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vfbb last won the day on May 6 2023

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275 Excellent


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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. @Stefan Glienke Could you add a version constant to Spring.pas? Something like: const Spring4DVersion = 2.0; to help us maintain code compatible with 1.x and 2.0 at the same time, as it would allow: {$IFNDEF DELPHI_12_UP} constructor THashSet<T>.Create(ACapacity: NativeInt); begin {$IF defined(Spring4DVersion) and (Spring4DVersion >= 2)} inherited Create(ACapacity, nil); {$ELSE} inherited Create; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF} This is especially important for large teams/projects that share common code, where some projects and people use version 1.x while others use version 2.x, and the common code should support both.
  2. vfbb

    Copy from a LSKSurface to a TSKPaintBox

    Hi @martincg! I answered you on another topic with the same issue. To preserve the old content of the bitmap when starts draw with skia, you should call Bitmap.SkiaDraw(..., False);
  3. vfbb


    @martincg Bitmap.SkiaDraw have a second optional argument, AStartClean: Boolean, and when False you will not lost its content.
  4. vfbb

    delphi12 skia vulkan

    1) Enable Skia on your project (right click on project > Enable Skia; 2) GlobalUseVulkan on FMX.Types is default True on Android, so it will use Skia Vulkan on Android by default;
  5. The current design of Vcl's TCanvas makes it unfeasible to create a wrapper that uses different libraries / different outputs. There is already a request to try to improve this and you can vote: [RSP-43149] Remodel TCanvas to allow injection of a different drawing backend - Embarcadero Technologies So currently, what can be done is to draw using the APIs directly from Skia, that is, using the document's SkCanvas, or you can draw in a TBitmap in the conventional Vcl way and in the end use: SkCanvas.DrawImage(Bitmap.ToSkImage, 0, 0); but I don't recommend this because you wouldn't have a vectorized PDF, and the texts couldn't even be selected/copied, as the PDF would be an image in fact.
  6. From what I saw here, the bad quality seems to be only in the preview control. The output images are in good quality.
  7. @PeterPanettone Please, report that on Quality Portal, it is an issue and should be fixed. As a "workaround", I strongly recommend using SVG: Radioactive SVGs which is working perfectly.
  8. When you Run the app by the IDE, it will share the PATHs of the IDE with your program. IOW, in a project without Skia enabled, using skia controls, if you click on Run on the IDE, it will work fine (because the IDE have on it own PATHs the path to the sk4d.dll), but if you run the Project1.exe on the Windows Explorer, it will crash on startup due the lack of the sk4d.dll.
  9. Additional info: On RAD 12 it is possible to encode animated WebP (better format than GIF). See DocWiki.
  10. vfbb

    Loading .webp images into tbitmap?

    Maybe you have the "Webp Image Extensions" installed: https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9PG2DK419DRG
  11. Yes, this is relevant only for the .aab generation. Note: you can’t change the ‘condition’ on IDE side, you should open the dproj and add it manually. See one dproj with that: https://github.com/skia4delphi/skia4delphi/blob/eed4afbf8a34137a9bfa308bcb5ef87cee84abcb/Samples/Demo/FMX/Projects/RAD%20Studio%2011%20Alexandria/Skia4Delphi.dproj#L1182
  12. vfbb

    No Android Platform in Delphi 11.3

    Did you configure the paths in Tools > Options > Deployment > SDK Manager?
  13. vfbb

    Colored Notification Icon

    Older versions supported multi-color icons (up to Android 6 or 7 if I'm not mistaken). From then on they are treated as mono color. Even if you have your multi-color icon, Android applies a color filter, with the AccentColor color (if the Use Accent Color is selected). When "Use Accent Color" is not selected, your icon will have the default color of the device's theme. Also, in the Android documentation it is stated that the icon should be white, but in practice there is no difference because Android will apply the color filter anyway. Just don't forget to delete your icon's background.
  14. vfbb

    Colored Notification Icon

    Note: notification icons are always monocolor.
  15. vfbb

    Colored Notification Icon

    Did you try Project Options > Icons > Android > Accent Color?