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Everything posted by Fr0sT.Brutal

  1. Next step would be "Write blog post about a blog post you'd write on topic X" 🙂
  2. Fr0sT.Brutal

    SQLite varchar field overflow

    Why not just update data and truncate these too long cells?
  3. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Delphi Professional Database Connectivity

    I haven't found the exact restriction text. Is the connect limitation made in code or is a user's promise to not break the rules? Elementary port mapper proxy could turn any local connection to a network one...
  4. AFAIR GetRcvdCount was marked as not 100% proof somewhere in the code and it was always recommended to try Recv in trigger.
  5. To investigate the issue, you should determine at which moment it happens. I'm not sure you can reach HTTPClient's internals but start with line number inside TWinHTTPClient.DoExecuteRequest in the call stack. Also check if it has any logging features. And try to gather as much info as possible - time, file size, concrete request, whether Internet is up at the moment of disconnect, etc
  6. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Local variables broken when debugging .obj files?

    What if you try to print arguments from that C function and test at runtime? I too didn't know that Delphi is able to step into OBJ. Probably this feature is buggy
  7. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Local variables broken when debugging .obj files?

    Is the function working well? I'd bet on incorrect parameters porting. 1st guess is differing calling convention but it seems valid
  8. Fr0sT.Brutal

    security with no access to the cmd.exe

    Hint: you have the rights on your own home PC, why not try there?
  9. When even the empty page weights 1 Mb I guess there's no big sense in CDN's for fonts or libs. However they add one more point of possible failure.
  10. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Sorting two lists in step?

    Note that neither key nor value must not contain separator char
  11. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Anyone know of an AVIF Image Decoder for Delphi?

    https://ci.appveyor.com/project/louquillio/libavif/build/artifacts seems to have built binaries
  12. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Sorting two lists in step?

    It was since the very beginning I suppose. But it was intended for key-value data like ini files but served also as a kind of surrogate of a dictionary until it was introduced.
  13. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Delphi 7 compatibility with Windows 11?

    Fair point! Probably D7 default MS Sans (IIRC) was removed from W11
  14. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Delphi 7 compatibility with Windows 11?

    Nice property, I wasn't aware of it. But it's D2009+
  15. Avoiding tries is weird style. Avoiding tries because of some perf impact you've once read about somewhere is much weirder. The really time critical parts should avoid tries indeed but that starts to play difference for millions ops/sec. My advice is to give up bothering about these nano things. If you really strive to achieve visually try-less code, just wrap AllocMem in try-except and hide the function somewhere deeply in utils unit. Anyway RTL has lots of tries inside
  16. Fr0sT.Brutal

    How convert an android app into an i-phone app?

    Looks like GPT bot's answer))
  17. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Delphi 7 compatibility with Windows 11?

    According to old-fashioned controls, "XP styles" are not enabled and manifest is likely absent
  18. Fr0sT.Brutal

    TNetHttpCLient trusted CA

    Out of curiosity - what's the reason of " eliminate the openssl distribution requirement. "?
  19. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Question about formatting

    I don't use CB but -> is not an operator here which are recommended to be delimited. It's member accessor that form a concrete variable. It should not be broken (with exception for newlines and chained calls if you wish)
  20. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Something like SimpleNote with an API?

    Relax... if you don't get the answer on your exact question it means that people just don't know it and reply with something more or less related. Without these suggestions you'd just get zero responses, would that be better?
  21. Fr0sT.Brutal

    TWSocketServer stop accepting connections

    WinSock only sends one event message and then waits for some function to be called in reaction to the event. If there's a pending connect, only one FD_ACCEPT is sent until you call WSAAccept. In theory, when the message processing thread is busy the message queue could get filled and the FD_ACCEPT message won't arrive causing this behavior. But default queue limit is 10k per thread, the app unlikely has so intensive message stream to have it exhausted in 5 sec. While the reason of this hangup is the matter of question, you can try to avoid the consequences. Try manually calling WSAAccept on a server socket - it should accept the pending connection, or imitate FD_ACCEPT event with PostMessage to socket control handle.
  22. Fr0sT.Brutal

    About Delphi 11.3 CE Platform Selection

    There's big difference between "buy and try to maintain and let it die after some time" and "make agreement and provide free version to legal customers" approaches. Considering the history, the latter is better
  23. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Sorting two lists in step?

    options: 1. borrow sort procedure from Classes and rework it to sort both lists 2. store references to 2nd list in the 1st list somehow (indexes or pointers to the strings) 3. change container - keep everything in a single TList<TStrPairRec> or a dictionary which is exactly meant to locate item2 by the value of item1
  24. Fr0sT.Brutal

    TNetHttpCLient trusted CA

    ICS lib has ability to use commercial embeddable OpenSSL version. In theory there's a chance to build cURL which can embed TLS engine as OBJ files and link them statically but that would be a mess
  25. Fr0sT.Brutal

    FMX-TTreeview: Intercept click on Expand-button

    Usually the expand button is shown for all folder nodes and when you click it, it either expands or disappears if the folder contains no displayable items. But you can scan one level deeper beforehand to show correct buttons.