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  1. evolplus

    Deep links to open the app

    I think what you need is register a URL scheme for your app on Windows as follows: procedure RegisterURLScheme(protocol: string); var reg: TRegistry; begin reg := TRegistry.Create; reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; reg.OpenKey('Software\Classes\' + protocol, true); reg.WriteString('', 'URL:' + protocol); reg.WriteString('URL Protocol', ''); reg.CloseKey; reg.OpenKey('Software\Classes\' + protocol + '\DefaultIcon', true); reg.WriteString('', ParamStr(0)); reg.CloseKey; reg.OpenKey('Software\Classes\' + protocol + '\shell\open\command', true); reg.WriteString('', '"' + ParamStr(0) + '" "%1"'); reg.CloseKey; reg.OpenKey('Software\Classes\' + protocol + '\shell', true); reg.WriteString('', 'open'); reg.CloseKey; reg.Free; end; Above function register a protocol and set its app association with the current program ( ParamStr(0) ). e.g. if you register with protocol 'myapp', then the URL will be like myapp://the-encoded-data-as-uri. Inside your app, call ParamStr(1) to get the parameters as URL form. Note: this solution is specific for Windows platform.
  2. evolplus

    Help me to fix compilation error for iOS

    Yes! It's a bit strange, but it's true. 😂
  3. evolplus

    Help me to fix compilation error for iOS

    Many thanks! I tried uninstall and reinstall RAD Studio but it still did not work until I checked to install Delphi MacOS platform support.
  4. Hello everyone! I have started trying to develop cross-platform FMX application. I succeeded in compile a simple app with just a form (only TLayout and TImageList which contains images) in Windows and Android platform. But when I switched to iOS, I cannot compile with the given error: "F1026: File not found 'dsymutil.exe'. Can you help me figure out that what I made incorrectly? As I know, dsymutil is an utility of Xcode command line tools which is not available on Windows, isn't it? P.S: I am using Delphi 11.3. I have already setup Xcode 14.3.1, its Command Line Tools, PA Server 22. Delphi can load list of profiles and simulation devices from my Mac.