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Anders Melander

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Everything posted by Anders Melander

  1. A memory mapped file can not be expanded. By design. Of course you can emulate expansion by closing the current view, expanding the file and then mapping the file again, but that is not a safe operation as any existing pointers to the old view will now be invalid.
  2. A search on my HD for TMemoryMappedStream found a few different implementations. The attached one, by Dmitry Streblechenko, looks to be the cleanest and it has no dependencies. dstreams.zip
  3. Anders Melander

    Love your competitor :-) ..... ?

    *cough* Visual J++ *cough*
  4. Anders Melander

    Love your competitor :-) ..... ?

    Anyone can file a lawsuit and if you have to resort to that in order to keep your employees then maybe the competitors isn't the problem you ought to focus on.
  5. Anders Melander

    Are there any experiences with www.experts-exchange.com ?

    Experts Exchange... the MySpace of QA sites
  6. Anders Melander

    Love your competitor :-) ..... ?

    BS indeed. Borland/Delphi was never any threat to Microsoft and certainly not to their Windows division. It would actually have been counter productive for the Windows division to sabotage any Windows application. - and they didn't "steal" Anders Hejlsberg or hire him to hurt Borland. They wanted his talent and he went by his own choice and for his own reasons. Borland didn't own him and if they got hurt by his departure that was their own fault.
  7. Anders Melander

    MAP2PDB - Profiling with VTune

    Nice! Any idea about who the author is?
  8. Anders Melander

    IDE search and regular expressions

    I don't think you can match a regex across lines as you'd either need to specify the /s regex option (. matches newline) or use the \n meta character and the IDE's regex doesn't support either. I do wish they would replace the IDE regex engine with something more complete.
  9. It's just data. Under the question "What do you do when you get stuck on a problem" I filled in "Masturbate". I hope they use that for a good cause 🙂
  10. The code you've shown is using VCL drag/drop. You can't use that to drag between applications. What kind of data are you transferring? If you just want to react to the action of dragging one label to another (in two different instances of the same application), then you can either register a custom clipboard format (see the CustomFormat examples) and drag that or you can just "misuse" the text format and drag some magic text string. It's really very simple: Put a drop target and a drop source component on the form. Register the label as a drop target and do what ever you need to do in the OnDrop handler. In the label OnMouseDown handler use DragDetectPlus to detect the start of a drag and then initiate the drag on the drop source. If you don't want the user to be able to drag from and drop on the same label, then disable the drop target when you start the drag and enable it again when the drag is done. If you can get 1-3 working within the application then it will also work between two different instances of that application.
  11. In case anyone else wonder what to specify for the Development Environment, we have to type in "Delphi", "C++ Builder" or "RAD Studio" (RStudio is something else).
  12. Anders Melander

    nil v self in form create??

    Regardless of how it affects the instance ownership, if the Form has Position=poOwnerFormCenter then the Owner should be specified Otherwise it will fall back to poMainFormCenter.
  13. Anders Melander

    Getting Exception stack trace in 2021

    You probably read it here: https://wiert.me/2017/08/02/delphi-call-stack-from-exception/
  14. Anders Melander

    Getting Exception stack trace in 2021

    Potato, Phothatho
  15. Anders Melander

    Showcase @Emba - should i?

    Download source: 1 minute. Browse through source: 3 minutes Write wise-ass response here: 15 seconds. As far as I can tell there are no 3rd party dependencies, it's VCL and Delphi Pro should be sufficient. The project files (dpr, dproj) seems to be missing though so good luck building it...
  16. Anders Melander

    How and when install the Patches.

    Did you read this pinned topic:
  17. Anders Melander

    Micro optimization: Math.InRange

    No. As Stefan pointed out, if AMin is smaller than AValue... IsInRangeEx(0, 1, 2); ...you will get an Integer Overflow.
  18. Anders Melander

    Micro optimization: Math.InRange

    ... can cause overflows. Consider the extremes.
  19. Anders Melander

    How can I make a fsStayOnTop form the active form?

    TForm.SetFocus maybe. Otherwise I would think TForm.Show would activate the form - regardless of it being already visible.
  20. Anders Melander

    language change for edit box

    Are you talking about the character set used to display the text or do you mean that English text should be magically translated to Russian while the user is typing?
  21. Anders Melander

    Vote for Segoe UI as Default Font opened.

    Voted. I've been using the following work around in the dpr file for ages: if (CheckWin32Version(6, 0)) then // Application.DefaultFont is the font used when TForm.ParentFont=True. // It is Tahoma by default but should be Segoe UI on Vista and later (according to MS UI guide lines). // See InitDefFontData() in graphics.pas Application.DefaultFont.Assign(Screen.MessageFont); And I have ParentFont=True on all forms.
  22. Anders Melander

    ANN: Better Translation Manager released

    As I briefly mentioned yesterday I've released v1.2.7797 of Better Translation Manager: Changes since previous release v1.1.7465: Import translations from CSV and other delimited text formats. Small reduction in resource module size (1.2 Kb). Added check for out of date DRC files. Machine translation using Microsoft Terminology Service now works again. A bunch of minor bug fixes. Get it while it's hot: Installer: http://melander.dk/download/amTranslationManagerInstall-1.2.7797.22083.exe Source: https://bitbucket.org/anders_melander/better-translation-manager The CSV import:
  23. Anders Melander

    BTM Import CSV Greyed out

    This has been resolved in the build (v1.2.7797.22083) I've just uploaded. http://melander.dk/download/amTranslationManagerInstall-1.2.7797.22083.exe I chose to implement the full solution. I.e. import of any CSV format, not just the format BTM produces.
  24. Thanks. Ballpark numbers are fine. Much appreciated. I just wanted to get an impression of what impact using this might have. 2-10 times slower for DD is much better than what I expected. That said, I can see that multiplication is one if the slower operations. That surprises me but I guess it must be because native multiplication is highly optimized in hardware.