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  1. I always received FDeviceToken from the request https://iid.googleapis.com/iid/v1:batchImport HTTP HEADERS: Content-Type: application/json Authorization: key=YOUR_SERVER_KEY BODY: { "application": "com.company.app", "sandbox":true, "apns_tokens":[ "7c6811bfa1e89c739c5862122aa7ab68fc4972dea7372242f74276a5326f...." ] } Answer: { "results": [ { "registration_token": "ejXQlECjCeI:APA91bE7oaUhaFnGyl77lFrySdEaWxocM0oj81uNezACX1wsZXiTyL4OYo5ssvFjjWYpFymMVyqBccboVcwTTW2rvykOmV_CABDM7rTIRCiJFl_9ngf7SrDSYoFouwNj69JSwlH.....", "apns_token": "7c6811bfa1e89c739c5862122aa7ab68fc4972dea7372242f74276a5326f....", "status": "OK" } ] } But recently this request stopped working (authorization required). I get the answer: { "error": "Not authenticated or unauthorized"} How to solve this problem? How to rewrite the query? Most likely it is related to this
  2. Vanar

    Non-breaking spaces in TListItemText (iOS)

    Clarification (I probably didn't write it precisely enough): Under Windows, all variants 1. ListItemText.Text := 'This is a non-breaking space:' + #$00A0 + 'here.'; 2. ListItemText.Text := 'This is a non-breaking space:' + #160 + 'here.'; 3. ListItemText.Text := 'This is a non-breaking space: here.'; work fine The problem occurs in iOS (I haven't tried it under Android, but they say it works) My task is to implement it for iOS
  3. I have a problem with wrapping a line with non-breaking spaces in TListItemText. The wrapping ignores non-breaking spaces. For example, Var Te: TListItemText; AItem: TListViewItem; ... Te := TListItemText.Create(AItem); Te.Text := "******************** Received 1 000 bonuses"; // There is a non-breaking space between "1" and "000" Te.Width := 120; Te.height := 20; Te.WordWrap := True; ... I want to get: "******************** Received 1 000 bonuses", but I get what is shown in the picture. "******************** Received 1 000 bonuses". Is it possible?
  4. Thanks for the answer, but can you explain in more detail or maybe you have a ready-made module? "- Another option would to edit the linking of the static library in the unit, to use the iOS native lib."
  5. I tested Kastri-master\Demos\AdMob. Advertising works perfectly in both iOS and Android! But when I try to use this mechanism in my iOS application, the application does not start (crashes on startup) Everything works well under Android. After a long search for the error, it turned out that the culprit is the unit FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper.Stat, which is used in my application! I can’t give up the unit FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper.Stat, since I’ll have to rewrite everything. The problem is described in https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/6440-firebase-adertising-problem-after-ios-14/ and the same thing happens to me How to check (see the error): If you add the unit FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper.Stat to Kastri-master\Demos\AdMob\Unit1.pas, the iOS application does not launch (crashes on startup) Are there ways to fix the error?
  6. Vanar

    Deploy Delphi 12 iOS 17 XCode 15.4

    Thanks for the screenshot I made sure that my certificates are configured correctly 🙂 After all, I built my project based on ALFmxControls and published it in iOS, without touching the certificates at all. That is, I dare to argue with you that this is the problem 🙂 The question then goes to Delphi: errors are not only misinterpreted, but their descriptions lead in the other direction in search of an answer... Now everything is fine with iOS, but there was a problem on the Android side: The splash screen turned white. In a previous version of Delphi, the splash screen was customized and worked well. Now there is no way to configure it, or at least change the color or turn it off altogether. I tried it on an empty project - everything works Problrm is probably in the manifest or Deployment Can you tell me how to change at least the boot color or even disable the splash screen? I’m ready to change it globally in Delphi, but I don’t know which xml file needs to be corrected
  7. Vanar

    Deploy Delphi 12 iOS 17 XCode 15.4

    In the "Version Information" I changed only the CFBundleIdentifier. Moreover, the CFBundleIdentifier was different, since I tried it under different AppleIDs I have two AppleIDs
  8. Vanar

    Deploy Delphi 12 iOS 17 XCode 15.4

    1. Changed CFBundleIdentifier 2. Set Provision Profile 3. Added to Delphi Compiler: Search path
  9. Vanar

    Deploy Delphi 12 iOS 17 XCode 15.4

    Good afternoon I was in a hurry to close the topic! At first I tested everything on an empty project, ipa was created - everything was fine! I took my project - ipa is NOT created! My project compiles for ios debug, android, win - everything is fine. 1. Tried it on different machines 2. Tried it under different certificates with different AppleIds (accounts) 3. Tried it on different Delphi. 3. I tried demo ALFmxControls from Alcinoe-master, since I use Alcinoe.FMX.VideoPlayer.pas ALFmxControls creates ipa - no problem! That is, the problem is in my project! I took the ALFmxControls.dproj file and adjusted it to my project But everything was unsuccessful. Other projects create ipa successfully. My thoughts and strength are gone! What could be wrong with my project, and is that the problem? I can send you the project file or other data
  10. Vanar

    Deploy Delphi 12 iOS 17 XCode 15.4

    Installed Delphi 12.1 and everything worked! Topic closed
  11. Vanar

    Deploy Delphi 12 iOS 17 XCode 15.4

    Thank you for your help - you always help!
  12. Vanar

    Deploy Delphi 12 iOS 17 XCode 15.4

    No, I got it working with PASERVER 22.0 Delphi 11.3 + PASERVER 22.0 = Success
  13. Vanar

    Deploy Delphi 12 iOS 17 XCode 15.4

    I tried it under 11.3 - everything works! Do I need to install Delphi 12.1 or is it enough to update PAServer?
  14. Vanar

    Deploy Delphi 12 iOS 17 XCode 15.4

    Embarcadero® Delphi 12 Version 29.0.50491.5718 PAServer XCode 15.4 Here is the FULL content of the process (see attachment) InfoPAServer.txt