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Calum Anderstrem

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  1. Calum Anderstrem

    SafeAreaInsets Not Returning Safe Area on App Start; iPhone SE, 7 & 8

    Hi Rollo62, Retrieving the Safe Area in FormShow worked. Very grateful, thank you!
  2. Hi, The following code is used in an app to retrieve the safe area on iOS: function GetSafeAreaLayout: TRectF; var App: UIApplication; Win: UIWindow; Guide: UILayoutGuide; begin App := TUIApplication.Wrap (TUIApplication.OCClass.sharedApplication); Win := TUIWindow.Wrap (App.windows.objectAtIndex (0)); Guide := Win.safeAreaLayoutGuide; Result := Guide.layoutFrame.ToRectF; end; It is triggered in Resize, and worked for all iPhones when compiled under RAD 11.1. However, compiling under 11.2 and 11.3 patch 1, while the above function completes successfully on iPhone SE, 7 & 8, Result.Top returns as 0 when the app first starts (i.e. causes app to overlay system menu at top of phone). Either calling the function again after app start, or re-orientating the phone fixes the issue. This start-up problem does not happen on the iPhoneX. Has anyone else encountered this issue and know of a fix, or is there a better, more reliable way to access the safe area? Please accept my thanks in advance.
  3. Calum Anderstrem

    Unable to access Log.d on Android after update to 11.2

    Hi Dave, Found it, thank you very much!
  4. Calum Anderstrem

    Unable to access Log.d on Android after update to 11.2

    BTW, when I installed Device Lens, I had to select an older SDK (AndroidSDK-2525-22.0.42600.6491); it did not like the SDK recently installed and used by 11.2 (AndroidSDK-2525-22.0.46141.0937). if that helps explain things.
  5. Calum Anderstrem

    Unable to access Log.d on Android after update to 11.2

    Here's a screen capture:
  6. Calum Anderstrem

    Unable to access Log.d on Android after update to 11.2

    Hi Dave, The device is a Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite SM-T220 running Android 11.
  7. Prior to 11.2, I used Android Monitor to access Log.d messages from my Android apps. Monitor appears to have been deprecated, and so I have attempted to access logging through adb logcat. While this returns a large amount of logs, copying the output and performing a search for logs from my app returns nothing. I've also attempted adding parameters to filter on the app itself, such as: adb -d logcat <app name>:I *:S which returns: --------- beginning of main --------- beginning of system But nothing else. I have also tried Device Lens 1.3.0 (mentioned by Dave Nottage here), which detects the Android device, displays all processes & allows a screen capture, but clicking the play icon to display notifications only shows one message, and that's it. I had no problems accessing logs using this device and app with the previous version of RAD. I would be very grateful for any help with this matter, thanks in advance.