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Jonah Jeleniewski

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Everything posted by Jonah Jeleniewski

  1. Jonah Jeleniewski

    pasfmt out now!

    pasfmt is now available as a GitHub action. This enables easy integration into GitHub CI workflows. View it on the GitHub Marketplace: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/pasfmt
  2. Jonah Jeleniewski

    pasfmt out now!

    Sounds cool. You should write a blog post on how you architected your tool. Differing philosophies aside, I'd be interested to read it.
  3. Jonah Jeleniewski

    pasfmt out now!

    While not aligned with the goals of this project, that's an interesting concept. Can't say I'm aware of any well-known formatting tools that operate in such a way, though.
  4. Jonah Jeleniewski

    pasfmt out now!

    Yes, you can disable formatting with special comments: // pasfmt (on/off) See Disabling formatting for more information.
  5. Jonah Jeleniewski

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    Thanks, we'll have that fixed in the SonarDelphi analyzer soon. In the meantime, a stopgap measure is to change your qualified name to an unqualified JSONMarshalledAttribute, which will fix the error in your scan.
  6. Jonah Jeleniewski

    GetIt alternatives

    Aw, that's a bit joyless. We're all developers here, right? Picking up new skills and languages is part of the fun. Seems like a fair critique, and I really like the discoverability aspect of DPM. 👍
  7. Jonah Jeleniewski

    GetIt alternatives

    Huh. People seem to get fixated on this detail a lot. I'm not sure why it would matter if the tooling for your language isn't written in that language, though. I don't care if my package manager is written in Emojicode - when it comes to tooling, all that really matters is the developer experience using it.
  8. Jonah Jeleniewski

    GetIt alternatives

    DPM looks really interesting, kudos! I'm surprised no one has mentioned Boss, I'm using it for an open-source Delphi/FPC library and have found the experience to be very pleasant.
  9. Jonah Jeleniewski

    SonarDelphi v1.0.0 released!

    We are pleased to announce the release of SonarDelphi v1.0.0. SonarDelphi is a free and open-source Delphi language plugin for the SonarQube code quality platform. GitHub: https://github.com/integrated-application-development/sonar-delphi Release: https://github.com/integrated-application-development/sonar-delphi/releases/tag/v1.0.0 Background If you're thinking "I've seen this before", you're probably right! SonarDelphi was originally open-sourced by Sabre Airline Solutions in 2012. It's bounced from maintainer to maintainer on GitHub (including Embarcadero). This project is a greatly improved version that has been actively developed (and extensively rewritten) by IntegraDev for the last 4 years. Features Powerful semantic analysis 120+ analysis rules Custom rules via templates or a programmatic java API Import NUnit test reports (compatible with DUnitX) Import test coverage reports (compatible with DelphiCodeCoverage) Feedback and contributions are welcome!
  10. Jonah Jeleniewski

    SonarDelphi v1.0.0 released!

    Not to detract from your point here, just wanted to note that Community edition isn't a cloud service - it's a free self-hosted application. In other words, you're not under SonarSource's thumb when using it.
  11. Jonah Jeleniewski

    SonarDelphi v1.0.0 released!

    Indeed, there are 3 commercial editions of SonarQube (Developer / Enterprise / Data Center). The commercial editions come with some nice extras, but I've never had any serious need for them - even in an enterprise environment. I'm of a similar mindset, so I would recommend the free and open-source Community Edition. 😀
  12. Jonah Jeleniewski

    SonarDelphi v1.0.0 released!

    The SonarDelphi plugin is now available through the SonarQube Marketplace. This makes installation even simpler: * Install SonarQube Community Edition * Navigate to Administration > Marketplace * Find Delphi in the list and click Install After that, you just need to configure your project properties. (See CONFIGURATION)