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  1. I used Delphi 11.3 to compile a macOS dylib , write a function to create a form and show it on the screen, then I went into macOS and write a program using dlopen to open this dylib and execute the showform function. Here comes the problems, First, click this form's button has no response; Second, when I close the form, commandline will show a warning twice: "objc[721]: objc_disposeClassPair: class 'FMXWindow' still has subclasses, including 'NSKVONotifying_FMXWindow'!" Do I use the wrong way to use the dylib or show the form? Anyone knows how to fix this? Here is the function in the dylib's Unit1.pas: function Showform():Integer; stdcall; begin form1:= TForm1.Create(nil); Writeln('Execute Showform function from dylib.'); try form1.ShowModal; Writeln('form1 showed.'); finally Writeln('Need to Destroy form1.'); form1.Destroy; Writeln('form1 destroyed.'); end; result:= 0; end; exports Showform; and this is the program to use the dylib: #include #include #include #include #include "dylibhello.h" int main() { //printf("1: Open the dylib.\n"); void* handle = dlopen("/Users/mac13/dylib/libdylibtest.dylib", RTLD_NOW); if(!handle){ return -1; } //printf("2: Get function's address.\n"); void *symbol = dlsym(handle, "Showform"); if(!symbol) { dlclose(handle); return -1; } //printf("3:Execute the function.\n"); void (*fp)() = (void (*)())symbol; fp(); //printf("4:Close the handle and quit.\n"); dlclose(handle); return 0; } ps: My test macOS is Ventura 13.5.