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Posts posted by nouvakis

  1. On 10/26/2020 at 12:11 PM, Angus Robertson said:

    I've made TriggerSendData virtual in wsocket, most other triggers are already virtual but guess no other component needed to override until now. The change will be in the overnight zip later this week.





  2. 1. in procedure TSslContext.InitContext


    if CheckLogOptions(loSslInfo) then  { V8.40 }
       DebugLog(loSslInfo, 'Set sslSESS_CACHE_SERVER');


    It always writes sslSESS_CACHE_SERVER ignoring correspondig Session cache modes



    2. TCustomSslWSocket.TriggerSslHandshakeDone(ErrCode : Word);


    FSslPeerCert.X509 := PeerX;


    should become

    if Assigned(FSslPeerCert) then  // add this one please
           FSslPeerCert.X509 := PeerX;


  3. 9 hours ago, Andrii said:

    Dear authors and community.

    I'd like to use Websockets using ICS library. I know it's not a part of the library but probably someone could share his own implementation or may be has already found in the internet.


    Thanks in advance.



    from other post


    There is a Websockets project at https://github.com/fajar-khairil/ics-websockets by Stan Korotky, dating back to 2012, but it is not SSL enabled.  From the demo server comments:


    Basic websockets server based on TWSocketServer and TWSocketClient components, and websockets implementation ported from phpws project (http://code.google.com/p/phpws/). Derived from TCP server demo V7.02, by François PIETTE.


    Been meaning to incorporate it into ICS for a while, never had the time or a suitable project to test it with.




  4. 1 hour ago, nouvakis said:

    I am trying to upload to a server (it reports UNIX Type: L8) using SSL.

    it fails when trying to get Dir List (using TIcsFtpMulti waiting Timeout=600)


    Is there any way to overcome this problem?


    PS: the same server responds well if I don't use SSL

    Searching with google, I found this:



    I think that the server is not configured correctly, and it answers with its local address to PASV command

    Indeed, debugging I found that original address is


    < 220 GSN (sch.gr) ftp Server
    FTP Session Connected OK to:

    but later I get


    < 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,2,34,21,196,235).
    02:02:07:732 TWSocket will connect to


    I assume that is its local address and this is the problem.

    In the above article, the writer says:


    When encountering this, FileZilla tries to connect to the primary address of the FTP server instead, as that is usually the correct address to use. So in most cases you won't notice the problem at all.


  5. On 10/29/2019 at 1:06 AM, nouvakis said:

    in unit OverbyteIcsFtpMulti


    1) One field is missing:



    2) Two fields need to be set in TIcsFtpMultiThread.Execute

    a) IcsFTPMultiCli.FtpType  := fFtpType;

    b) IcsFTPMultiCli.FtpSslCliSecurity := fFtpSslCliSecurity;



    could you please add field IgnorePaths at TIcsFtpMultiThread class

    and at the Execute procedure?


  6. SelectCopyFileList ignores IgnorePaths below COMPILER10_UP.

    a workaround would be


    {$IFDEF COMPILER10_UP}   { only supported D2006 and later }
        IgnorePathList.StrictDelimiter := True;
        IgnorePathList.DelimitedText := AnsiLowerCase (IgnorePaths) ;
        IgnorePathList.DelimitedText := '"' + StringReplace(AnsiLowerCase(IgnorePaths), IgnorePathList.Delimiter, '"' + IgnorePathList.Delimiter + '"', [rfReplaceAll]) + '"';

  7. I noticed that even if I require version 2, both dll are used.

    in OverbyteIcsWinsockImpl.inc then only call to GetProc2 is for WSAIoctl and for almost everything else (besides IPV6) the GetProc is used (routines from wsock32 = version 1.1)

    Is this the case ?
