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Celso Henrique

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  1. How long does it take to buy a new server and restore a backup?
  2. Hello everyone, What disappoints me is that the individuals responsible for creating and maintaining these services are not juniors. They are experienced professionals who often give lectures on developing excellent software. I've mentioned this before: the Embarcadero team needs to take some time specifically to address these issues. It's tiresome to witness so many flaws coming from professionals who should set an example. As a friend pointed out, mistakes happen, that's normal, but not with such frequency. It's truly disheartening.
  3. Celso Henrique

    Edit dataset results

    Hi people, I need a help to do something that in my mind is very easy: edit a dataset results. I work with a layers pattern where I have in my form just a ClientDataSet. I have a class function that return a OleVariant object. And I have a FDQuery in a DataModule with my SQL Query. To make my work easy, I have a fuction that creates a DataSetProvider just to take de resultset from FDQuery. Example: In Form: cdsList.Close; cdsList.Data := TMyClass.getList; In Class: dmMyDM.qryGetList.Close; dmMyDM.qryGetList.Open; Result := getData(dmMyDM.qryGetList); In getData method: LDataSetProvider := TDataSetProvider.Create(nil); LDataSetProvider.DataSet := AQuery; Result := LDataSetProvider.Data; FreeAndNil(LDataSetProvider); Problem: Manytimes I can't change the data on ClientDataSet because the field come from FDQuery with property ReadOnly set. I tried a lot of settings to change this and nothing worked. I don't want to send back this data to use update, insert or delete database rules. I just want to edit the data and send it forward. Is there a way to disable all this feature and keep the resultset completely editable? Thanks in advance!
  4. Celso Henrique

    Mouse busy in IDE

    Disable the option "Tooltip symbol insight"
  5. Celso Henrique

    REST Request is not working well on Delphi 11

    The both calls have the same parameters, but the new version is sending the parameters on URL.
  6. Unfortunately I had the bad idea to update my code with Delphi 11. Now the REST Request is not working like it used to. This is a request of a new token using the REST Debugger from Delphi 10.4 This is the same request with the REST Debugger from Delphi 11 What changed?
  7. Celso Henrique

    IDE being destroyed by new versions

    Yes. Sorry my bad. I didn't think right. This new version is driving me crazy. I'm really considering back to Tokyo version.
  8. Celso Henrique

    IDE being destroyed by new versions

    Hi David, Sorry for the late. Too many things to do. Another one. The search also stop to work. High processor consuming with no specific task. I was coding then the IDE stop to respond. Now, the newest and the best one. The compiler is not accepting the value 452 for a smallint property.
  9. Celso Henrique

    IDE being destroyed by new versions

    For me productivity is important.
  10. Celso Henrique

    IDE being destroyed by new versions

    About Code Completion, here is a simple example. In code below I have to hit Ctrl+Space 3 times in a single line/statement. With Auto Invoke working as it used to, there would be no need to hit any time
  11. Celso Henrique

    IDE being destroyed by new versions

    I will continue add here every single issue that I find. Now, when I call the Use Unit form by keyboard shortcut, the focus is not set on the name field, so I have to use mouse to click there. - 1 productivity point;
  12. Celso Henrique

    IDE being destroyed by new versions

    New one. This is a TPopupMenu
  13. Celso Henrique

    IDE being destroyed by new versions

    Hi David, First of all, thanks for your reply and help. Follow: Windows OS Version: Windows 10 Home Single Language, 21H2, 64bits Processor: Intel Core i7-7500U 2.9GHz Memory: 6GB Hard disk space free: 12,5GB Monitor resolution: Full HD (1920x1080) Project size: attached Platform: VMWare The project is VCL. The behavior is: it starts working fine, but after a while these issues appear. Sometimes it backs to work again, but only after a long time. Looks like there is something running very slow. Code completion: A long time ago (I think Delphi 2007 or 2009) it was not necessary hit Ctrl+Space to call the code completion. You just typed and it came. Parentheses: If you use the code completion to call a method with parameters, the completion will put the parentheses even they are already there. See attached. I'm using almost standard settings of Code Completion (attached). Unhappily we don't have "Classic" option any more, only LSP.
  14. What do you have in your minds to change something that was working extremely fine? Why are you destroying the productivity given by IDE? In the new version (11), the panels Structure and Object Inspector stopped to work properly. I click on component in Form Designer and the respective component is nos selected on Structure panel; I click on component in Form Designer and on Object Inspector the component's properties are showed up, but caption with the component's name does not change; If I select a component on Structure, sometimes, nothing happens! It gets frozen on the last component selected; If I click on component's name in Object Inspector and try to use the mouse wheel, it rolls up the names, but selects the next component from the last selected, thus the list rolls back; If I try to compile after click on Save All, I have to pray to not frozen the entire IDE. In this cases I have to kill the application by Task Manager; Before, I just had to type to call the code completion, but now it's mandatory to use the Ctrl+Space to call it; Until the last version (Sydney), the editor knew when to add or not the parentheses, now, with the parameter "auto parenthesis" checked, it puts parenthesis even they already existing; I work with Delhi since version 5, it's being 21 years seeing you creating greats things to destroy them shortly thereafter. I have no more energy to see this @#$@$ and stay calm and quiet!