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Leif Uneus

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Everything posted by Leif Uneus

  1. Leif Uneus

    Thread leaks report (FastMM4)

    Barry Kelly explains it rather good in a comment: https://herbsutter.com/2008/07/25/constructor-exceptions-in-c-c-and-java/
  2. Leif Uneus

    A gem from the past (Goto)

    Ahh, the horror of programming games with the Commodore VIC-20 using the tape recorder ...
  3. Leif Uneus

    Quality Portal going to be moved

    Last time this happened you were supposed to repost your unresolved QC contributions into the new system. And after some time the old QC portal was completely removed.
  4. You have to declare the array type in order to use RTTI. RTTI only works on pre-defined types. TMyArray = array[0..1] of Integer;
  5. See this answer from Embarcadero to a customer who wants to increase the registration count: Reinstalling Windows without re-registering Delphi Update : The linked message was deleted by a moderator. Only visitors with enough reputation can view the original message.
  6. Leif Uneus

    Removing String

    In short, you want to remove all strings in brackets, including the brackets.
  7. We have equipment for linear movement that is controlled by 4 nanometer precision. All controlled by stepper motors with the help of integers. Even though it is pascal, the programming language is not important.
  8. First of all, precision depends on the hardware. If you have a 6 axis movement, how accurate is the movement of all those axis? Secondly, how is the movement controlled? Resolution? Error in the resolution? Last in that chain comes the controlling equipment, speed and other things that might concern the precision.
  9. Leif Uneus

    Rounding issue

    Threads can have different rounding modes. Raymond Chen. https://stackoverflow.com/q/72244777/576719 Are floating point operations deterministic when running in multiple threads? Some of your code may change the floating point settings, or even change them without restoring them. That goes for third party code in your program as well. And don´t get @David started with what dll's can surprise you with.
  10. Leif Uneus

    Open IDE in DPI Unaware??

    I wish the IDE could have a zoom option when displaying/editing forms.
  11. Leif Uneus

    32bit vs 64bit

    Just for fun, read this article by W. Kahan and J.D. Darcy about the usefulness of extra precision. "How Java’s Floating-Point Hurts Everyone Everywhere" https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~wkahan/JAVAhurt.pdf
  12. Leif Uneus

    32bit vs 64bit

    No, I know what he meant. And from a discussion we had a couple of years ago I can only agree. I may have to rewrite the code eventually if I move to another platform, but until then I have a well working application.
  13. Leif Uneus

    32bit vs 64bit

    At the time it was like a Concorde. Name a mean of travel that is faster for the public today.
  14. Leif Uneus

    32bit vs 64bit

    I'm nobody. I still use the extended type, and I'm a developer of mathematical software. The algorithm was the only one that could be executed fast enough (and with the precision needed) in the days of Turbo Pascal. Sure, there are other algorithms today that has better performance without the extended types, but why invest time when it's still fully functional.
  15. @Fr0sT.Brutal The algo is using floating point values, hence the bad performance. I made a mistake in my previous code. There is a gap between MaxLongInt and the next upper boundry. Your code suffers from that too. Test with AltCntCaseTbl2(Int64(MaxLongInt)+1) Here is my correction: function AltCntCaseTbl(v : Int64) : Int64; inline; begin if (v <= MaxLongInt) then begin if (v >= 1000000000) then Exit(10); if (v >= 100000000) then Exit(9); if (v >= 10000000) then Exit(8); if (v >= 1000000) then Exit(7); if (v >= 100000) then Exit(6); if (v >= 10000) then Exit(5); if (v >= 1000) then Exit(4); if (v >= 100) then Exit(3); if (v >= 10) then Exit(2); if (v >= 0) then Exit(1); Exit(0); end; if (v >= 1000000000000000000) then Exit(19); if (v >= 100000000000000000) then Exit(18); if (v >= 10000000000000000) then Exit(17); if (v >= 1000000000000000) then Exit(16); if (v >= 100000000000000) then Exit(15); if (v >= 10000000000000) then Exit(14); if (v >= 1000000000000) then Exit(13); if (v >= 100000000000) then Exit(12); if (v >= 10000000000) then Exit(11); Exit(10); end;
  16. Almost a magnitude faster algorithm: function AltCntCaseTbl( v : Int64) : Int64; inline; begin if (v < 0) then Exit(0); if (v > MaxLongInt) then begin if (v >= UInt64(10000000000000000000)) then Exit(20); if (v >= UInt64(1000000000000000000)) then Exit(19); if (v >= UInt64(100000000000000000)) then Exit(18); if (v >= UInt64(10000000000000000)) then Exit(17); if (v >= UInt64(1000000000000000)) then Exit(16); if (v >= UInt64(100000000000000)) then Exit(15); if (v >= UInt64(10000000000000)) then Exit(14); if (v >= UInt64(1000000000000)) then Exit(13); if (v >= UInt64(100000000000)) then Exit(12); if (v >= UInt64(10000000000)) then Exit(11); end; if (v >= UInt64(1000000000)) then Exit(10); if (v >= UInt64(100000000)) then Exit(9); if (v >= UInt64(10000000)) then Exit(8); if (v >= UInt64(1000000)) then Exit(7); if (v >= UInt64(100000)) then Exit(6); if (v >= UInt64(10000)) then Exit(5); if (v >= UInt64(1000)) then Exit(4); if (v >= UInt64(100)) then Exit(3); if (v >= UInt64(10)) then Exit(2); Result := 1; end;
  17. Leif Uneus

    Function with 2 return values ?

    Triple or triplet. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuple#Names_for_tuples_of_specific_lengths
  18. const records with size less or equal to a pointer is passed by value. But there is an exception since Delphi Rio. A record larger than 4 bytes is passed by reference on all platforms. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/53697759/576719
  19. The PUREPASCAL Pos code in Delphi 11 has been changed to a more optimised version, in fact the same code that the ASM version is based on. Using the PUREPASCAL version even in WIN32 would give the same execution speed as the ASM version.
  20. What is your target platform? If it is Win32, the ASM version will be chosen.
  21. Leif Uneus

    Current VCLZip?

    @uligerhardtHave you tried SynZip by Synopse?
  22. Newly released FastMM5: https://github.com/pleriche/FastMM5 FastMM is a fast replacement memory manager for Embarcadero Delphi applications that scales well across multiple threads and CPU cores, is not prone to memory fragmentation, and supports shared memory without the use of external .DLL files. Version 5 is a complete rewrite of FastMM. It is designed from the ground up to simultaneously keep the strengths and address the shortcomings of version 4.992: Multithreaded scaling across multiple CPU cores is massively improved, without memory usage blowout. It can be configured to scale close to linearly for any number of CPU cores. In the Fastcode memory manager benchmark tool FastMM 5 scores 15% higher than FastMM 4.992 on the single threaded benchmarks, and 30% higher on the multithreaded benchmarks. (I7-8700K CPU, EnableMMX and AssumeMultithreaded options enabled.) It is fully configurable runtime. There is no need to change conditional defines and recompile to change options. (It is however backward compatible with many of the version 4 conditional defines.) Debug mode uses the same debug support library as version 4 (FastMM_FullDebugMode.dll) by default, but custom stack trace routines are also supported. Call FastMM_EnterDebugMode to switch to debug mode ("FullDebugMode") and call FastMM_ExitDebugMode to return to performance mode. Calls may be nested, in which case debug mode will be exited after the last FastMM_ExitDebugMode call. Supports 8, 16, 32 or 64 byte alignment of all blocks. Call FastMM_EnterMinimumAddressAlignment to request a minimum block alignment, and FastMM_ExitMinimumAddressAlignment to rescind a prior request. Calls may be nested, in which case the coarsest alignment request will be in effect. All event notifications (errors, memory leak messages, etc.) may be routed to the debugger (via OutputDebugString), a log file, the screen or any combination of the three. Messages are built using templates containing mail-merge tokens. Templates may be changed runtime to facilitate different layouts and/or translation into any language. Templates fully support Unicode, and the log file may be configured to be written in UTF-8 or UTF-16 format, with or without a BOM. It may be configured runtime to favour speed, memory usage efficiency or a blend of the two via the FastMM_SetOptimizationStrategy call. Experience/opinions welcome ...
  23. Leif Uneus

    Implement InfluxDB in Delphi

    Hi Nizarazu, I did that two years ago. Had to correct some leaks from the github source and added more features. All I did to make it work was to install a graphic tool from Influx and make sure that real time data was flushed to my computer. Some Influx databases were also opened up for remote access. From there I was able to implement the same operations in a sample Delphi project. We are hosting a cloud service, where real time data from thousands of monitors and sensors are pushed into a central database. From there, data is validated, stored and pushed out again to the service subscribers. On site, reports and forecasts are made and presented. Most of the real time streaming and primary storage are made by InfluxDB tools. Validation, reports and presentation is mostly built with Delphi. We are planning to expand the Delphi tooling to avoid middle layers in connection to streaming in the near future. /Leif Edit: There is also a Delphi tool called QuickLogger that supports InfluxDB. See https://github.com/exilon/QuickLogger. Also available from Delphi GetIt Package Manager.