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  1. Hello, I tried with newer v9.0 but exactly same error and only with x64. I really don't master all theses compiler options, so i tried a lot of thing but nothing works.
  2. I tried to move OverbyteIcsAvlTree.pas from Common project to VclRun project and now there is the same error with file OverbyteIcsCookies.pas. I moved the same way OverbyteIcsCookies.pas and now there is the same error with OverbyteIcsHttpMulti.pas.... I've done that with a dozen of files. The same error happening with v8.70 and 8.67. The C++ Builder installation is pretty fresh, i only installed PNG Components. Does anyone already used the library in a C++ 64 bits app ?
  3. Thanks for the response. I tried with versions 868, 869, 870, same results. The following files are well created : OverbyteIcsAvlTrees.dcu OverbyteIcsAvlTrees.o OverbyteIcsAvlTrees.hpp With version 867, x32 is ok, but x64 ask for multiples .o files.
  4. Hello, I'm trying to install v8.70 on C++ Builder 11.3 update 3. I use CB110InstallVclFmx group project. With 32 bits, everything compile and components are well registered. But i want to create 64 bits applications, so i tried to compile the both "Run" project with 64 bits plateform, - IcsCommonCB110Run compile/link well. - But IcsVclCB110Run give the following error : [ilink64 Erreur] Fatal: Import/Export error on symbol _ZTVN19Overbyteicsavltrees10TCacheTreeE (flags:0x6004) I got the same error with the latest trunk. Have you any advice ? Thank you.