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Everything posted by jerik

  1. Support for the Linux-platform under Pro (and why not, even under CE). I understand there are licensing issues going on with FMX for linux, but for webserver and console applications it should be fine I suppose.
  2. jerik

    Snippets Manager for Windows?

    MassCode? https://masscode.io
  3. procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var HTML: string; begin // HTML := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, 'index', RT_RCDATA).ToString(); HTML := '<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en">' + '<head> <meta charset=utf-8> ' + '<title>Test</title><style>body {background:red;}</style> ' + '</head><body> ' + '<h1>TEST</h1> <p>Dette er en tekst!</p> ' + '</body> </html>'; WebBrowser1.LoadFromStrings(HTML, ''); end; Hi! I have a resourcefile with a HTML-file that I want to load in a FireMonkey TWebBrowser. This is what I have tried and not succeed with:
  4. jerik

    User Drawing of Lines and Curves

    Great discussion!
  5. jerik

    Load HTML from string in TWebBrowser in Firemonkey

    Aha! Bad idea to place it in Form.Create. Thank you!