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JonRobertson last won the day on July 7

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  1. JonRobertson

    Each .py script in a separate window

    Because only the TPyThread type definition was indented. https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/11903-each-py-script-in-a-separate-window/?do=findComment&comment=93799
  2. JonRobertson

    Loading and Saving PNG into TBitmap changes the image

    Deleted invalid reply that was VCL specific.
  3. JonRobertson

    How do I register a component into the tool palette ?

    Assuming that the code for your component is already in a package, right-click on the package in the Projects window and select the Install menu item: The documentation that you referenced is lacking. If your component directly interacts with the Delphi IDE, such as using any of the Design*.pas units in the $(BDS)\Source\ToolsAPI folder, then you need to separate your design-time specific code from your run-time code and have separate design-time and run-time packages. Here are some links that may be helpful. Search engines are your friend: Creating Packages Runtime/Designtime what? Delphi Packages Component package - where to divide runtime, designtime, registration
  4. And look at any code in events that may be accessing the underlying data source or server. For example, there are events that will fire as you scroll through the data shown in a db grid. If your grid, dataset, or datasource components have events connected, those will slow down the performance of using the grid.
  5. JonRobertson

    Trying to end a process but failing

    Your app may need elevated rights to kill the process. There are processes that cannot be killed via Task Manager, even when it is elevated. Some other apps (possibly Process Explorer or another utility from Sysinternals) are more aggressive and successful at killing processes. There are many system services cannot be killed and that would include any child processes that those services launch. Have you confirmed which techniques are able to kill this process, outside of writing your own code? That will be necessary to determine which approach would work for your code. If you haven't, I highly recommend determining what is launching the process and what it is doing, using another utility such as Process Monitor from Sysinternals. I have a strong dislike for background processes that consume CPU, I/O, or memory resources. But I research what they are doing and how they were launched to determine whether they are really needed or safe to disable.
  6. JonRobertson

    Is there a Delphi "subprocess" library?

    What is Python Subprocess That's why I asked when others suggested TDOSCommand. From the github page, it only mentions command line apps.
  7. JonRobertson

    Is there a Delphi "subprocess" library?

    Python's subprocess does more than DOS / command line stuff. How well does TDOSCommand work with Windows executables?
  8. JonRobertson

    Is there a Delphi "subprocess" library?

    There is also TProcess, ported from Lazarus lcl. I've never used it and the last update was 7 years ago. I suspect most Delphi developers use CreateProcess, as long as the project is Windows only. See Darian's link above. Here are a few others: https://www.delphibasics.info/home/delphibasicssnippets/createprocessandwaitforexit http://www.delphicorner.f9.co.uk/articles/wapi4.htm https://riptutorial.com/delphi/example/18340/createprocess
  9. JonRobertson

    Enabled := False makes color Glyphs disappear

    You can also search for Glyph.Data in the DFM files. There are components other than TBitBtn that have a Glyph property, but each of those should (I think) be a visual component that has an image stored in the component that would be displayed in the app. I agree with others that you should either replace TBitBtn with a component that accomplishes your goal or switch to using either an image list or TImageCollection and TVirtualImageList. The later would be a better investment of the time required. You may also want to look at High DPI Image List Support.
  10. JonRobertson

    Enabled := False makes color Glyphs disappear

    Because every icon in a 1M line project would be affected?
  11. JonRobertson

    Stand alone EXE

    BORLNDMM.DLL should only be needed if an EXE or DLL Delphi project has ShareMem in the project's uses clause (in the .dpr file). If that is needed and you are on a recent version of Delphi, replace ShareMem with SimpleShareMem. Related documentation is at https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/Sharing_Memory
  12. JonRobertson

    Stand alone EXE

    Or set the options to put debug info in a separate file to be able to use a debugger without having the debug info in the EXE. The image below is Delphi 11.3. The option may be named or placed differently in various versions of Delphi.
  13. JonRobertson

    Stand alone EXE

    Which libraries are you referring to? If you mean the Delphi Run Time Library, bundled VCL or FMX components, and third-party components, then Delphi builds a standalone EXE by default. There is an option to use run-time packages, which reduce the size of your EXE but require distributing those packages with your EXE: If you are referring to libraries that are not Delphi/Object Pascal code, then you need to be more specific with your question.
  14. JonRobertson

    Weird new IOS Issue-

    I can from Windows 10. I don't have an iOS device to test.
  15. I don't remember the specifics, but there was some legislation in the U.S. that restricted what a publicly owned software company could release as a "patch" or fix versus an update.