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  1. jerik

    User Drawing of Lines and Curves

    Great discussion!
  2. jerik

    Load HTML from string in TWebBrowser in Firemonkey

    Aha! Bad idea to place it in Form.Create. Thank you!
  3. procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var HTML: string; begin // HTML := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, 'index', RT_RCDATA).ToString(); HTML := '<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en">' + '<head> <meta charset=utf-8> ' + '<title>Test</title><style>body {background:red;}</style> ' + '</head><body> ' + '<h1>TEST</h1> <p>Dette er en tekst!</p> ' + '</body> </html>'; WebBrowser1.LoadFromStrings(HTML, ''); end; Hi! I have a resourcefile with a HTML-file that I want to load in a FireMonkey TWebBrowser. This is what I have tried and not succeed with: