to pass it this function function ReadFromMemFile(hEngine: TENGINE; pBuffer: Pointer; bufferSize: Integer): TRESULT; -
Image pointer and buffer size
dkprojektai replied to dkprojektai's topic in Algorithms, Data Structures and Class Design
I have Tbitmap I need: * pBuffer - Pointer to memory buffer which contain image file data * bufferSize - size of memory buffer in bytes -
Image pointer and buffer size
dkprojektai replied to dkprojektai's topic in Algorithms, Data Structures and Class Design
thanks, but for me is too complicated. Could you write an example? -
Hello, I have a memory leak (EurekaLog): Memory Leak: Type=UnicodeString: Ref count - 1, Content: "Archive info"; Total size=78; Count=3; It happens not every time. It found in: var result_text: IRecognitionResult; procedure TWorkerThread.Execute; begin ... OtlParallel.Parallel.For(0, 20,1).NumTasks(6).Execute( procedure (value: integer) var Recognition: string; begin ... Locking.EnterWriteLock; Try Recognition:= result_text.recognition_text >>>>> here is leak Finally Locking.ExitWriteLock; End; .... end); ... end; IRecognitionResult = interface(IDispatch) .... function Get_text: String; safecall; property recognition_text: String read Get_text; end; Can somebody explain how to avoid this? I have tried to change line to this: Recognition := Copy(result_text.recognition_text,1,Pos(#0,result_text.recognition_text)-1) because dll returns info like "Archive info#0aaa,bf;ddf...", but it does not help. Thanks.
Memory leak in UnicodeString to string conversion
dkprojektai replied to dkprojektai's topic in OmniThreadLibrary
sorry, I can't crop some lines and make example from 15000 lines of code with treading and third party libraries. -
Memory leak in UnicodeString to string conversion
dkprojektai replied to dkprojektai's topic in OmniThreadLibrary
I'm very sorry. I double check. The IRecognitionResult is: property recognition_text: WideString read Get_text; Should I somehow transform Recognition: string; into WideString? -
Memory leak in UnicodeString to string conversion
dkprojektai replied to dkprojektai's topic in OmniThreadLibrary
I can't change it - it's from third library -
Memory leak in UnicodeString to string conversion
dkprojektai replied to dkprojektai's topic in OmniThreadLibrary
Locking.EnterWriteLock; Try Recognition:= String(result_text.recognition_text); Finally Locking.ExitWriteLock; End; Remy - am I understand correctly? I should do like this? -
Hello, I have this code in thread: Try MotionBitmap1.Canvas.Lock; jpeg:= TJPEGImage.Create; jpeg.Assign(MotionBitmap1); jpeg.SaveToFile('D:\picture.jpg'); finally MotionBitmap1.Canvas.Unlock; Try FreeAndNil(jpeg); except end; end; I'd like to find out is it saved correctly and the image is in correct format and etc. Is there any solution to validate file?
11.jpg - corrupted. Can someone check? About Canvas.Lock - it should be done in Thread.
Software runs on many PC's without any problems. This issue I have only on 1 PC. It's Windows 7 32bit.
1. because it's in thread; 2. this saved picture later uses external dll library, and it sometimes make failure. That is why I thought - I need double check jpg. Unfortunately I did not found any solution on the net.
Hello I have memory leaks in thread. Need help to fix them: 1. NewBitmap:= TBitmap.Create; NewBitmap.Canvas.Lock; NewBitmap.PixelFormat:= pf24bit; NewBitmap_first.Canvas.Lock; Try NewBitmap.Width:= StrToInt(Detector_scan_right) - StrToInt(Detector_scan_left); NewBitmap.Height:= StrToInt(Detector_scan_bottom) - StrToInt(Detector_scan_top); NewBitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(NewBitmap.Canvas.ClipRect, NewBitmap_first.Canvas, Rect( <<<<< memory leak StrToInt(Detector_scan_left), StrToInt(Detector_scan_top), StrToInt(Detector_scan_right), StrToInt(Detector_scan_bottom) )); Finally NewBitmap.Canvas.Unlock; NewBitmap_first.Canvas.Unlock; End; 2. Tekst_string:= StringReplace(Tekst_string, 'data', '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); Thanks in advance. Delphi 10.2
I'll try to do Lock and UnLock everywhere where I will use bitmap before freeing it. straight Win32 API calls - can I get any example? I would like escape using Pascal library like graphics32 because then I will have to do many conversations. And this will impact to speed.
I use Deleaker: Program.exe!@System@@GetMem$qqri Line 4738 004075b0 Program.exe!@System@@NewUnicodeString$qqri Line 24650 0040c632 Program.exe!@Vcl@Graphics@TFont@GetHandle Line 2600 + 0xaadfa bytes 0058a6ca Program.exe!@Vcl@Graphics@TCanvas@CreateFont Line 4230 + 0xacbea bytes 0058c4ba Program.exe!@Unit1@TWorkerThread@Execute Line 10849 + 0xec3928 bytes 013a31f8 Program.exe!@Madexcept@HookedTThreadExecute$qqrpvt1 + 0x9c9ff bytes 004b0dab Program.exe!@System@Classes@ThreadProc$qqrxp22System@Classes@TThread Line 14945 + 0x60395 bytes 0053fc65 Program.exe!@System@ThreadWrapper$qqspv Line 24423 0040c580 Program.exe!@Madexcept@CallThreadProcSafe$qqspvt1 + 0x9c8e5 bytes 004b0c91 Program.exe!@Madexcept@ThreadExceptFrame$qqsp21Madexcept@TThreadInfo + 0x9c94a bytes 004b0cf6 KERNEL32.DLL!BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x17 bytes 776e0417 ntdll.dll!RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath + 0xeb bytes 7781662b ntdll.dll!RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath + 0xb8 bytes 778165f8 00000000 00000000
I do it later.
Very strange issue, Thread exits without any notice
dkprojektai posted a topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
Hello, I made some software in which on thread exception program exits(terminates) without any notice. What I do.. Make thread... FThread := TWorkerThread.Create(true); FThread.FreeOnTerminate := true; FThread.Start; After, I work with dll in it... try Try raise Exception.Create('Test Exception'); ----<<<< if here, no problem candidates:= Processor_analyze(proc,p,3*W, W, H,StrToInt(max_height)); ----<<<< call from dll raise Exception.Create('Test Exception'); ----<<<< if here, no problem except // end; raise Exception.Create('Test Exception'); ----<<<< if here - program terminates except // end; Can somebody help to solve? What to check? where to dig? Thanks. I have Delphi 10.2 -
Hi, made tests and finally find out how works error handling in Omnithread parallel.for. Here is my testing: procedure TbtnParallelFor.btnParallelForExceptionClick(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; Loking_elem: TOmniMREW; Error_stack_text: string; begin Error_stack_text:= ''; Parallel.For(0, 10,1).Execute( procedure (i: integer) begin Try //What will happen if here will be error from dll??? if i = 4 then try finally integer(nil^):= 0; end; if i = 5 then integer(nil^):= 0; raise Exception.Create('Exception in thread ' + TThread.Current.ThreadID.ToString); except on E: Exception do begin Try if i = 5 then integer(nil^):= 0; Loking_elem.EnterWriteLock; Error_stack_text:= Error_stack_text + #13#10 + '---' + E.StackTrace; Loking_elem.ExitWriteLock; except on E: Exception do begin Loking_elem.EnterWriteLock; Error_stack_text:= Error_stack_text + #13#10 + '---' + E.StackTrace; Loking_elem.ExitWriteLock; end; end; end; end; end); Memo1.Lines.Text:= Error_stack_text; end; In my application (not in this example) I still getting application terminate on error and I can't cache it. I work with many dll's in commented section. I want to ask, what will happen if in there will be an error from dll? Is there any solution to cache it? Fault Offset: Faulting application name: Application.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5d7fec1f Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 6.2.9200.16384, time stamp: 0x5010ac2f Exception code: 0xe06d7363 Fault offset: 0x00014b32 Faulting process id: 0x31c0 Faulting application start time: 0x01d56d40dd25c4a4 Faulting application path: C:\Application.exe Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll Report Id: 3ff93c8d-d950-11e9-93fa-0a94ef1b475e Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID: Leads me to: Found: Provider: TELDebugInfoMap Location: (00C63D20){ANPR_VID.exe } [06483D20] OtlParallel.TOmniParallelSimpleLoop.Execute[2]$ActRec.$0$Body (Line 3440, "OtlParallel.pas" + 16) + $0 Unit: OtlParallel Source: OtlParallel.pas Class: TOmniParallelSimpleLoop.Execute[2]$ActRec Routine: $0$Body Line: 3440 Routine offset (bytes): 96 Routine offset (lines): 16 Line offset (bytes): 0 That is why I think that error rises dll and parallel.for is not able to handle it. Any comments are welcome.
Hi, because of exceptions I wanted to ask what should I use in task - sleep(3000) or Event.WaitFor(3000)? And is the Application.ProcessMessages needed when I want to get variables? Thanks.
I moved function MyFind out of Parallel.for(), now will take a look what's next 🙂
This is an exception in Parallel.for 0052a796 VID_full.exe System.Classes TStrings.LoadFromStream 0052a71f VID_full.exe System.Classes TStrings.LoadFromStream 0052a68f VID_full.exe System.Classes TStrings.LoadFromFile 012eb693 VID_full.exe Unit1 12308 MyFind 012eb8a9 VID_full.exe Unit1 12397 TWorkerThread.Execute$ActRec.$3$Body 011af3f6 VID_full.exe OtlParallel 3440 TOmniParallelSimpleLoop.Execute[2]$ActRec.$0$Body 011aefe2 VID_full.exe OtlParallel 3380 TOmniParallelSimpleLoop.CreateForTask$ActRec.$0$Body 0118a1bb VID_full.exe OtlTaskControl 1991 TOmniTaskExecutor.Asy_Execute 01189219 VID_full.exe OtlTaskControl 1584 TOmniTask.InternalExecute 01188ff2 VID_full.exe OtlTaskControl 1502 TOmniTask.Execute 0117bda2 VID_full.exe OtlThreadPool 889 TOTPWorkerThread.ExecuteWorkItem 0117b92b VID_full.exe OtlThreadPool 846 TOTPWorkerThread.Execute 0040c580 VID_full.exe System 25 ThreadWrapper 004ae119 VID_full.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe 004ae17e VID_full.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame 752f8541 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk it rises on this function: // FindInFile: Returns the position where the string to search was found Function MyFind(Key: String): String; var List, LineList: TStringList; I, x: Integer; begin result := ''; List := TStringList.Create; List.LoadFromFile('List_file.txt'); <<<<< HERE try for I := 0 to List.Count - 1 do begin if pos (Key, List.Strings[I]) > 0 then begin result:= List.Strings[I]; break; end; end; finally List.Free; end; end; What I'm doing wrong? Should I pun it into TOmniMREW lock?
For the moment I've change Parallel.For to TParallel.For (Delphi paralell). Will wait and look is it helps...
ok, how to fix it? Or escape it? Prevent?
understood, but where to find the exception point? I understand that it is somewhere in Parallel.For. Or I'm wrong?