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Found 132 results

  1. kvik021

    SSL error

    After upgrade to Delphi 12, my multidevice app have trouble connecting to DSRestServer app Regarding server side ... I can execute TEST CONNECTION in DSRestConnection, I can CREATE CLIENT CLASSES UNIT in designer, but when I start app, it cannot connect Server app has not been changed. IOS version - everything works fine. Certificate checked - not expired. I use DigiCert one Old version of the app which is on GooglePLay works fine also. But when I run newly Android build-ed Version I get exception Project ccclient.apk raised exception class EJNIException with message 'javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Read error: ssl=0xb400007b9e3f3cc8: Failure in SSL library, usually a protocol error error:100000f0:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL (external/boringssl/src/ssl/handshake_client.cc:713 0x7c35c4f803:0x00000000)'. First chance exception at $BE81BED3. Exception class ENetHTTPCertificateException with message 'javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Read error: ssl=0xeadc39c8: Failure in SSL library, usually a protocol error error:100000f0:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL (external/boringssl/src/ssl/handshake_client.cc:713 0xd07d1357:0x00000000)'. Process ccclient.apk (30412) I use Samsung a71 as target with OneUI version 5.1 and android 13. All SSL protocols checkboxes in DSRestConnection are checked. I try to check one by one I got same error on all protocols. I saw some post with howto put OpenSSL libs in app but idk how (and I cant find him again). Any help will be appreciated...
  2. Have recompiled an app for Android with Delphi 11.3 and now get the following error when entering numbers into a dbdatagrid (Firepower) and tmsfnc edit control (in both cases have keyboard set to numberpad): Eval Error in: java.lang.indexoutofboundsexception setspan(3...3) ends beyond length 1. The error only occurs on Android tablet - not on Windows version. Have never seen this error before under previous versions of Delphi. Can someone please shed some light on this problem and point me in the right direction to fix it. Bill
  3. Vanar

    AdMob in Delphi11

    Hi all! I'm looking for an implementation of AdMob ads under Delphi 11 on android The implementations for Delphi 10.4 and below (such as https://github.com/ersanyakit/FMX.InterstitialAd.Android, AdMobExtra...) don't work! Share if anyone has!!!
  4. Trying to load a website with TWebBrowser, the site have self signed certificates which will be flagged as not safe. I am ending up with a blank page. TWebBrowser.OnDidFailLoadWithError never trigger. The blank page occur on IOS and Android. On Windows there is a warning page, (NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID) What is the best way of catching the certificate errors or even better ignore them so the page can load? The application is only talking with its own web servers so the security isn't a problem here.
  5. bzwirs

    SMTP on Android

    Is it possible to use smtp on android to send multiple emails with attachments and are there any examples of this available. I don't want the email client popping up for each email .... just all done in the background. Thanks in advance. Bill Zwirs
  6. Good day! Tell me the mechanisms that allow you to compress video files in Android and iOS applications Short mp4 files created by the camera take up a lot of space and do not load into my applications. Large files sent via messengers are load successfully. I understand that messenger servers use ffmpeg compression. Is it possible to apply ffmpeg compression in android and ios applications? There are no problems under Windows! Or are there other methods? To solve my problems, only compressing mp4 files is enough!
  7. Hey, i updated RAD Studio to version 12 last week. Now i wanted to update my app to work with the new android play store requirements. While testing my features i found out, that my app keeps on hanging on a black screen when i try to import a text file with a file explorer. When i manually close the app, and choose a text file and open it with my app it is working fine, but when i open the app, and then go back to my file explorer select the text file to open it again it hangs in a black screen. I tried it also with a completely new project and had the same result. I am using a Pixel 8 with Android 14. I added this intent filter to my AndroidManifest.template.xml in the activity section: <activity android:name="com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity" android:exported="true" android:label="%activityLabel%" android:configChanges="orientation|keyboard|keyboardHidden|screenSize|screenLayout|uiMode" android:launchMode="singleTask"> ... <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /> <data android:mimeType="text/plain" /> </intent-filter> </activity> And handle it like that: var currentIntent := MainActivity.getIntent(); HandleIntentAction(currentIntent); The handling works like a charm. When starting the app in debugging nothing happens, also logcat is showing noting in regards of my app. I also added some ShowMessages to the FormCreate functions, but also nothing. I added two logcat logs as an attachment to this post. In my opinion there is nothing wrong in the not working log. In addition to the hanging, is there a possibility to open a view directly with an intent because when i try to do a form.show it wont show up, but i haven't followed up on this issue because i wanted to resolve the black screen first. Thank you in advance! Kind regards, Dominik not_working.log working.log
  8. Hello, I'm using Rad Studio 12.1. via Android Studio, As Android14- API 34 SDK, I downloaded NDK version 20.0.5594570. I am also using jdk 22.0. I specify the paths in the SDK ndk manager by selecting the android-64 bit option from the Deployment->sdkmanager section in Rad Studio. After following these steps, when I open an empty project and run my project with Android 64 bit, it always gives the following Error: "Your Android device does not support the selected target platform architecture". As far as I understand, rad studio creates a project with arm64-v8a architecture. However, none of the Android emulator devices created with SDKManager currently support ARM architecture. It only allows emulators with x86_64 architecture. I guess that's why I'm getting this error. I've been searching for days, but I couldn't find anything clear because the versions are so new. The methods, emulator devices, etc. I use in the link below. with. I put detailed pictures about it. Can you help me
  9. bzwirs

    TAlphaColorRec in Android

    Delphi 11.2 Winsoft PDFium In app for Windows and Android I am using PDFium to create an invoice as a PDF. Included In the PDF are 2 lines of text that are colored red and one rectangle filled with color blue. Using PDFium I need to use TAlphaColorRec.Red and TAlphaColorRec.Blue to display the color on the PDF. This works fine on Windows but when compiled for Android the text colour shows as blue and the rectangle fill color is red (ie. opposite of the selected colors). Reversing the colors fixes the problem for Android but would appreciate if someone can please explain why this would happen. Thanks Bill Zwirs
  10. I don't know if this is the right place for my question since this is a General Help forum and my question is not very general but I tried also on StackOverflow (post with same title) and I get no answer, so I try here that seems to be the only forum about C++Builder. I'm writing an Android app with C++Builder 11.3 and this app should work in kiosk or immersive mode, without navigation bar, because the user must only use the app, nothing else. I searched a lot but I did not find a way to realize the kiosk mode (or the immersive mode, I think they are very similar). Someone can help me? Thanks
  11. I have a screen with the: LocationSensor: TLocationSensor; And code: procedure Tfrm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin LocationSensor.Active := True; end; procedure Tfrm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin LocationSensor.Active := False; Action := TCloseAction.caFree; end; procedure ShowLocation(); var mapPosition: TMapCoordinate; begin frm := Tfrm.Create(Application); try mapPosition := TMapCoordinate.Create(frm.LocationSensor.Sensor.Latitude, frm.LocationSensor.Sensor.Longitude); ShowMessage(FloatToStr(frm.LocationSensor.Sensor.Latitude) + ' | ' + FloatToStr(frm.LocationSensor.Sensor.Longitude)); finally frm.Show; frm.BringToFront; end; end; When I call ShowLocation(); in Android 12, it returns 'NaN | NaN' first time, after that each calling returns correct coordinates. Is it a known issue or did I miss something?
  12. I was searching around bestbuy for a streaming device that I could hook up my phone to the device and connect it to my laptop. And after searching around I saw that there are other ways to stream using OBS software on the laptop and installing an app on the phone via an ipp address. Is there a way to do this with Delphi so I don't have to worry about installing someone's app and being on *their* server? I would rather do it the Delphi way if possible, TIA.
  13. Hello, when compiling my app (the Hash FMX demo from this project: DelphiEncryptionCompendium) with Delphi 12 for Android 32 bit debug mode I get this failure message, while the same thing just works in 11.3. Compiling the FMX cipher demo for Android with 12.0 works though (I just uploaded a new aab for app store publication). Looking at the failure messages I wonder where on earth I should have gotten > 65536 methods in this project?! My 12.0 installation is a standard one with the standard SDK/NDK and Java brought by the Delphi installation. [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 ""C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-\bin\java.exe" -cp "c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\23.0\bin\Android\r8-8.0.40.jar" com.android.tools.r8.D8 --release --min-api 19 --output "D:\Projekte\DECGitMaster\Compiled\BIN_IDExx.x_Android__Demos\Hash_FMX.classes" @"D:\Projekte\DECGitMaster\Compiled\BIN_IDExx.x_Android__Demos\dex_list.txt"" kann nicht ausgeführt werden (Fehler 1) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 Error: Cannot fit requested classes in a single dex file (# methods: 86037 > 65536). Try supplying a main-dex list [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 Compilation failed [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: com.android.tools.r8.CompilationFailedException: Compilation failed to complete, position: null [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.utils.N0.a(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:119) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.D8.main(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:5) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 Caused by: com.android.tools.r8.CompilationFailedException: Compilation failed to complete, position: null [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at Version.fakeStackEntry(Version_8.0.40.java:0) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.utils.N0.a(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:74) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.utils.N0.a(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:27) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.utils.N0.a(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:26) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.utils.N0.b(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:2) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.D8.a(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:26) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.D8.b(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:13) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.D8.a(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:24) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.utils.N0.a(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:106) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 ... 1 more [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 Caused by: com.android.tools.r8.utils.b: Cannot fit requested classes in a single dex file (# methods: 86037 > 65536) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.utils.E2.a(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:21) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.utils.E2.a(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:26) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.dex.t0.a(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:228) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.dex.o0.a(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:9) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.dex.k.a(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:51) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.dex.k.a(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:157) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.D8.d(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:152) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.D8.c(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:1) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 at com.android.tools.r8.utils.N0.a(R8_8.0.40_1caf5950b946297b5c46a21a695cd28795208d72fd17f5129543b31a15a067c2:23) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7688 ... 6 more Anybody any clue about the reason for this and how to fix it? CHeers TurboMagic
  14. My application, written for iOS, creates caf files and uploads them to the server. My other application, written for Android, would like to play these files, but cannot. Apparently different formats. Android application that creates caf files, successfully plays them The problem is not new: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34546248/how-to-play-caf-audio-file-on-android-platform-firemonkey But 8 years have passed. I think there are solutions. I wish my Android app could play caf files from iOS.
  15. I have used Delphi 12 for developing Android application and I'm trying to Service which needs to runs in the background to receive the frequent messages from Server using TCP sockets to displays the notifications. But, the service is deactivated / closed after the main process application is closed. Below, the code is mentioned the code to start the service : procedure TForm1.ButtonServiceStartClick(Sender: TObject); var ServiceIntent: JIntent; begin ServiceIntent := TJIntent.Create; ServiceIntent.setClassName(TAndroidHelper.Context, StringToJString('com.embarcadero.services.MyService')); TAndroidHelper.Context.startService(ServiceIntent); end; and also, I have added the following service information in AndroidManifest.template.xml : <service android:enabled="true" android:exported="false" android:label="MyService" android:process=":remote" android:name="com.embarcadero.services.MyService"> </service> Code in Service: function TDM.AndroidServiceStartCommand(const Sender: TObject; const Intent: JIntent; Flags, StartId: Integer): Integer; begin Result := TJService.JavaClass.START_STICKY; end; I have tried to use this Solution, but not able to compile. And tried to implement the Sleep in Android Start command / run the thread, still the android service is getting closed. Do, I need to mentioned the different flag for starting the service or do I need to add additional code to run the service all the time or can we restart the service once it's destroyed and how to handle the code in Destroy event?
  16. Using Delphi 12, Woll2Woll Firepower Data Grid, Firedac Query, SQLite DB Have an app that has been used for couple of years without any significant issues until recent compile with Delphi 12. The issue is with editing an integer field in a Firepower data grid. For the field keyboard type I have selected the numberpad type. Previously users have always been able to select the minus sign to input a negative number but this no longer works since the last compile for Android. Can anybody please help with advice on how to fix this issue. Bill Zwirs
  17. Hi, I take many photos with my Android phone. And now I need a way to Add some search text to the image so that I can find the photos. With a custom image viewer app I will create in conjunction with the metadata reader/writer, my search method would be to open the phone's Gallary (I don't know how to do this yet) and then enter a search word and only photos that match will show, like the way they do when you are in the Gallary app. I searched around and see references for ccr-exif but it is for Delphi VCL, not FMX/Android. Is there a Delphi unit that provides this or someplace where I can download a working project to accomplish this ? TIA.
  18. HI there i just made a try, i started there! To work on the Android platform using compile directives, i needed to make some modifications to the code in several files. Lets focus on 'svn.overbyte.be/svn/icsv9/Source/OverbyteIcsUtils.pas'.The classTIcsIntegerList is essentially a wrapper around the TList class, since this code was designed for use in a Windows platform target, on a different platform, i needed to make some adjustments. type TIcsIntegerList = class(TObject) private FList : TList<Integer>; // Use TList<Integer> instead of TList function GetCount: Integer; function GetFirst: Integer; function GetLast: Integer; function GetItem(Index: Integer): Integer; procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; const Value: Integer); public constructor Create; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; function IndexOf(Item: Integer): Integer; function Add(Item: Integer): Integer; virtual; procedure Assign(Source: TIcsIntegerList); virtual; procedure Clear; virtual; procedure Delete(Index: Integer); virtual; property Count: Integer read GetCount; property First: Integer read GetFirst; property Last : Integer read GetLast; property Items[Index: Integer] : Integer read GetItem write SetItem; default; end; // ... other codes { TIcsIntegerList } function TIcsIntegerList.Add(Item: Integer): Integer; begin Result := FList.Add(Item); // No need to typecast Item to Pointer end; procedure TIcsIntegerList.Clear; begin FList.Clear; end; constructor TIcsIntegerList.Create; begin FList := TList<Integer>.Create; // Use TList<Integer> instead of TList end; procedure TIcsIntegerList.Delete(Index: Integer); begin FList.Delete(Index); end; destructor TIcsIntegerList.Destroy; begin FList.Free; inherited; end; function TIcsIntegerList.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := FList.Count; end; function TIcsIntegerList.GetFirst: Integer; begin Result := FList.First; // No need to typecast FList.First to Integer end; function TIcsIntegerList.GetLast: Integer; begin Result := FList.Last; // No need to typecast FList.Last to Integer end; // ... other codes but i faced a lot of errors when i target android platform and compiled, it gives me errors like: [DCC Error] OverbyteIcsUtils.pas(5931): E2023 Function needs result type [DCC Error] OverbyteIcsUtils.pas(5933): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'FList' [DCC Error] OverbyteIcsUtils.pas(5933): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'Item' [DCC Error] OverbyteIcsUtils.pas(5938): E2004 Identifier redeclared: 'TIcsIntegerList' [DCC Error] OverbyteIcsUtils.pas(5940): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'FList' [DCC Error] OverbyteIcsUtils.pas(5945): E2037 Declaration of 'TIcsIntegerList' differs from previous declaration ...: So how to fix it? Or can anyone point me to the right direction?
  19. Hi there, I've got suspicious log messages, with an Android App under Rx11.3. I am not using any 3rd Party frameworks, nor can I imagine what could cause this warning. When I check, these fieds seems to be deprecated since Android 10, related to accessing screen contents. https://developer.android.com/about/versions/10/privacy/changes#screen-contents In the sources under FMX.Platform.Screen.Android, there seems to be a possible relation to DisplayManager, maybe this is doing something with the display. https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/android/hardware/display/DisplayManager#virtual_display_flag_auto_mirror https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/android/hardware/display/DisplayManager#virtual_display_flag_secure or maybe RestrictedScreenReading has to do with it ... https://source.android.com/docs/core/permissions/restricted-screen-reading?hl=en FMX.Platform.Screen.Android: TAndroidScreenServices = class(TInterfacedObject, IFMXMultiDisplayService, IFMXScreenService, IFMXDeviceMetricsService, IFMXFullScreenWindowService) ... public property DisplayManager: JDisplayManager read FDisplayManager; property IsPrimaryDisplayDefined: Boolean read FIsPrimaryDisplayDefined; property PrimaryDisplay: TDisplay read FPrimaryDisplay; end; But that is a rough guess. The app seems to behave normally, but I wonder if that might cause probems in the future. I'm testing under Android 14 now. If anyone knows how to get rid of these warnings, or at least a hint where this could be related to, please let me know.
  20. I'm writing a FMX app (lets call it appD) for Android in Delphi 11.3 that has to be called/started - and receive some data - from an Android app (let's call it appF) developed by another team (they use Flutter). AppF uses an intent like this for calling my app: AndroidIntent( action: "android.intent.action.launch.from.appF", package: "com.test.appd", arguments: { "userId": "User01”, "token": "SomeToken" }, flags: [0123456], ) My app, appD, starts when called by tappF, but I'm unable to receive the data I need (userID, token and flags). I have made some experiments with the following code from the sample project ReceiveIntent.dproj, but without success: function TForm1.HandleIntentAction(const Data: JIntent): Boolean; var Extras: JBundle; jsonMsg: string; begin Result := False; if Data <> nil then begin Memo1.ClearContent; Extras := Data.getExtras; if Extras <> nil then begin jsonMsg := JStringToString(Extras.getString(TJIntent.JavaClass.EXTRA_TEXT)); Memo1.Text := jsonMsg; end; Invalidate; end; end; This function is called and I get no errors, but jsonMsg is always empty. I'm a noob as per Android development... can someone show me the right way to retrieve the arguments passed by the appF? I'm really lost... Thanks for your time!
  21. Hi there, I wanted to create an new keystore file, still under RadStudio 11.3, which works. But I haven't used that quite some time, and I must find out that the "Alias Password" is no more available or possible to set. In the dialog, there is still the option, but that seems not really get activated and longer. The first step looks quite normal but the 2nd step, never shows the Alias password It is possible to create a keystore still but of course without the alias password, also here The Alias Info looks OK, but missing password Commandline After some evaluation on commandline, it seems that the former keytool parameters seems to be changed. 1.) From something before, with -genkey keytool -genkey -v -keystore %ks_file% -alias %ks_alias% -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA1withRSA -keysize 2048 -validity 9132 2.) to something new, with -genkeypair keytool -genkeypair -v -keypass "%ks_pass%" -keystore %ks_file% -alias %ks_alias% -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 9132 This works quite similar and looks like the proper replacement, unfortunately I cannot find since when this might have changed. I am working on the pre-installed JDK from the D11.3 IDE, which should be untouched and OK: Possible changes, with maybe sideeffects in the PlayStore, GCM or elsewhere: 1.) old method : This used the -sigalg SHA1withRSA, while 2,) new method: This used the -sigalg SHA256withRSA Yes, that make perfectly sense, since SHA1 is quite banned everywhere. Though, my questions are still: - Is this change officially documented anywhere? (probably not really for Delphi, but for Android, GCM or Firebase would be great) for example https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65920211/warning-sha1-algorithm-and-sha1withrsa-algorithm-specified-will-be-disabled-in https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/semeru-runtime-ce-z/17?topic=jcecca-sha1withrsa https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70419377/how-to-update-the-android-keystore-signature-algorithm-name-sha1withrsa-weak https://github.com/italia/cie-ideaapp/issues/4 But not much really related directly to Android Apps, PlayStore and Google Cloud Services. - Are there any further known requirements, or known sideeffects, for that alias password or SHA1withRSA algorithm? ( I can remember darkly, that I have read about such requirement somewhere, some years ago, but probably those procedures have changed meanwhile ). - What would be the right way to create Keystore in 2023 then, the usual IDE way, without alias password, or probably using a commandline option, either similar or different as 2.) ? I assume that the new D12.0 might also clarify about that process, but I still have to use my beloved D11.3 for a short while 🙂
  22. Hi! Android app. seems working fine in debug or release (Development) mode on my Android device. But if I upload the AAB file to Google Play Store and install it from there it exits on startup. Not sure if it's a crash I have very little experience with Android. The project is from the XE5 era. Tried: - Deleted the manifest file, so it was re-created by Delphi - Did a "Revert system files to default" - Did a "Revert to default" in Deployment Google Play Store page: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.embarcadero.MP4StreamEditorClient As I wrote it seems working fine if I start it through Delphi+USB and also if I start it after it has been installed by Delphi, just the Install and start from Play Store does not work. Any ideas? Thank you! 3delite
  23. SPECS: Delphi 11.2, Galaxy S10+ phone (Android 12) (screen size is 6.4 inches) Issue: I want to change the view in the IDE to match my phone but the closest one is the 'Android 5" phone', and when I add componets on the form in that view, after compiling, the controls don't fit the screen and/or are sometimes off the view of the screen. In Delphi XE7, in the View's drop-down list, there is a custom setting option. I think I only used it once for a tablet years ago, but could not figure it all out and gave up. However, in 11.2, there is no listing for custom. So, I was wondering if there are downloadable views, or does the developer has to figure it out manually by eye/try. I've been searching around but cannot find any answers. TIA.
  24. specs: window 7 64bit, delphi 11.2, phone s10+ with android 12 I've been wanting to ask this question for some time and an opportunity came to me and I'm now asking... I would like to send text from my galaxy s10+ phone to my laptop over wifi, and back, from my laptop to Android over wifi. I want to type some text, a word, or a whole paragraph, and send it. Are there any demos or how-tos for this? I searched my sample folders but did not find anything. Also, I do not want to use a USB cable, nor do I want to join/use any outside services from other sources. I don't want to download any apps, register, and all that. I want this to be strictly private and only from my two devices. TIA
  25. Hi there, recently I've got some insights, about the internal TBitmap magic in FMX, for the following code snippet, under Android: procedure TTestForm.SaveImageToTemporaryStore( const AImage : TBitmap; const AArrayList : JArrayList; const AIndex : Integer ); var LImageFile : JFile; LImageUri : Jnet_Uri; LOutputDir : JFile; LPath : String; begin // Retrieves the apps cache, temporary file storage folder LOutputDir := TAndroidHelper.Context.getExternalCacheDir(); // Creates a temporary file in that cache folder LImageFile := TJFile.JavaClass.createTempFile( StringToJString( 'attachment' + AIndex.ToString ), StringToJString( '.png' ), //<== This is the only palce where png comes into play LOutputDir ); // Get that file as URI LImageUri := TAndroidHelper.JFileToJURI( LImageFile ); // Retrieve that path, for testing purposes, it looks like this: // '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.embarcadero.APPNAMEHERE/cache/attachment05833119307942135994.png' LPath := JStringToString( LImageFile.getAbsolutePath ); // Save the TBitmap to that IRI file Path, works pretty well AImage.SaveToFile( LPath ); That works well and all as expected. When I send that file via sharesheet then after, also that works fine. // If we use ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE action of Intent, we should put image throught Parcelable Array List. // Because in this case other application read EXTRA_STREAM like a ArrayList<Uri> // Created externally by LArrayList := TJArrayList.Create; AArrayList.add( LImageUri ); end; Then finally this is added to an Intent, to share to other apps. That works well, put it as below into the Intent as EXTRA_STREAM, it sends the .png file via different apps: LIntent.putParcelableArrayListExtra( TJIntent.JavaClass.EXTRA_STREAM, LArrayList ); So all works well and I should not complain. But it struck my, when I asked myself: Why does the source TBitmap converts to a *.png file in the first place ? Why didn't I had to fumble around with TBitmapCodecManager or something else, to get this conversion coded ? After some investigation, looking into the TBitmap.SaveToFile( LPath ); I found that the trick, by hidden conversion, depending on the file extension: procedure TBitmap.SaveToFile(const AFileName: string; const SaveParams: PBitmapCodecSaveParams = nil); var Surf: TBitmapSurface; begin TMonitor.Enter(Self); try Surf := TBitmapSurface.Create; try Surf.Assign(Self); if not TBitmapCodecManager.SaveToFile(AFileName, Surf, SaveParams) then raise EBitmapSavingFailed.CreateFMT(SBitmapSavingFailedNamed, [AFileName]); finally Surf.Free; end; finally TMonitor.Exit(Self); end; end; Sometimes, I'm still surprised by the hidden convenience that Firemonkey provides for us. Under VCL I would have to convert this image the hard way by myself, for example with TPNGImage, like PeterBelow pointer out here. I'm always happy when FMX made me forget such nasty details