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Everything posted by JonRobertson

  1. I sent an email to support@mmx-delphi.de. I decided to post here in case someone knows a solution aside from turning off "Auto complete used units" under Pascal->Editing. When adding an event, MMX does not recognize when the required unit is already in the uses clause without a unit scope. For example, adding an event for TDataSet.OnNewRecord adds "Data.DB" to the uses clause, even though "DB" is already in the uses clause. [MMX] FormUsers(12): Auto Completed uses clause. Added: Data.DB On compile/build, this results in: [dcc32 Error] E2004 Identifier redeclared: 'Data.DB' This is a legacy project. Adding unit scopes to each unit reference is on the to-do list. I do feel this is a flaw in MMX that could be corrected if MMX can distinguish the unit scope from the unit name. Jon
  2. I wanted to say that yesterday I took the time to configure MMX to group and sort uses clauses they way I wanted and it is working great. I expect you hear this a lot, but thank you for your help and keeping MMX alive. I did not have the opportunity to use Code Explorer when it was a ModelMaker product. Yesterday I took the time to go through most of the options and will be changing my coding habits to take advantage of more MMX features.
  3. JonRobertson

    D11.3, Search, Whole words only - randomly checked

    For me, it was always "Entire Scope" that would become enabled for some reason. Any idea if that is also fixed in Delphi 12? It has not happened to be so far. But it was always sporadic and I have not spent enough time in Delphi 12 to have an opinion on that issue.
  4. I have SVGIconImageList installed and don't see a related sk4d.dll. The only two sk4d dlls on my system are under (Program Files)\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\
  5. The behavior in that project was due to the .DPR not having unit scope names in its uses clause.
  6. I will attempt to recreate sometime today. Thanks Uwe.
  7. Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;Bde;Vcl;Vcl.Imaging;Vcl.Touch;Vcl.Samples;Vcl.Shell;System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;Winapi;Data.Win;System.Win I recently started this position and inherited this project. At the time, was partially migrated from Delphi 7 to Delphi 10. I have not modified the Unit Scope Names in the project as I have not needed to.
  8. I must be doing something wrong. In MMX Properties, Pascal, Sorting, I enabled "Group and sort uses clauses". But Ctrl-Alt-U changes this uses ShlObj, SysUtils, Windows; to this uses Winapi.ShlObj, SysUtils, Windows; and I expected this uses System.SysUtils, Winapi.ShlObj, Winapi.Windows; This is using Delphi 11.3 and MMX 15.1.7 build 2567. Thanks
  9. Does anyone know if it is possible to prevent RAD Studio from showing the "Opening file" popup window? I am specifically interested in preventing it from appearing when GExpert's Set Component Properties occurs before/during compile. Thanks
  10. JonRobertson

    Delphi 12 is available

    My recommendation is to uninstall any Parnassus add-ons. Shortly after I started using Delphi 11, I installed the Bookmarks and Parallel Debugger add-ons. I was getting constant exceptions, especially when a debugging session ended or I closed the IDE. Once I uninstalled those two add-ons, I no longer had problems with Delphi 11 throwing exceptions. I have Delphi 11.3 and 12 installed on same laptop here and I am not having those issues.
  11. Thank you. I am still a new user to MMX and still exploring the options. Unfortunately I have not had time to read the user manual from cover to cover. I am also coming back to the Delphi community after being away (due to job availability) for a couple of years. So I have a little catching up to do. I have not come across UsesCleaner. That sounds like a huge time saver.
  12. JonRobertson

    class EOleSysError with message 'Class not registered'

    On a machine where the application is working, run regedit and look for an entry at one of these locations: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{AB885FB5-0A94-11DC-9263-0002B34C1718} HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{AB885FB5-0A94-11DC-9263-0002B34C1718} If you find an entry at either location, look for a key named LocalServer or InProcServer32. The default value should be the full path of the file that contains the COM class.
  13. JonRobertson

    Delphi 11.3 : FORSAKEN

    Although I wish Delphi had fewer defects, I wish my own software did as well. ;) Keep in mind that the stability could be caused by an add-on, if you have any installed. When I started using Delphi 11 on a daily basis, it was crashing at least 5 or 6 times a day. It crashed after every single "run with debugging" session ended. And it typically threw exceptions any time I closed the IDE (even if no other exceptions had occurred during that instance). Luckily I had a pattern to investigate. Immediately after I installed Delphi 11, I opened Get-It to see what was available. One of the add-ons I installed was Parallel Debugger from Parnassus. Once I uninstalled Parallel Debugger, the IDE immediately became mostly stable. Since uninstalling Parallel Debugger helped so much, I also uninstalled their Bookmarks add-on. For me now, Delphi 11.3 may throw an exception once a week.
  14. JonRobertson

    RunntimeError in simple demo

    I just installed Phython4Delphi. The first demo, Demo01, throws an EPyRuntimeError (s_type = 'RuntimeError', s_value = '') when I click Execute Script on the simple print(2+2) example. The fourth line of Run_CommandAsObjectWithDict calls CheckError, which calls PyErr_Occurred, which does not return nil. I am just getting started with Python (for fun), so I am in the dark about why this error would occur or what needs to be done to resolve the issue. I have python 3.12 installed, both 32-bit and 64-bit. I have tested Demo01 as 32-bit and 64-bit and both throw the same exception. I can launch python at a command prompt and execute the script with no error. Any idea why this is occurring? Thanks.
  15. JonRobertson

    RunntimeError in simple demo

    I cloned the repo from github and copied everything to Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\CatalogRepository\Python4Delphi-1.0\Source. Now the demos are working. Thanks.
  16. JonRobertson

    RunntimeError in simple demo

    I installed three packages from GetIt: Python4Delphi 1.0 Python Environments 1.0 Lightweight Python Wrappers 1.0 I am using Delphi 11.3.