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Everything posted by RDP1974

  1. hello, using Delphi 10.4.1 I do a soap call using XML.OmniXMLDom for Linux target and I get EEncodingError "No mapping for the unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page" Seeing raw stream the remote server is sending bad codes for some Francais characters (out from the map). Do you know how to set HTTPRIO to ask UTF-8 unicode xml instead of multi-byte code page? Thank you
  2. RDP1974

    SOAP Client EEncodingError

    client cannot be solved, also trying different xml parsers problem was solved server-side
  3. The thread pool TLS cache model of TBB fits particularly well the NT Windows Kernel (scheduler, quantum fibers, KI* exposed API over HAL), but sure, it consumes a lot of memory. Anyway, offtopic, I'm using with great satisfaction Delphi x Linux compiler with Firedac pooling, SOAP indy based custom SSL webservices -> very small and very fast, nobody is using the same toolchain?
  4. Maybe in a old version? They are making "giant" steps forward.
  5. I'm sure, the license permits to distribute for free.
  6. The license permits. There is a tool to make custom DLL.
  7. Indeed TBB is open https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB meanwhile IPP is closed source https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/tools/oneapi/components/ipp.html (but with a utility to extract custom DLL)
  8. hi Arnaud, consider I admire your talent, but why you tell TBB unusable? It's used in mainstream server and workstation products worldwide without problems DLL? Are extracted from Intel TBB and IPP royalty free packages, I did only pascal wrappers; no custom source code changes are done; you can compile by yourself, I have put them in the repository because many people cannot build them, or not having the time to do for the memory allocator: https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB/releases https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB/archive/v2020.3.zip -> see folder TBBMalloc for the rtl simd patches: https://software.seek.intel.com/performance-libraries -> see IPP run the utility to build a custom DLL and export: 'ippsZero_8u'; 'ippsCopy_8u'; 'ippsMove_8u'; 'ippsSet_8u'; 'ippsFind_8u'; 'ippsCompare_8u'; 'ippsUppercaseLatin_8u_I'; 'ippsReplaceC_8u'; for the web deflate acceleration (5x quicker than windows gzip, webbroker helper provided) -> extract IPP under Linux, see the readme how to patch zlib original sources, take the changed sources and compile them with MS VC++ kind regards R. Still Delphi (VCL) the best framework for Windows apps!
  9. Yes, it's written in the title and in the license. Custom DLL from Intel Performance libraries. Kind regards
  10. RDP1974

    SOAP Client EEncodingError

    solved, was not a problem of Delphi that works perfectly was a problem in a remote swiss server of a customer
  11. only for sharing talks I'm benchmarking a single thread app (poker app) and multithreaded app (webbroker http) with MM's I did a test of FastMM5 and TBB+IPP https://github.com/RDP1974 FastMM5 is fast as TBB under Webbroker with apachebench 100 concurrent users (finally overcoming the FM4 problems), but TBB is 5x faster than FM5 under TParallel class TBB is fast as FM4/FM5 in single thread with // RedirectCode(@System.Move, @Move2); in RDPSimd64, bcz small moves are faster than under TBB SIMD (condition penalty) so: waiting FM5 will correct TParallel contention? or Delphi AVX support for Synopse MM?
  12. RDP1974

    borderless with aero shadow

    hello, perhaps somebody knows how to drop the windows 10 aero shadow under a borderless vcl form? I'm using from MSDN const MARGINS shadow_on = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(hwnd, &shadow_on); But the DWM compositor wants atleast 1px border in the frame, else don't cast the shadow. So a line with the color of the global theme will be always visible and not accessible bcz border. Btw. I don't want to use WS_LAYER_EX composited, but normal Delphi vcl form. Thanks R.
  13. I had a trouble calling a soap webservice, solved with 10.4.1 update
  14. RDP1974

    a pair of MM test

    ok, did a test with FastMM5, with 16 threads results are identical to BigbrainMM, and with single thread a little better (2501 vs 2727) 8% quicker
  15. RDP1974

    a pair of MM test

    hi looks here https://blog.digitaltundra.com/?p=902 another MM pascal code, free with my test I9 16 threads is the faster among all the MM tested (Tundra vs default) it's using threadvar tls for each thread cache
  16. RDP1974

    a pair of MM test

    sorry, because I'm in a hurry, I'll try to enhance my syntax 🙂
  17. RDP1974

    a pair of MM test

    ok I don't know how to use TParallel (setminworkerthread) with 16 threads, using beginthread on I9 results doubles (I suppose there is a limit of 8 threads in the pool of TThread) NumThreads := StrToInt(Th.Text); SetLength(ArrThreads, NumThreads); SW := TStopWatch.Create; SW.Start; for i := 0 to NumThreads - 1 do ArrThreads:=BeginThread(nil, 0, Addr(ThExecute), nil, 0, dm); WaitForMultipleObjects(NumThreads, @ArrThreads[0], True, Infinite); SW.Stop; lbxResults.Items.Add('All done in ' + SW.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString + 'msec'); lbxResults.Items.Add('Tot hands ' + TotHands.ToString); lbxResults.Items.Add('Hands for second ' + (TotHands / SW.ElapsedMilliseconds * 1000).ToString); for i := 0 to NumThreads - 1 do CloseHandle(ArrThreads) but, you are allright, this is a useless benchmark, real app scenario should be a database, web app, etc. where using tthreadvar (TLS) come back to work, I'll stop to bother the forum cu
  18. RDP1974

    a pair of MM test

    also this is very interesting https://github.com/daanx/mimalloc-bench anyway I agree that's better to have a pascal native MM than a C based one https://github.com/d-mozulyov/BrainMM this was cool, but under Win64 is crashing somewhere
  19. RDP1974

    a pair of MM test

    but from Intel sources: similar or little bigger peak consumption and until 17x speedup, see test3 https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/controlling-memory-consumption-with-intel-threading-building-blocks-intel-tbb-scalable.html
  20. RDP1974

    a pair of MM test

    thanks, tomorrow will send info I wait embarcadero to update the linker to accomodate C $tls api, then we can use static libs without dll dependencyI
  21. RDP1974

    a pair of MM test

    5x quicker TParallel.For is from FastMM5 benchmark utility results DLL? Are from Intel libs, I did only wrappers are plain, optimized config, compiled dll from Intel TBB and IPP royalty free packages, no custom source code changes are done you can compile by yourself, I have put them in the repository because many people cannot build them, or not having the time https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB/releases https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB/archive/v2020.3.zip -> see folder TBBMalloc for the RTL simd patches: https://software.seek.intel.com/performance-libraries -> IPP run the utility to build a custom DLL and export: 'ippsZero_8u'; 'ippsCopy_8u'; 'ippsMove_8u'; 'ippsSet_8u'; 'ippsFind_8u'; 'ippsCompare_8u'; 'ippsUppercaseLatin_8u_I'; 'ippsReplaceC_8u'; for the ZLIB acceleration (3x-5x quicker than windows gzip, webbroker helper provided)-> extract IPP under Linux, see the readme how to patch zlib, take the patched sources and compile them with MS VC++ kind regards R. btw. I use them from a pair of years with my customers, never had a trouble
  22. RDP1974

    best component for web media player

    hello, do you suggest libraries, free or commercial, for: 1) play web formats (H264, VP8, Opus) in VCL component 2) use hardware acceleration as DxShow? 3) audio/video grabbing from TCamera or https://www.winsoft.sk/wcamera.htm? I'm evaluating FFMPEG Vcl Player and webRtc (http://www.flashavconverter.com/) (using custom player over ffmpeg) or https://tools.google.com/dlpage/webmmf/index.html using DxShow system TMediaPlayer. Any hints for best quality? Thanks R.
  23. in your opinion what is the best component /wrapper for camera grabbing to file using VP8/H264 (web) codecs?
  24. RDP1974

    best library for camera grabbing

    thanks for the kind answer