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Found 77 results

  1. I always received FDeviceToken from the request https://iid.googleapis.com/iid/v1:batchImport HTTP HEADERS: Content-Type: application/json Authorization: key=YOUR_SERVER_KEY BODY: { "application": "com.company.app", "sandbox":true, "apns_tokens":[ "7c6811bfa1e89c739c5862122aa7ab68fc4972dea7372242f74276a5326f...." ] } Answer: { "results": [ { "registration_token": "ejXQlECjCeI:APA91bE7oaUhaFnGyl77lFrySdEaWxocM0oj81uNezACX1wsZXiTyL4OYo5ssvFjjWYpFymMVyqBccboVcwTTW2rvykOmV_CABDM7rTIRCiJFl_9ngf7SrDSYoFouwNj69JSwlH.....", "apns_token": "7c6811bfa1e89c739c5862122aa7ab68fc4972dea7372242f74276a5326f....", "status": "OK" } ] } But recently this request stopped working (authorization required). I get the answer: { "error": "Not authenticated or unauthorized"} How to solve this problem? How to rewrite the query? Most likely it is related to this
  2. I have a problem with wrapping a line with non-breaking spaces in TListItemText. The wrapping ignores non-breaking spaces. For example, Var Te: TListItemText; AItem: TListViewItem; ... Te := TListItemText.Create(AItem); Te.Text := "******************** Received 1 000 bonuses"; // There is a non-breaking space between "1" and "000" Te.Width := 120; Te.height := 20; Te.WordWrap := True; ... I want to get: "******************** Received 1 000 bonuses", but I get what is shown in the picture. "******************** Received 1 000 bonuses". Is it possible?
  3. Question for iOS platform. Why would System.SysUtils.ForceDirectories return false for the following path: The path is a combination of TPath.GetHomePath and custom folders starting from the "DEBUG (LOCALHOST)" folder. It's a folder within the app sandbox so it shouldn't be a problem unless I'm missing something.
  4. I tested Kastri-master\Demos\AdMob. Advertising works perfectly in both iOS and Android! But when I try to use this mechanism in my iOS application, the application does not start (crashes on startup) Everything works well under Android. After a long search for the error, it turned out that the culprit is the unit FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper.Stat, which is used in my application! I can’t give up the unit FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper.Stat, since I’ll have to rewrite everything. The problem is described in https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/6440-firebase-adertising-problem-after-ios-14/ and the same thing happens to me How to check (see the error): If you add the unit FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper.Stat to Kastri-master\Demos\AdMob\Unit1.pas, the iOS application does not launch (crashes on startup) Are there ways to fix the error?
  5. Trying to load a website with TWebBrowser, the site have self signed certificates which will be flagged as not safe. I am ending up with a blank page. TWebBrowser.OnDidFailLoadWithError never trigger. The blank page occur on IOS and Android. On Windows there is a warning page, (NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID) What is the best way of catching the certificate errors or even better ignore them so the page can load? The application is only talking with its own web servers so the security isn't a problem here.
  6. Tobitoba_15

    empty frameworks im iOS SDK 17.5

    Hi everyone, We have challenges with the new iOS SDK 17.5. There are no more “PrivateFreameworks” in the xCode path, which is why we get error messages when compiling that certain frameworks cannot be found. Even when updating the SDK information between the Mac and Delphi, the folders remain empty. This is understandable if there is no package available on the xCode side. Two examples are the frameworks “DocumentManager” and “AVFCapture”. However, there are many more. The iOS Simulator 17.5, on the other hand, does not have this problem. Here, “PriavteFrameworks” are still available on the xCode side and these are also transferred to Delphi. This also works perfectly with the iOS SDK 17.2. Images and examples are available as image material. The latest environment is used: - macOS Sonoma 14.5 - xCode version 15.4 - iPhoneOS 17.5 - Delphi 12 Athens Patch 1 I also tried to compile an empty project, which gives the same error. How do you create iOS 17.5 versions? Can you help us? Best regards Tobi
  7. Good day! Tell me the mechanisms that allow you to compress video files in Android and iOS applications Short mp4 files created by the camera take up a lot of space and do not load into my applications. Large files sent via messengers are load successfully. I understand that messenger servers use ffmpeg compression. Is it possible to apply ffmpeg compression in android and ios applications? There are no problems under Windows! Or are there other methods? To solve my problems, only compressing mp4 files is enough!
  8. When compiling delphi fmx app using xcode 15.3 and 15.4 (beta) with IOS 17.4. The Delphi IDE returns the following error "Debbuging the application on device running IOS 17 or later is currently not supported." I urgently need to debug my app but I can't even use the IOS simulator. I'm using Delphi 12 but I've already tried it in Delphi 11.3
  9. Hi in delphi 12 show this error [DCC Error] E2597 ld: file not found: /usr/lib/swift/libswiftUIKit.dylib Which framework do I need to add? Delphi 12 , XCODE 13.4 Thanks
  10. My application, written for iOS, creates caf files and uploads them to the server. My other application, written for Android, would like to play these files, but cannot. Apparently different formats. Android application that creates caf files, successfully plays them The problem is not new: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34546248/how-to-play-caf-audio-file-on-android-platform-firemonkey But 8 years have passed. I think there are solutions. I wish my Android app could play caf files from iOS.
  11. Tell me, is there an implementation of video selection for iOS? For example, like selecting images by ActionTakePhotoFromLibrary or TOpenDialog.
  12. I had compatibility issues with the connection of PAServer to the virtual Mac I am using. Giving a brief context, I am using a virtual Mac through a service provided by MacInCloud (https://www.macincloud.com/), which offers an installed and updated PAServer on the machine from the following link: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Installing_the_Platform_Assistant_on_a_Mac The problem is that the version of Delphi 11.3 we are using requires compatibility with version of PAServer, but the download from the official Embarcadero page provides PAServer version As the Mac machine belongs to the personnel at MacInCloud, they do not accept the installation of a .pkg that does not come from an official Embarcadero download link. (I don't have administrator permissions, so I can't install it myself.) So, the main question is, how can I get in touch with someone from Embarcadero to request an update to the official Download link?
  13. My iOS application is configured to accept PUSH. When I accept "my" PUSH intended for my application, everything works fine, my behavior logic works. When my application is open, when I click on “foreign” (for other applications) PUSH, my application closes abnormally. Tell me, what am I doing wrong? procedure TFmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ... TMessageManager.DefaultManager.SubscribeToMessage(TPushRemoteNotificationMessage, PushRemoteNotificationMessageHandler); PUSHMessage := ''; ... end; Procedure TFmMain.PushRemoteNotificationMessageHandler(const Sender: TObject; const AMessage: TMessage); Begin If AMessage Is TPushRemoteNotificationMessage Then Begin PUSHMessage := TPushRemoteNotificationMessage(AMessage).Value.Notification; End; end; The form contains TNotificationCenter; procedure TFmMain.NotificationCenter1ReceiveLocalNotification(Sender: TObject; ANotification: TNotification); begin // Some actions end; How can I process only “my own” PUSH and ignore “others”? Even if NotificationCenter1ReceiveLocalNotification(Sender: TObject; ANotification: TNotification) is empty, When I click on "Aliens" PUSH, my application crashes!
  14. Good afternoon! I have a question about push notifications in iOS. Is it possible to handle the click_action event (user clicking on a push notification)? The situation is as follows: I can't properly receive PUSH notifications when the iOS app is open or in the background. I'm interested in three application state scenarios: 1. iOS application is closed. A PUSH notification arrives. When you press PUSH, the application opens and “Some code” is executed. - This script works perfectly! 2. iOS application is open. A PUSH notification arrives and immediately “Certain code” is automatically executed. I wish it would ONLY run when PUSH is pressed! 3. The iOS application is in the background, minimized. A PUSH notification arrives. When you press PUSH, the application is activated, BUT “Some code” is not executed! That is, it all comes down to the PUSH notification click event: Only after clicking on PUSH notifications do I need to execute "Some code" Tell me how to do this or suggest your own scenario.
  15. Hello everyone! I have started trying to develop cross-platform FMX application. I succeeded in compile a simple app with just a form (only TLayout and TImageList which contains images) in Windows and Android platform. But when I switched to iOS, I cannot compile with the given error: "F1026: File not found 'dsymutil.exe'. Can you help me figure out that what I made incorrectly? As I know, dsymutil is an utility of Xcode command line tools which is not available on Windows, isn't it? P.S: I am using Delphi 11.3. I have already setup Xcode 14.3.1, its Command Line Tools, PA Server 22. Delphi can load list of profiles and simulation devices from my Mac.
  16. IMG SPA

    Delphi To IOS Deploying error

    Hello, I'm trying to deploying a Delphi FMX application to iPhone IOS. I have no problems on connecting with the MAC but I have an internal API error on executing (please see attached file) Delphi version: 11.2 Patch 1 IOS version: 16.6 X-code version: 14.3.1 Can anyone help me? Thanks
  17. Dear all, I have install the Delphi 11.3 CE and try to compile the project to iOS64 target and received this exception [Fatal Error] Module not found: dcciosarm64280.dll I have tried to reinstall the Delphi on two different PCs but nothing changed. Any idea where the problem is ? Thank you Regards Jan
  18. Hi, The following code is used in an app to retrieve the safe area on iOS: function GetSafeAreaLayout: TRectF; var App: UIApplication; Win: UIWindow; Guide: UILayoutGuide; begin App := TUIApplication.Wrap (TUIApplication.OCClass.sharedApplication); Win := TUIWindow.Wrap (App.windows.objectAtIndex (0)); Guide := Win.safeAreaLayoutGuide; Result := Guide.layoutFrame.ToRectF; end; It is triggered in Resize, and worked for all iPhones when compiled under RAD 11.1. However, compiling under 11.2 and 11.3 patch 1, while the above function completes successfully on iPhone SE, 7 & 8, Result.Top returns as 0 when the app first starts (i.e. causes app to overlay system menu at top of phone). Either calling the function again after app start, or re-orientating the phone fixes the issue. This start-up problem does not happen on the iPhoneX. Has anyone else encountered this issue and know of a fix, or is there a better, more reliable way to access the safe area? Please accept my thanks in advance.
  19. Delphi 11.2 patch 2. iOS application raises "EUnsupportedPlatformService with message 'Unsupported platform service: Terminate'" error upon Application.Terminate; or MainForm.Close; There is no problem with Android application. Actually it's [Exit] button functionality in the application. Can someone help?
  20. I have a FireMonkey application which works fine in an Android. Now I want to build it in iOS. But the problem is, I did never it before. Can someone explain what exactly I have to do? F.e. Mac ot not, if 'yes' - what configuration, OS, iPhone or enough is simulator etc? Simple things for someone with the skills...
  21. Goal: I have configured my app to be opened by some links in iOS, like myapp://lala (using custom scheme), or https://myapp.com/c/lala using universal links, and is already opening my app, but i need to know which url that opened my app. (There is even a tutorial in FMX Express) Problem: I'm trying to handle incoming url from my ios app unsuccessfully. On iOS this should be done by capturing event TApplicationEvent.OpenURL like: procedure TipUrlHandler.ApplicationEventMessageHandler(const ASender: TObject; const AMessage: TMessage); begin case TApplicationEventData(TApplicationEventMessage(AMessage).Value).Event of TApplicationEvent.OpenUrl: HandleUrl(TiOSOpenApplicationContext(TApplicationEventData(TApplicationEventMessage(AMessage).Value).Context).URL); else end; end; Mas o TApplicationEvent.OpenUrl nunca é chamado. So I checked the class TApplicationDelegate in the unit FMX.Platform.iOS.pas in which the TApplicationDelegate.applicationOpenURLWithOptions function should be called every time the app is opened by a url as Apple documents: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiapplicationdelegate/1623112-application?language=objc class function TApplicationDelegate.applicationOpenURLWithOptions(self: id; _cmd: SEL; application: PUIApplication; url: Pointer; options: PNSDictionary): Boolean; So I went to check if the applicationOpenURLWithOptions method is being added correctly in TApplicationDelegate.CreateDelegateMetaClass: class procedure TApplicationDelegate.CreateDelegateMetaClass; begin ... // Opening a URL-Specified Resource if TOSVersion.Major >= 9 then class_addMethod(DelegateClass, sel_getUid('application:openURL:options:'), @applicationOpenURLWithOptions, 'B@:@@@@') else ... end; And then I was able to prove it wrong! The number of arguments declared is wrong, as the correct one should be B@:@@@ Then I made the modification to FMX.Platform.iOS.pas, being as follows: class procedure TApplicationDelegate.CreateDelegateMetaClass; begin ... // Opening a URL-Specified Resource if TOSVersion.Major >= 9 then class_addMethod(DelegateClass, sel_getUid('application:openURL:options:'), @applicationOpenURLWithOptions, 'B@:@@@') else ... end; But the TApplicationDelegate.applicationOpenURLWithOptions function is not yet called. What is wrong? @EDIT Sorry! It is working for custom schemes like "myapp://lala" (with or without the correction in FMX.Platform.iOS.pas) but it is not working for universal links like https://myapp.com/c/lalala. Although I have already configured the universal link correctly and when I click on this universal link, the iOS open my app, but the url can't be handle with TApplicationEvent.OpenUrl, but I discovered that the handling of incoming url of a universal link is different: Handling Universal Links
  22. Hi everyone, I’m experimenting with the ability to allow users to change their app icon at runtime in iOS which is officially supported now. I have all the APIs etc to make it work but it requires the alternative icon graphics to be included in the Asset Catalog. The asset catalog is generated by Delphi during build using the Deployment Manager references but I can’t see how to include files in the DM which will be pulled into the Asset Catalog so not sure if it’s possible? Has anyone looked into this or managed to get Delphi to do this for additional images aside from the standard icon files? If not I’ll raise a QP request but wanted to check with the community first. Thanks
  23. Hi all, and my excuses for revisiting an old subject, but I haven't found this particular info. Using my i7 iMac with PAServer, Monterey 12.3.1 and XCode 13.3 debugging works as expected for devices with ios 15.4, 15.4.1, and 15.5. However, debugging does NOT work on i9 MacBook Pro with Monterey 12.4 and XCode 13.4.1 for any of the devices with ios 15.4, 15.4.1, and 15.5: I can deploy, start, and run my app, but breakpoints don't work (they appear enabled before pressing F9, but become disabled after pressing F9). I would greatly appreciate if anyone who got the combination of Monterey 12.4, XCode 13.4.1, and iOS 15.5 to work could let me know (including any necessary "tricks" that may be required). Also, I wonder if there really is any difference between Intel and M1 macs in this respect. Best regards, Per
  24. We started porting the Skia4Delphi library to C++Builder and we came across a problem in the static linking of objects, specifically linking the file “/usr/lib/clang/lib/darwin/libclang_rt.ios.a” which is in the SDK path (ex: “C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\SDKs\iPhoneOS15.2.sdk\usr\lib\clang\lib\darwin\libclang_rt.ios.a”) In Delphi, this linking is very simple to do. We can simply declare a fake method and add the external '/<sdk_sub_path>/<filename>.a', which is exactly what we do in our Delphi implementation: procedure libcompiler_rt; external '/usr/lib/clang/lib/darwin/libclang_rt.ios.a'; In C++Builder however, we didn't find anything similar. So far we've only been able to force this link in two different (but very rudimentary) ways: Method 1 - Configuring project linking: Adding to the project library path “$(BDSPLATFORMSDKSDIR)\<DefaultPlatformSDK>\usr\lib\clang\lib\darwin\” Note: This is necessary because although some SDK paths are automatically passed to the linker, this is not. Adding the command -lclang_rt.ios to the project link The problem with this method is that apparently there is no environment variable for the <DefaultPlatformSDK>, and adding only relative paths, in this case “\usr\lib\clang\lib\darwin\”, doesn't work. We also tried “$(SDKROOT)\usr\lib\clang\lib\darwin\” but to no avail. Method 2 – Adding objects to the project Directly add the file “libclang_rt.ios.a” to the project. It also works, but this is also a bad option. Questions Is there any other way to force link an SDK object in C++Builder? It would be nice to have a simple solution that requires no configuration: #pragma link "/usr/lib/clang/lib/darwin/libclang_rt.ios.a" // But this don't work Would there be any variables we could use to represent the path of the SDK being used? (Ex: “$(SDKROOT)\usr\lib\clang\lib\darwin\”)
  25. Hi all, A generic question. I'm deploying my apps with an embedded SQLite DB. Each time I compile/deploy, that existing on device DB file is overwritten by the default one. It's fine for development. But how do you actually proceed if you want to deploy an update? If a user has the app already with personal data, I don't want her/him to lose that data. Testing whether the DB already exists is not possible since it's deployed each time within the new binary. One way would be to have all the code to check whether the DB exists. If not, programmatically create it and fill it with sample data. If it does, just check its version and apply possible structure upgrades? But it feels like this would embark a lot of code that may not really be useful. How do you guys deploy news versions of your apps without overwriting exists DBs? I especially think about iOS and Android devices. Thanks for any light. Steve