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Everything posted by kabiri

  1. kabiri

    Right To Left Components

    What an old post! I was searching for something on Google and came across this. I'm just writing this for anyone who has the same issue and might come across this in the future. The component available on https://fmxrtl.com works perfectly. First, sign up, then log in, and download the version you need. I think it will soon be available on GetIt as well.
  2. Unable to start LLDB kernel: 'No argument for format 'Symbolic link target does not e''. I've installed Python 3 and executed the command ln -sfls -1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython3.*.so.1.0 | tail -1~/PAServer-22.0/lldb/lib/libpython3.so but the issue persists. I've also tried the solution from Jim: curl -L curl -L https://tinyurl.com/SetupUbuntu4Delphi23 | bash However, I'm still facing the same problem. Do you have any suggestions to resolve this?
  3. The following command worked for Delphi 11 and 12 but has issues when running command-line programs. 11 : ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython3.*.so.1.0 ~/PAServer-22.0/lldb/lib/libpython3.so 12 : ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython3.*.so.1.0 ~/PAServer-23.0/lldb/lib/libpython3.so
  4. I change the SQL Server password using the following command in Delphi, The connection string is to the master database and I am using Windows authentication. But I can no longer log in to SQL Server using the sa user. When I execute this command in Management Studio, the password is changed and I can log in with sa. Delphi 11 + FireDAC + SqlServer 2014 sp2 express ----------Edit----------- I wrote the same code with ADO and it works perfectly. -----Edit------- Alright, I've noticed that this issue occurs when a specific pattern is used.
  5. kabiri

    Changing sa password with Delphi

    Not work Project ChangeSQlPass.exe raised exception class EMSSQLNativeException with message '[FireDAC][Phys][ODBC][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near '@P1'.'.
  6. kabiri

    Changing sa password with Delphi

    I didn't write my original password here and changed it. Then I realized that FD might not work properly if the password follows a specific pattern.
  7. i add unit FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper.FDEStat and now work
  8. Hi in delphi 12 show this error [DCC Error] E2597 ld: file not found: /usr/lib/swift/libswiftUIKit.dylib Which framework do I need to add? Delphi 12 , XCODE 13.4 Thanks
  9. I apologize, I had only paid attention to this part.
  10. I have previously compiled the program without this framework in Delphi 11 . I have no idea what AppTrackingTransparency is used for. But I added it to the frameworks and it no longer gives an error.
  11. I followed the steps, it didn't make a difference, it gives an error [DCC Error] E2597 ld: file not found: /System/Library/Frameworks/AppTrackingTransparency.framework/AppTrackingTransparency
  12. I am very grateful for your guidance. I had done this before, but I had not emptied the "cache" folder on my Mac. I will empty the "cache" folder on my Mac and try again. My Mac is just very slow and it takes about 3 hours to transfer files! I will let you know if it was successful or not after it is finished.
  13. I created the folders in the paths that it couldn't find. ("PrivateFrameworks" and "AppTrackingTransparency.framework\AppTrackingTransparency") Now it only shows this error: [DCC Fatal Error] F2588 Linker error code: 3221226505 ($c0000409) I couldn't find a solution for this.
  14. Yes *log show this error Directory does not exist: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/clang/%CLANGVERSION%/
  15. hi i update my mac to mac os 14 and xcode 15.2 and add this frimworks but show this warning and error : [DCC Error] E2597 ld: warning: directory not found for option '-FC:\Users\hamid\OneDrive\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\SDKs\iPhoneOS17.2.sdk\System\Library\PrivateFrameworks' ld: file not found: /usr/lib/swift/iphoneos/libswiftCompatibilityDynamicReplacements.a [DCC Fatal Error] F2588 Linker error code: 1 ($00000001) how to fix it?
  16. I'll take a look right now. I hope it helps. Thank you. ---Edit--- I watched this webinar online, but I am not sure if it will be helpful. I will watch it again.
  17. I did the same thing. It works fine with Delphi 11. I thought maybe it's from XCODE. The Mac is old and I couldn't update it.
  18. I have created a component for FMX. This component has an internal list. I want to fill this list with database values. (Using the livebinding method.) I have derived my component from (TPresentedControl, IItemsContainer). If I derive my component from stringgrid, everything works, but I don't want to do that. (My component is not similar to stringgrid.) I'm not sure, but I think I can do this with observer. But I don't know how. If you have a solution for this, I would appreciate your guidance.
  19. Thank you for your response. Yes, I have seen it. It just sets a property to receive information from livebinding. In the photo I sent, I do not want the position property to be added. I want the * option to be added. This photo : https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/images/RADStudio/Seattle/e/1/13/LBTTrackBar3.png
  20. Hello How can i add the Google User Messaging Platform SDK to my app?
  21. Thank you Yes, definitely, it is only needed for Delphi 12. Will you do it for iOS too?
  22. 😍 We chatted with each other before and you guided me several times (in GitHub), but I didn't know your name and didn't know you. I am happy to meet you. I am a fan of kastri and I use the admob and Text To Speech components.