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Everything posted by ASavaglio

  1. Good morning to all the community. My need is to send a file that should be processed and then download the result of this processing. All this is expected and working in fact the procedure is already used through java code. But I have to do it in Delphi and for this I use the IdHTTP component together with IdSSL. I've been passed the Java code and I've tried translating it into Delphi, the operational sequence should be as follows: Using username and password I request a token Using the token that is returned to me, I make another request by sending a file The response should contain another file that is generated by remote processing Now point 1 (requesting the token) works and also point 2 seems to work, but point 3 doesn't return anything: maybe I'm wrong to send the file? Maybe nothing comes? Surely I'm doing something wrong and I would like to submit the portion of Java code that works and the Delphi code that I wrote. The Login function, which requires the token, I think works, the one that is wrong is the InviaRiceviFile procedure. I will be grateful if you can (and will) give me some suggestions, some ideas, anything to help me overcome this block. Thank you all. Java code: public class testAuthFunction{ private static final String functionUri = <indirizzo del portale che riceve ed invia i file>; private static final String tokenUri = <indirizzo del portale che riceve credenziali e genera il token>; private static final String tokenToAskForAToken = <b64 di username:password>; private static final String bdapFilePath = "F:\\BDAP_C_2020.zip"; //file di input private static final String bdapZipFilePath = "F:\\tmp\\XBRL_BDAP_C_2020.zip"; //file di output public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception { try{ //prova di chiamata CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault(); HttpPost uploadFile = new HttpPost(functionUri); uploadFile.addHeader("Authorization", authExplicit()); MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create(); // Attacco il file al post File f = new File(bdapFilePath); builder.addBinaryBody( "file", new FileInputStream(f), ContentType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, f.getName() ); HttpEntity multipart = builder.build(); uploadFile.setEntity(multipart); //spedisco la richiesta CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(uploadFile); HttpEntity responseEntity = response.getEntity(); File zip = new File(bdapZipFilePath); OutputStream responseOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(zip); responseEntity.writeTo(responseOutputStream); responseOutputStream.close(); //fine prova di chiamata }catch (IOException ieo){ ieo.printStackTrace(); } } static String authExplicit() throws IOException { String token = null; try{ //prova di chiamata CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault(); HttpPost askToken = new HttpPost(tokenUri); //aggiungiamo tutti gli header di Ivan askToken.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + tokenToAskForAToken); askToken.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); //askToken.addHeader("Content-Length", "29"); HttpEntity body = new StringEntity("grant_type=client_credentials"); askToken.setEntity(body); //spedisco la richiesta CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(askToken); HttpEntity responseEntity = response.getEntity(); //stampo la risposta System.out.println("HEADER"); for (Header mioheader : response.getAllHeaders()) { System.out.println(mioheader.toString()); } System.out.println("CONTENT"); token = IOUtils.toString(responseEntity.getContent(),"UTF-8"); System.out.println(token); //tiro fuori cosi il token, dovrei prendermi il campo access token token = token.substring(17, token.indexOf("\",\"expires_in\"")); System.out.println(token); }catch (IOException ieo){ ieo.printStackTrace(); } return "bearer " + token ; } } Delphi code: function Login: string; const tokenUri = <https del portale che riceve credenziali e genera il token>; tokenToAskForAToken = <token string>; var Params: TStringList; Token: string; begin Result := ''; IdHttp1.Request.CustomHeaders.AddValue('Authorization', 'Basic ' + tokenToAskForAToken); IdHttp1.Request.CustomHeaders.AddValue('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); Params := TStringList.Create; try try Params.Add('grant_type=client_credentials'); Token := IdHTTP1.Post(tokenUri, Params); Memo1.Lines.Add(Token); Result := 'bearer ' + Token except on E:Exception do Memo2.Lines.Add(E.Classname + ': ' + E.Message); end; finally Params.Free; end; end; procedure InviaRiceviFile; const functionUri = <https del portale che riceve ed invia i file>; bdapFilePath = 'c:\temp\BDAP_P_2022.zip'; //file di input bdapZipFilePath = 'c:\temp\XBRL_BDAP_P_2022.txt'; //file di output var Params: TIdMultiPartFormDataStream; Response: TMemoryStream; begin idhttp2.Request.BasicAuthentication := True; IdHttp2.Request.CustomHeaders.Values['Authorization'] := Login; Params := TIdMultiPartFormDataStream.Create; Response := TMemoryStream.Create; try try Params.AddFormField('file', bdapFilePath, 'application/octet-stream'); IdHttp2.Post(functionUri, Params, Response); Response.SaveToFile(bdapZipFilePath); // <- this creates an empty file :( except on E:Exception do Memo2.Lines.Add(E.Classname + ': ' + E.Message); end; finally Params.Free; Response.Free; end;
  2. ASavaglio

    [Delphi] Indy, upload e download

    You are great: it works! Thank you very much!