Thank you very much for sharing your experience, I understand you had a very bad experience with the TRestClient (and the gang) but I wonder if you tried TNetHTTPClient and what was your experience with that.
I ask because out of all the things you wrote, the timeout issue is the only thing I'm dealing with now and have no clue what's going on. I do know that when the servlet is running locally, it's working flawlessly and when running remotely, I get disconnections, not sure if it's timeout related or not.
I will give indy a try though I preferred to use built in components and not 3rd party ones. I understand that the component that came with 10.2 is not the latest one, how can I be sure that I'm using the latest TidHTTP component in 10.2? Also, will I need the external ssl dll files for it to work with https?