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Everything posted by Dagados

  1. How do you deal with the dependency between units in a large project? I have a project with hundreds of files and I'm having trouble building the Unit Test project and I have to add all the .pas files to be able to compile.
  2. Hi, I should create a test project using DUnitX, for a project with more than 1000 units. The problem that in the test project I was forced to add in the search path all the paths to all the files in the project to be tested and it is very complicated, because each time I have to test a new calsse I would have to add all the dependencies. Is there a way or a simple configuration or architecture for this type of complexity. Any suggestions ? Thanks
  3. Hi, I should create a test project using DUnitX, for a project with more than 1000 units. The problem that in the test project I was forced to add in the search path all the paths to all the files not in the project to be tested and it is very complicated, because each time I have to test a new calsse I would have to add all the dependencies. Is there a way or a simple configuration or architecture for this type of complexity. Any suggestions ? Thanks