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Everything posted by Fr0sT.Brutal

  1. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Querying mvnrepository

    Well, Webdriver libs just give you a convenient interface to browser automation API which is no more than REST API. This WebDriver API is a standard and browser implementation could be any (Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Edge...). Phantom was just one of those. I have my scraper able to switch between Phantom, Chrome and Firefox and work with the same code. As for CEF4D, I had no experience but some guys here had and I believe they could help if you encounter any issue
  2. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Playing with Windows Fibers by emulating Python Generators

    Regular DB client app but loading a data takes some time... While Delphi coder starts inventing a triangle-wheeled bicycle, anyone using other languages just write "await query.ExecSQL()" and chill. Or try to implement a protocol with complex req-resp like FTP in async (event-driven) mode. This quickly becomes a hard task.
  3. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Better Translator Manager - Custom component

    Perfect! Now you could return your DeLorean somewhat later and try Firefox 56 which I still use and observe the blank page
  4. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Querying mvnrepository

    There's no compact headless browser now as Phantom has died. Bundling whole browser install + python + selenium libs for a task that could be solved with chromium libs is nonsense.
  5. Fr0sT.Brutal

    New Grep Expert in GExperts - need a name

  6. I looked twice and still don't see anything wrong.
  7. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Direct vs. Indirect access of service by a Client?

    I didn't create web apps but I created a DB app with almost all logic at client and a DB app with all logic at server (only a few stored procs exposed to clients). Answer: it depends. Every approach has its pros and cons and which are more valuable to your project is you to decide. If your API grows, you can end with 100s of server end points with separate one for every modification. With client-side logic data flow could appear too fat or exposing too much internal fields
  8. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Better Translator Manager - Custom component

    If you mean bitbucket site then it's unusable with somewhat older browsers. You need a newer one to see something
  9. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Type within a class

    Yes and the fact that some coding features are only show themselves as some non-alpha symbols complicates things. Trying to google "what ^#$& means in <language name>" does not always return relevant results. Hm, I was always going Format > Formatting strings for this in D7 help and XE2 already has these parameters in the function's page.
  10. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Reduce the wait period of httpcli

    Lower than 10 ms? Windows clock has resolution of 10s of msec, lower values are senseless
  11. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Work with PDF documents

    PDFium lib or an external console tool
  12. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Convert project c# to pascal

    Just use the original lib with Delphi wrapper. Of course you can try to ask AI to do the conversion - that will do main part of job.
  13. Fr0sT.Brutal

    New Grep Expert in GExperts - need a name

    The Grepinator 🙂
  14. Just curious: do you really have much of these directives extensively used? I only needed overflow checks to do some bit magic, probably range checks for endless arrays that WinAPI likes to use and that's all.
  15. Yes but it raises exceptions while WinHttp doesn't. If multiplatform is not the goal, using WinAPI directly could help avoiding exceptions As for exceptions, probably something in the way Delphi handles them causes the issue. You'll probably face it again when exception will be unavoidable. I wouldn't recommend using memmodule approach in production with such a problem unsolved. Do you really really need to load DLLs without saving them to a file? Btw, are you using master or dev branch? dev had much updates but is untested.
  16. Fr0sT.Brutal

    How to update and install into new Delphi

    You don't have to be git expert to just do pull. Then open appropriate packages and build them, then install design-time one. Everything is simpler than with installers
  17. Fr0sT.Brutal

    MatchText partial string match

    Loop thru all items and check them with Pos
  18. What features he needs that TLS server couldn't provide? Channel is secure and it could be verified by certs, even a client could be checked by cert so no side client will get through
  19. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Paradox 7 >>> Firebird 3 DATA transfer

    Depending on a structure, it could be simpler to write the transfer by yourself. Just query from source, copy to dest query, next record. There is also FDBatchMove component
  20. Fr0sT.Brutal

    How to update and install into new Delphi

    Download and install. Seriously, what's the issue?
  21. Would be nice however you can do it yourself (******************************************************************************* Include file for checking compiler settings. Based on JVCL ALIGN_ON Compiling in the A+ state (no alignment) BOOLEVAL_ON Compiling in the B+ state (complete boolean evaluation) ASSERTIONS_ON Compiling in the C+ state (assertions on) DEBUGINFO_ON Compiling in the D+ state (debug info generation on) IMPORTEDDATA_ON Compiling in the G+ state (creation of imported data references) LONGSTRINGS_ON Compiling in the H+ state (string defined as AnsiString) IOCHECKS_ON Compiling in the I+ state (I/O checking enabled) WRITEABLECONST_ON Compiling in the J+ state (typed constants can be modified) LOCALSYMBOLS_ON Compiling in the L+ state (local symbol generation) TYPEINFO_ON Compiling in the M+ state (RTTI generation on) OPTIMIZATION_ON Compiling in the O+ state (code optimization on) OPENSTRINGS_ON Compiling in the P+ state (variable string parameters are openstrings) OVERFLOWCHECKS_ON Compiling in the Q+ state (overflow checing on) RANGECHECKS_ON Compiling in the R+ state (range checking on) TYPEDADDRESS_ON Compiling in the T+ state (pointers obtained using the @ operator are typed) SAFEDIVIDE_ON Compiling in the U+ state (save FDIV instruction through RTL emulation) VARSTRINGCHECKS_ON Compiling in the V+ state (type checking of shortstrings) STACKFRAMES_ON Compiling in the W+ state (generation of stack frames) EXTENDEDSYNTAX_ON Compiling in the X+ state (Delphi extended syntax enabled) *******************************************************************************) {$IFOPT A+} {$DEFINE ALIGN_ON} {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT B+} {$DEFINE BOOLEVAL_ON} {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT C+} {$DEFINE ASSERTIONS_ON} {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT D+} {$DEFINE DEBUGINFO_ON} {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT G+} {$DEFINE IMPORTEDDATA_ON} {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT H+} {$DEFINE LONGSTRINGS_ON} {$ENDIF} // Hints {$IFOPT I+} {$DEFINE IOCHECKS_ON} {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT J+} {$DEFINE WRITEABLECONST_ON} {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT L+} {$DEFINE LOCALSYMBOLS_ON} {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT M+} {$DEFINE TYPEINFO_ON} {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT O+} {$DEFINE OPTIMIZATION_ON} {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT P+} {$DEFINE OPENSTRINGS_ON} {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT Q+} {$DEFINE OVERFLOWCHECKS_ON} {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT R+} {$DEFINE RANGECHECKS_ON} {$ENDIF} // Real compatibility {$IFOPT T+} {$DEFINE TYPEDADDRESS_ON} {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT U+} {$DEFINE SAFEDIVIDE_ON} {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT V+} {$DEFINE VARSTRINGCHECKS_ON} {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT W+} {$DEFINE STACKFRAMES_ON} {$ENDIF} // Warnings {$IFOPT X+} {$DEFINE EXTENDEDSYNTAX_ON} {$ENDIF} https://github.com/Fr0sT-Brutal/Delphi_Compilers/blob/master/CompilerOpts.inc
  22. Hmm, without preview you just know that output is done when execution passes the Report.Print line.
  23. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Fr0sT.Brutal OSMMap : address instead of coordinates?

    Hi! Do you mean postal addresses? If so, there's separate HUGE area that requires huge database. I'm not aware if OSM provides such API but they have the database and are able to search for an address. If there's a 3rd party service that converts an address to coords via REST or something, this is doable.
  24. I remember exactly the same topic some time ago. Was it yours? But the exact problem I can't understand either. Plz specify it more concretely. You can use arrays , dictionaries, lists and any other container that have unlimited length. Or VarInRange. Or, if the ranges are static, "case" (though internally it will be not more than multiple if's). I'm not aware of a class that handles multiple ranges (like ranges.Add(3, 300); ranges.Add(40000, 50000000); if ranges.Includes(i)) but probably someone had created such one. Otherwise it seems relatively easy to create from scratch. If you need exactly this, try to search in the area of Unicode handling. This is the 1st application that comes to mind which could require multiple ranges (f.ex., to define letters of some alphabet that are not coming in single block in the Unicode table)