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  1. You can try to postdate the association with the "OnClick" event, perhaps with a timer
  2. Minox

    Slow response on TButton click

    have you tried using the "onMouseUp" event?
  3. Minox

    Slow response on TButton click

    I tried it on a Samsung A13 and all the keys respond the same way, without any apparent delay (D12)
  4. Minox

    BringToFront doesn't work

    Try it this way procedure TFormMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Image1.Parent := DrawGrid1; Image1.Left := 0; end;
  5. Minox

    Just open folder ( Android )

    Try var LCursor : JCursor := TAndroidHelper.Context.getContentResolver().query(URIfileTrn,nil,nil,nil,nil); If LCursor=Nil Then Exit; LCursor.moveToFirst; var colIndex : Integer := LCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TJOpenableColumns.JavaClass.DISPLAY_NAME); If colIndex<>-1 Then Result := JStringToString(LCursor.getString(colIndex)); Except Result := ''; End; with the latest OS, with the path you get you can't do anything with it, personally I download the file in the personal folder and use it
  6. Minox

    TGroupBox Text problem

    You probably have set the "Style" preview to "Windows", try selecting the right destination (you can find it in Design)
  7. Minox


    if you change the value to "PrinterIndex" it is called "EndDoc", so you have to select the printer before "BeginDoc"
  8. I also encountered the same problem, I solved it by replacing the code: Ad := '"' + DosyaAdi(Uri) + '" ' with If RequestCode<>Dizin_Agaci_Ac Then Ad := '"' + DosyaAdi(Uri) + '" ' Else Ad := TPath.GetFileName(JStringToString(uri.getPath)); in the "OnActivityResult" procedure, but it still doesn't work, even if you give consent you can't read the files. I tried with the "Download" folder and I only get the folders contained therein.
  9. Minox

    0/0 => EInvalidOp or NAN ?

    The problem is that if the division results in "NAN", no exception is raised, so at runtime the error cannot be detected.
  10. Minox

    0/0 => EInvalidOp or NAN ?

    Have you tested it? because it works for me, it won't be the best of programming, but if it works...
  11. Minox

    0/0 => EInvalidOp or NAN ?

    I had a similar problem with android, I solved it by trying to convert the result to string and then to number, so I modified your code a bit, but I can't test it with "NAN": procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var V1, V2, V3: Variant; I1, I2: Integer; S1 : String; begin V1 := 0; V2 := 0; Try V3 := V1 / V2; Except V3 := -1; End; Try S1 := FloatToStr(V3); StrToFloat(S1); Except V3 := -1; End; If V3=-1 Then ShowMessage('Division by zero') Else ShowMessage(V3); I1 := 0; I2 := 0; ShowMessage(FloatToStr(I1 / I2)); end;
  12. Have you tried changing the "Scale" property? in some cases it may be fine
  13. Minox

    Just open folder ( Android )

    If your intention is to open the explorer automatically in a specific location, I don't think it's possible to do it with the system one. Third-party ones do it instead, but I've never faced the problem. This session could be a good start to understand if there is a possibility to do it.
  14. Minox

    Just open folder ( Android )

    I use this: uses Androidapi.JNI.GraphicsContentViewText, Androidapi.Helpers, System.Messaging, Androidapi.JNI.Net, Androidapi.JNI.App, PROCEDURE TForm1.GetFileBrowser; VAR Intent : JIntent; ReqCode : Integer; BEGIN ReqCode := 1000; Intent := TJIntent.Create; Intent.setType(StringToJString('*/*')); Intent.setAction(TJIntent.JavaClass.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); Intent.putExtra(TJIntent.JavaClass.EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE,true); TMessageManager.DefaultManager.SubscribeToMessage(TMessageResultNotification, procedure(const Sender : TObject; const aMessage : TMessage) VAR msgRES : TMessageResultNotification; begin msgRES:= TMessageResultNotification(aMessage); If msgRES.RequestCode=ReqCode Then if (msgRES.ResultCode=TJActivity.JavaClass.RESULT_OK) Then Begin URIfileTrn := msgRES.Value.getData(); //URI sing file selez If URIfileTrn=Nil Then //multiselez ClipDataF := msgRES.Value.getClipData; End; end); TAndroidHelper.Activity.startActivityForResult(Intent, ReqCode); END; and then via thread process the URI
  15. you're declaring the same variable 10 times, I don't think it's possible the way you mean, you could alternatively use a record type, and then call it in an array, like: type myRec = Record myVar : String[20]; End; [...] var ArrRec : Array Of myRec; [...] procedure Sample(const AFixedArray: TSomeFixedArray); begin SetLength(ArrRec,10); for var I = 0 to 10 do begin ArrRec[I].myVar := 'xyz'+I.ToString; // do something end end