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Everything posted by RDP1974

  1. hello, recently I got a I9 8/16 core compiling a hello world webbroker indy standalone project using default MM4 with apachebench I get 50 reqs/sec only (!) using other MM I get 10K reqs/sec so seems a bug of Fastmm4 with 16 detected cores and more please can somebody confirm this bug testing on a 8/16 core CPU or more? it's particular important considering all the MVC classes built over Indy targeting servers
  2. Delphi 10.2.3 standard Indy (I used the Indy provided in Delphi 10.2.3, if I remember should be 10.5.6) project wizard -> webbroker -> standalone server with httpbridge action on GET send a string "webbroker server etc.etc." apachebench ab.exe ab -n 10000 -c 100 -k -r on I7 4/8 works well on I9 8/16 (latest 9th gen Intel) becomes very slow answering only 50 reqs per sec on I9 changing mm to another third party got 10000 reqs per sec I will try also ISAPI app
  3. RDP1974

    Embed FMX form in a VCL app

    hello, does exists a software that permits to embed a FMX form/app inside a TControl or VCL app/form?
  4. hello, I like commit a job for an experienced FMX 3d coder (Delphi) where can be posted a similar request?
  5. hello, I'm compiling C static files for FMX with clang, with success for every platform but iossimulator. With iossimulator when I insert "target i686-apple-darwin_sim" I get "unsupported architecture". Do you know if is possible to $LINK C static object for iossimulator xcode?
  6. nope, still error on linking :-\