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Everything posted by GringoStarr

  1. I've written a procedure that opens .csv files and saves them in an excel workbook. It works fine, however, I noticed that memory is not being released. After some checking I found that it is the ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open() function that's not releasing memory. Here's the code: for var CSVItem in CSVDataDict do with CSVItem do begin const LineCount = Value.Count - 2; const CSVFile = Path + Key + '.csv'; var ColumnWidths : IntegerArray; TFile.WriteAllText(CSVFile, Value.GetText, Encoding); SrcWorkBook := ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(CSVFile, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, LCID); ExcelWorkSheet := SrcWorkBook.Worksheets[1] as _Worksheet; CalculateColumnWidths(Key, ColumnWidths, Value); SetWorkSheetAttributes(Key, ExcelWorkSheet, ColumnWidths, LineCount); Count := ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Count; ExcelWorkSheet.Copy(EmptyParam, ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets[Count], LCID); end; I'm using Excel2010 in my application. I'm kind of new to Delphi Pascal and it's hard to find good examples on how to use Excel Automation. Maybe I'm not doing it right or is there a problem with memory leaks in the Workbooks.Open() function?
  2. GringoStarr

    ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Open() memory leak

    Thanks for your help.
  3. GringoStarr

    ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Open() memory leak

    I don't know if you missed the last 3 posts I sent. The memory leakage is detected when I close the application after running the for-loop. When you shut down the application a window pops up with a long list of leaked memory blocks. Anyway, the problem is solved. The leakage disappeared when I changed Value.GetText to Value.Text in the statement TFile.WriteAllText(CSVFile, Value.GetText, Encoding); inside the for-loop. Apparently, the expression Value.GetText is what caused the memory leaks. Sorry for my sloppy posts.
  4. GringoStarr

    ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Open() memory leak

    I don't know why but the memory leakage disappeared when I use Value.Text instead of Value.GetText in the statement TFile.WriteAllText(CSVFile, Value.GetText, Encoding).
  5. GringoStarr

    ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Open() memory leak

    The leakage is detected when i close the application.
  6. GringoStarr

    ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Open() memory leak

    Forgot to mention that. It's a TStringList. CSVDataDict is a TDictionary<String, TStringList>. Running the for-loop var TextData : String; for var CSVItem in CSVDataDict do with CSVItem do begin TextData := CSVItem .GetText; end results in memory leakage. Removing the assignment statement inside the for-loop there is no leakage.
  7. GringoStarr

    ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Open() memory leak

    Sorry about that. I posted it to the wrong forum. I found out that it's not the WorkBooks.Open() statement but TFile.WriteAllText(...). It's the Value.GetText statement, which I didn't expect.