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Everything posted by plv

  1. Hello all, I'm having an issue with the TFDMongoQuery component, for some collections in my database, it errors on clicking on "Active" in the inspector. Same error when setting Query.Active := True; in code. It's a very simple project, a TFDConnection and a TFDMongoQuery. For some collections. there's no issue and I can bind the query object to a TeeGrid, but for a couple of others, it errors on a property that looks like this: "sslBindings" : [ { "cert" : ObjectId("xxxx"), "_id" : ObjectId("yyyy"), "domain" : "www.zzzz.com" }, { "cert" : ObjectId("xxxxx"), "_id" : ObjectId("yyyyyy"), "domain" : "zzzzz.com" } ], Enabling Tracing on the connection doesn't return any error. Any help appreciated, thanks! plv
  2. Yes, it makes sense now that I think about it. I'm gonna do some tests. Thanks for your help!
  3. Yes, indeed it is, I'm trying to read a MongoDB collection with a TFDMongoQuery but it chokes on that "sslBindings" property, most likely because Data.DBJson unit that can't read arrays of Objects.
  4. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. The problem goes deeper I think, properties can't be array of objects, but only arrays of simple types and the culprit is the Data.DBJson unit who can't parse objects in arrays. I'm stuck, so if anybody knows a workaround... Thanks! plv
  5. Interesting, I'm gonna try with the type of field, thanks!
  6. Thanks programmerDelphi2k for your answer. The problem is I have no idea what property can be present in the collection, and what json structure it's gonna be.