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Found 7 results

  1. I have a big problem, for some time now when I try to edit the .dpr file of any project the IDE is very slow, it takes seconds to write a single character, making it impossible to work. How can I solve this?
  2. Hi! Android app. seems working fine in debug or release (Development) mode on my Android device. But if I upload the AAB file to Google Play Store and install it from there it exits on startup. Not sure if it's a crash I have very little experience with Android. The project is from the XE5 era. Tried: - Deleted the manifest file, so it was re-created by Delphi - Did a "Revert system files to default" - Did a "Revert to default" in Deployment Google Play Store page: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.embarcadero.MP4StreamEditorClient As I wrote it seems working fine if I start it through Delphi+USB and also if I start it after it has been installed by Delphi, just the Install and start from Play Store does not work. Any ideas? Thank you! 3delite
  3. Hi. As the title says, I cannot debug any Delphi FMX application on my Android phone. I'm using the latest Delphi version (Alexandria, Update 1), and my phone is Samsung A52s. When I try to run in debug mode, the app installs, a black screen shows up on the phone, and RAD studio layout transforms to Debug layout. Two outcomes may happen after that: I get the exception Stop(17), which leads me to CPU view and a call stack containing only "clone" and "bionic_clone", The app stays entirely black, and either nothing happens or RAD studio disconnects after a minute of being in the debug mode. On further investigation, I realized that if I set a breakpoint on Application.Initialize, it is never triggered. Also, if I set a breakpoint while the debugger is attached, RAD studio freezes for ~10 seconds, and after it unfreezes the debugger disconnects (while the app is still running on the phone, still as a black screen). Useful info: The app runs completely normal when opened without the debugger. I am able to debug blank apps with Android Studio. I tried using a different SDK version. I have another phone, Samsung A5 (2017) that can be used with the debugger (but it randomly restarts when debugging, hence unusable). A52s uses Android 12, while A5 is Android 8 (Oreo). I also attached logs from logcat, that are filtered for anything that matches with the app name 'com.embarcadero.BetterProgress'. I don't know what other information may be of use, so if I missed something feel free to write it in the comments. Any idea is appreciated! android-log.txt
  4. [See 2nd Post on Solution] I keep hitting this road-block. There no source code it's pointing to. It's just pointing to CPU assembly code. It's always the same segment fault. How do I trace it down? The segment fault happens when it gets around 33 or 34 files of ran*.txt. There's plenty of space left to create hundreds more files, but it likes to stop around 33 or 34 on the ran*.txt Tfile.copy? I added true to the end of it... but the overwrite parameter didn't help. Error: BFD: C:/Users/alt/Documents/Embarcadero/Studio/Projects/Filler/Android/Debug/FSP/debug/linker: don't know how to handle section `.relr.dyn' [0x 13] Process FSP.apk (4871) [Switching to Thread 5055] Process FSP.apk (4871) First chance exception at $BD9F069E. Exception class Segmentation fault (11). Process FSP.apk (4871) BD9F069E F8525023 ldr.w r5, [r2, r3, lsl #2] BD9F06A2 BF08 it eq BD9F06A4 2608 moveq r6, #8 BD9F06A6 4281 cmp r1, r0 BD9F06A8 EA460605 orr.w r6, r6, r5 BD9F06AC F8426023 str.w r6, [r2, r3, lsl #2] BD9F06B0 D1EE bne.n 0xbd9f0690 call stack thread --> :BD9F069E ??() :BD9A21A6 ??() :BD9A21A6 ??() it doesn't tell me where the error is... but I suspect it to be in this procedure because it's in the middle of creating the ran*.txt files: Global variables: var Form1: TForm1; FileDirectory, RandomFileToCopy: String; FilePermissions, DeleteFiles, DeleteInProgress: boolean; DeleteDirectoryList: TArray<system.string>; MaxFreeSpace: Int64; debugLines: TStrings; dButtonPreviousIsPressed: boolean; breakit: boolean; copydataActive: boolean; const FillerDiectoryNameConst = 'FILLER'; Procedure that I believe to be causing the segment fault: procedure TForm1.CopyData(); var DriveStr : String; FileNameCounter : integer; FolderCounter : integer; FolderName : string; FolderArea : string; RandomFileName : String; begin copydataActive := true; RandomFileToCopy := ''; FileNameCounter := 0; FolderCounter := 0; DriveStr := FileDirectory + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar; RandomFileToCopy := DriveStr + 'random.txt'; // create random file //CreateNewRandFile(64000000); //64 mb file CreateNewRandFile(640); //640 file for testing purposes inc(FolderCounter); FolderName := 'rand' + IntToStr(FolderCounter); FolderArea := FileDirectory + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar + FolderName; LabelLine2.Text := ''; while DirectoryExists(FolderArea) = true do begin inc(FolderCounter); FolderName := 'rand' + IntToStr(FolderCounter); FolderArea := FileDirectory + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar + FolderName; LabelLine1.Text := 'Folder: ' + FolderName; if breakit = true then exit; end; try TDirectory.CreateDirectory(FolderArea); dString('CreateDirectory:'+FolderArea); except on E : Exception do begin dString('CreateDirectory(FolderArea):'+E.ClassName+' error: '+E.Message); copydataActive := false; exit; end; end; while CheckDiskSize(FolderArea) > 0 do begin if breakit = true then exit; RandomFileName := FolderArea + 'ran' + IntToStr(FileNameCounter) + '.txt'; FileNameCounter := 0; while FileNameCounter<126 do begin inc(FileNameCounter); RandomFileName := FolderArea + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar + 'ran' + IntToStr(FileNameCounter) + '.txt'; try //if FileExists(RandomFileName) = true then DeleteFile(RandomFileName); LabelLine1.Text := 'Creating: ran' + IntToStr(FileNameCounter) + '.txt'; dString('Create RandomFile:'+RandomFileName); sleep(50); //dString writes to a file log file. TFile.Copy(RandomFileToCopy, RandomFileName, true); Except On E: Exception Do begin dString('TFile.Copy(RandomFileToCopy, RandomFileName):'+E.ClassName + ' ERROR: ' + E.Message); breakit := true; //break on error end; end; if breakit = true then exit; end; while DirectoryExists(FolderArea) = true do begin inc(FolderCounter); FolderName := 'rand' + IntToStr(FolderCounter); FolderArea := FileDirectory + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar + FolderName; LabelLine1.Text := 'Folder: ' + FolderName; if breakit = true then exit; end; // all else fails... and it still is true... exit if DirectoryExists(FolderArea) = true then begin copydataActive := false; exit; end; try TDirectory.CreateDirectory(FolderArea); dString('CreateDirectory:'+FolderArea); except on E : Exception do begin dString('CreateDirectory(FolderArea):'+E.ClassName+' error: '+E.Message); copydataActive := false; exit; end; end; end; copydataActive := false; end;
  5. I'm using Alexandria (RAD Studio 11.1) but when I try to configure my Android 64 bit project in the Options > Building > Delphi Compiler > Compiling options. After select "All configurations - Android 64-bit platform" as the active target, I don't found in the "Other options" the "Generate Android App Bundle file (arm + arm64)". In the online manual at this link: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Submitting_Your_Android_App_to_Google_Play there is also an image showing this option, but in my delphi it is not present! This option instead is present in 10.4.1. Without this option it is not possible to have an .aab file to upload to the Google Play Console. Can someone help me?
  6. Hi all, and my excuses for revisiting an old subject, but I haven't found this particular info. Using my i7 iMac with PAServer, Monterey 12.3.1 and XCode 13.3 debugging works as expected for devices with ios 15.4, 15.4.1, and 15.5. However, debugging does NOT work on i9 MacBook Pro with Monterey 12.4 and XCode 13.4.1 for any of the devices with ios 15.4, 15.4.1, and 15.5: I can deploy, start, and run my app, but breakpoints don't work (they appear enabled before pressing F9, but become disabled after pressing F9). I would greatly appreciate if anyone who got the combination of Monterey 12.4, XCode 13.4.1, and iOS 15.5 to work could let me know (including any necessary "tricks" that may be required). Also, I wonder if there really is any difference between Intel and M1 macs in this respect. Best regards, Per
  7. LordJonas

    Amazon Linux 2

    Hi. I just created a Amazon Linux 2 virtual machine for development and testing. I'm able to connect via SSH, i installed PAServer and it's running normal. However, it's not possible for Delphi to connect to PAServer, even with all the information entered correct. Any clues ?