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About gioma

  • Birthday 08/25/1980

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 11 Alexandria

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  1. gioma

    Delphi 12 : Encoding Unicode strange behaviour

    in reality that data can be a UTF8 string or a UNICODE string or a file. The first character of the data tells me what type of data I have to work with. For this reason I have to separate the header from the rest of the message.
  2. gioma

    Delphi 12 : Encoding Unicode strange behaviour

    ok, thanks, then I think this is exactly the problem.
  3. gioma

    Delphi 12 : Encoding Unicode strange behaviour

    I know, but it's a packet received via datachannel that only transmits byte arrays.
  4. gioma

    Delphi 12 : Encoding Unicode strange behaviour

    then if I have a unicode string like this: 'ABCDEFGHI' and I put it inside a byte array if I want to remove the first character from the byte array do I have to remove two bytes and not one?
  5. Hi, I have this code: procedure ProcessData(data:PByte, asize:integer); var data_pack:TBytes; t:TStreamWriter; DataType:Char; begin nflog:= 'C:\TEST\Log.txt'; if FileExists(nflog) then t := TStreamWriter.Create(nflog, true, TEncoding.UTF8) else t := TStreamWriter.Create(nflog, false, TEncoding.UTF8); SetLength(data_pack, asize); Move(PByte(data)^, data_pack[0], asize); // here the coding is perfect t.WriteLine( TEncoding.Unicode.GetString(data_pack)); t.Flush; dataType := TEncoding.unicode.GetChars(data_pack)[0]; delete(data_pack, 0, 1); // here the content of datapack has become UTF 8 and therefore does not coding well t.WriteLine( TEncoding.Unicode.GetString(data_pack)); t.flush t.free; end; In the "data" variable there is a string in unicode, but when Delphi esxcute the "delete" operation it seems that it convert the contents of the data_pack variable into UTF8 and therefore the print of the second value it's not correct does anyone know why?
  6. In fact, this is not my problem. Delphi 11 has permanently "broken" since I also installed Delphi 12. Moving to Delphi 12 is MANDATORY because Embarcadero has completely abandoned Delphi 11 with all its bugs. I REPEAT: The problem with Delphi 11 is that the more you use it, the more it corrupts, until it becomes almost unusable! For a development team having to move from Delphi 11 to Delphi 12 is risky as you don't know what other issues may emerge that can make your application unstable. Without forgetting the fact that it is also expensive, as all third-party components must be repurchased.
  7. My case is not so simple, because all libraries are been renamed perfectly! I had to delete them, I DEFINITELY UNINSTALLED DELPHI 11 AND REBUYED THE COMPONENTS TO UPDATE THEM TO DELPHI 12.. Now I managed to uninstall this crap from Delphi 12 and everything works as before, except my pockets! among other things, now with Delphi 12 the SOAP calls that I made with Delphi 11 no longer work (Interface not supported) and I MUST find a solution as soon as possible.. Embarcadero does not understand the damage it is causing to its customers.. this is simply EMBARRASSING! Delphi11 left to itself (the more you use it, the more it messes up something in the management of the IDE until it becomes completely unusable...).. they come out with Delphi12 which, once installed, definitely kills Delphi11.. the time I'm wasting solving their problems it's really a lot.. TOO MUCH..
  8. It's incredible, they still haven't solved it. I can't uninstall Parnassuss which conflicted between versions 11 and 12!! It's a real DISASTER!
  9. gioma

    [DELPHI 11] Runtime error 236

    the problem is that Delphi doesn't start up, how can I solve it?
  10. I have a big problem, I can no longer open Delphi 11, I get this error: Runtime error 236 at 2C800AAA
  11. Now I also understand why I couldn't find it, winapi.wtsapi32 isn't there on delphi 11! I started the project with Delphi 10, then I switched to Delphi 11 and now I've switched to Delphi 12!
  12. you have solved my problem! I used the unit WinApi.Wtsapi32 and the error disappeared! Honestly, I couldn't find this unit so I thought it didn't exist! Thanks thanks thanks.
  13. Do you mean the "WTSQuerySessionInformation()" function? What is the unit in Delphi where it is already defined? I tried, unfortunately nothing changes.
  14. Hi Remy, I tried but I always get error code 87. I also tried using this version: function WTSQuerySessionInformation( hServer: THandle; SessionId: DWORD; WTSInfoClass: WTS_INFO_CLASS; var ppBuffer: Pointer; var pBytesReturned: Pointer): BOOL; stdcall; external 'Wtsapi32.dll' name {$IFDEF UNICODE}'WTSQuerySessionInformationW'{$ELSE}'WTSQuerySessionInformationA'{$ENDIF}; obviously it doesn't work! 😭 The strangest thing is that sometimes it works (with the first version), but then suddenly it stops working and there is no way to make it work anymore. What I'm wondering is because compiling in 32 bit always works, while compiling in 64 bit doesn't! Is the structure not large enough for the result? But Microsoft's documentation indicates to use those data types. There is no documentation online on the use of this API for 64-bit applications! 😭😭